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[逻辑小分队] 【每日逻辑练习第二季】【1-12】

发表于 2011-11-30 19:35:32 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
1. People with high blood pressure are generally more
nervous and anxious than people who do not have
high blood pressure. This fact show that this
particular combination of personality traits—the socalled
hypertensive personality—is likely to cause a
person with these traits to develop high blood
The reasoning in the argument is most vulnerable to
criticism on the grounds that the argument
                                             ----------Cause and Effect Problems

(A) fails to define the term “hypertensive
(B) presupposes that people have permanent
personality traits
(C) simply restates the claim that there is a
“hypertensive personality” without
providing evidence to support that claim.
(D) takes a correlation between personality traits
and high blood pressure as proof that the
traits cause high blood pressure.
(E) focuses on nervousness and anxiety only,
ignoring other personality traits that people
with high blood pressure might have

45. (33847-!-item-!-188;#058&007123)

A major impediment to wide acceptance of electric vehicles even on the part of people who use their cars almost exclusively for commuting is the inability to use electric vehicles for occasional extended trips.  In an attempt to make purchasing electric vehicles more attractive to commuters, one electric vehicle producer is planning to offer customers three days free rental of a conventional car for every 1,000 miles that they drive their electric vehicle.
Which of the following, if true, most threatens the plan's prospects for success?
(A) Many electric vehicles that are used for commercial purposes are not needed for extended trips.
(B) Because a majority of commuters drive at least 100 miles a week, the cost to the producer of making good the offer would add considerably to the already high price of electric vehicles.
(C) The relatively long time it takes to recharge the battery of an electric vehicle can easily be fitted into the regular patterns of car use characteristic of commuters.
(D) Although electric vehicles are essentially emission-free in actual use, generating the electricity necessary for charging an electric vehicle's battery can burden the environment.
(E) Some family vehicles are used primarily not for commuting but for making short local trips, such as to do errands.

46. (33987-!-item-!-188;#058&007200)
Archaeologists in Michigan have excavated a Native American camp near Dumaw Creek.  Radiocarbon dating of animal bones found at the site indicates that the camp dates from some time between 1605 and 1755.  However, the camp probably dates to no later than 1630, since no European trade goods were found at the site, and European traders were active in the region from the 1620's onward.
Which of the following, if true, most strengthens the argument?
(A) Due to trade among Native Americans, some European trade goods would have reached the area before the European traders themselves did.
(B) At all camps in the region that have been reliably dated to the late 1620's, remains of European trade goods have been found.
(C) The first European trade goods to reach the area would have been considered especially valuable and preserved as much as possible from loss or destruction.
(D) The first European traders in the area followed soon after the first European explorers.
(E) The site is that of a temporary camp that would have been used seasonally for a few years and then abandoned.

47. (34035-!-item-!-188;#058&007207)
Automobile emissions are a significant source of air pollutants, and cars over five years old typically generate significantly greater amounts of pollutants than newer cars.  In Torinia, which has recently built its first automobile manufacturing plant, most cars are over five years old.  Aiming to boost Torinia's economy and reduce air pollution, the government plans to introduce incentives for Torinians to scrap their old cars every five years and replace them with new ones.
Which of the following, if true, most seriously undermines the likelihood that the planned incentives, if implemented, will achieve both of the cited aims?
(A) Without the implementation of the planned incentives, most Torinians who own an old car would be unlikely to buy a new car.
(B) Torinia's automobile plant manufactures car models that typically generate smaller amounts of air pollutants than most similarly sized car models manufactured elsewhere.
(C) The new cars produced in Torinia are not likely to be exported to other countries.
(D) The largest source of atmospheric pollutants in Torinia is not automobile emissions, but emissions from power plants.
(E) The manufacture and the scrapping of cars each generate significant amounts of air pollutants.

48. (34221-!-item-!-188;#058&007550)
Parasitic wasps lay their eggs directly into the eggs of various host insects in exactly the right numbers for any suitable size of host egg.  If they laid too many eggs in a host egg, the developing wasp larvae would compete with each other to the death for nutrients and space.  If too few eggs were laid, portions of the host egg would decay, killing the wasp larvae.
Which of the following conclusions can properly be drawn from the information above?
(A) The size of the smallest host egg that a wasp could theoretically parasitize can be determined from the wasp's egg-laying behavior.
(B) Host insects lack any effective defenses against the form of predation practiced by parasitic wasps.
(C) Parasitic wasps learn from experience how many eggs to lay into the eggs of different host species.
(D) Failure to lay enough eggs would lead to the death of the developing wasp larvae more quickly than would laying too many eggs.
(E) Parasitic wasps use visual clues to calculate the size of a host egg.
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-11-30 19:38:05 | 只看该作者
Answer choice (A): This is an Opposite answer because the stimulus defines
the hypertensive personality as one with the traits of nervousness and anxiety.
Answer choice (B): The permanence of the traits is not an issue in the stimulus.
Answer choice (C): Although the argument does act as described in this answer
choice, this is not an error. On the LSAT, authors have the right to make
premises that contain certain claims. Remember, the focus is not on the premises
but where the author goes with the argument once a premise is created.
Answer choice (D): This is the correct answer. The conclusion can be
diagrammed as:
HP = hypertensive personality
HBP = high-blood pressure
C            E
HP   →    HBP
This answer choice describes a classic error of causality: two events occurring
simultaneously are mistakenly interpreted to be in a causal relationship. There
are many other possibilities for the arrangement: the two events could be caused
by a third event (for example, genetics could cause both a hypertensive
personality and high blood pressure), the events could be reversed (the high
blood pressure could actually cause the hypertensive personality), or there may
be situations where the two do not occur together.
Answer choice (E): Although the argument does act as described in this answer
choice, this is not an error. The author is allowed to focus on nervousness and
anxiety to the exclusion of other traits. To analogize, imagine a speaker says,
“The Kansas City Royals have bad pitching and this makes them a bad team.”
The Kansas City Royals might also wear blue, but the speaker is not obligated
to mention that trait when discussing why the Royals are a bad baseball team. In
much the same way, the author of this stimulus is not obligated to mention other
traits people with high blood-pressure may have.
发表于 2011-11-30 19:52:04 | 只看该作者
1.premise: People with high blood pressure are generally more nervous and anxious than people who do not have high blood pressure.conclusion: the particular combination of personality traits—the so called hypertensive personality—is likely to cause a person with these traits to develop high blood pressure.
(A) fails to define the term “hypertensive personality”
(B) presupposes that people have permanent personality traits
(C) simply restates the claim that there is a “hypertensive personality” without providing evidence to support that claim.
(D) takes a correlation between personality traits and high blood pressure as proof that the traits cause high blood pressure.
(E) focuses on nervousness and anxiety only, ignoring other personality traits that people with high blood pressure might have

Answer choice (D): This is the correct answer. The conclusion can be diagrammed as:
HP = hypertensive personality
HBP = high-blood pressure
C            E
HP   →    HBP
This answer choice describes a classic error of causality: two events occurring simultaneously are mistakenly interpreted to be in a causal relationship. There are many other possibilities for the arrangement: the two events could be caused by a third event (for example, genetics could cause both a hypertensive personality and high blood pressure), the events could be reversed (the high blood pressure could actually cause the hypertensive personality), or there may be situations where the two do not occur together.
2.background information:A major impediment to wide acceptance of electric vehicles even on the part of people who use their cars almost exclusively for commuting is the inability to use electric vehicles for occasional extended trips.  
premise: one electric vehicle producer is planning to offer customers three days free rental of a conventional car for every 1,000 miles that they drive their electric vehicle.
conclusion: to make purchasing electric vehicles more attractive to commuters
the method doesn't solve the problem.
(A) Many electric vehicles that are used for commercial purposes are not needed for extended trips.
(B) Because a majority of commuters drive at least 100 miles a week, the cost to the producer of making good the offer would add considerably to the already high price of electric vehicles.
(C) The relatively long time it takes to recharge the battery of an electric vehicle can easily be fitted into the regular patterns of car use characteristic of commuters.
(D) Although electric vehicles are essentially emission-free in actual use, generating the electricity necessary for charging an electric vehicle's battery can burden the environment.
(E) Some family vehicles are used primarily not for commuting but for making short local trips, such as to do errands.
3. background information:Archaeologists in Michigan have excavated a Native American camp near Dumaw Creek.  Radiocarbon dating of animal bones found at the site indicates that the camp dates from some time between 1605 and 1755.
premise: no European trade goods were found at the site, and European traders were active in the region from the 1620's onward
conclusion: the camp probably dates to no later than 1630
(A) Due to trade among Native Americans, some European trade goods would have reached the area before the European traders themselves did.
(B) At all camps in the region that have been reliably dated to the late 1620's, remains of European trade goods have been found.
(C) The first European trade goods to reach the area would have been considered especially valuable and preserved as much as possible from loss or destruction.
(D) The first European traders in the area followed soon after the first European explorers.
(E) The site is that of a temporary camp that would have been used seasonally for a few years and then abandoned.
Which of the following, if true, most seriously undermines the likelihood that the planned incentives, if implemented, will achieve both of the cited aims?background information:Automobile emissions are a significant source of air pollutants, and cars over five years old typically generate significantly greater amounts of pollutants than newer cars.  In Torinia, which has recently built its first automobile manufacturing plant, most cars are over five years old.  
premise:the government plans to introduce incentives for Torinians to scrap their old cars every five years and replace them with new ones.
conclusion:to boost Torinia's economy and reduce air pollution,
producing cars also emit pollutants~
(A) Without the implementation of the planned incentives, most Torinians who own an old car would be unlikely to buy a new car.
(B) Torinia's automobile plant manufactures car models that typically generate smaller amounts of air pollutants than most similarly sized car models manufactured elsewhere.
(C) The new cars produced in Torinia are not likely to be exported to other countries.
(D) The largest source of atmospheric pollutants in Torinia is not automobile emissions, but emissions from power plants.
--irrelevant--also reduce the pollutants
(E) The manufacture and the scrapping of cars each generate significant amounts of air pollutants.
5.Parasitic wasps lay their eggs directly into the eggs of various host insects in exactly the right numbers for any suitable size of host egg.  If they laid too many eggs in a host egg, the developing wasp larvae would compete with each other to the death for nutrients and space.  If too few eggs were laid, portions of the host egg would decay, killing the wasp larvae.
Which of the following conclusions can properly be drawn from the information above?set of facts
(A) The size of the smallest host egg that a wasp could theoretically parasitize can be determined from the wasp's egg-laying behavior.
(B) Host insects lack any effective defenses against the form of predation practiced by parasitic wasps.
(C) Parasitic wasps learn from experience how many eggs to lay into the eggs of different host species.
(D) Failure to lay enough eggs would lead to the death of the developing wasp larvae more quickly than would laying too many eggs.
(E) Parasitic wasps use visual clues to calculate the size of a host egg.
发表于 2011-11-30 20:04:14 | 只看该作者
Backgroundpeople with high blood are more N and A than people who do not have.

Conclusion: this particular combination of personality traits—the so called hypertensive personality—is likely to cause a person with these traits to develop high blood pressure

(A)fails to define the term “hypertensive
(B) presupposes that people have permanent
personality traits
(C) simply restates the claim that there is a
“hypertensive personality” without
providing evidence to support that claim.
(D) takes a correlation between personality traits
and high blood pressure as proof that the
traits cause high blood pressure.
(E) focuses on nervousness and anxiety only,
ignoring other personality traits that people
with high blood pressure might have.


BackgroundA major impediment to wide acceptance of electric vehicles even on the part of people who use their cars almost exclusively for commuting is the inability to use electric vehicles for occasional extended trips

Waysffer customers three days free rental of a conventional car for every 1,000 miles that they drive their electric vehicle.

Conclusion: make purchasing electric vehicles more attractive to commuters

(A)Many electric vehicles that are used for commercial purposes are not needed for extended trips.
(B) Because a majority of commuters drive at least 100 miles a week, the cost to the producer of making good the offer would add considerably to the already high price of electric vehicles.

(C) The relatively long time it takes to recharge the battery of an electric vehicle can easily be fitted into the regular patterns of car use characteristic of commuters.
(D) Although electric vehicles are essentially emission-free in actual use, generating the electricity necessary for charging an electric vehicle's battery can burden the environment.

E) Some family vehicles are used primarily not for commuting but for making short local trips, such as to do errands.


Background:A have excavated NA camp near DC.R dating of animals bones found at the site indicateds camp dates from between 1650 and 1755.

Premise:no E goods were found at the sites.and e traders were active in the region from the 1620 onward

camp dates to no latter than 1630.

(A)Due to trade among Native Americans, some European trade goods would have reached the area before the European traders themselves did.
(B) At all camps in the region that have been reliably dated to the late 1620's, remains of European trade goods have been found.

(C) The first European trade goods to reach the area would have been considered especially valuable and preserved as much as possible from loss or destruction.
(D) The first European traders in the area followed soon after the first European explorers.
(E) The site is that of a temporary camp that would have been used seasonally for a few years and then abandoned.

Background:car pouultion,over 5 years significally greaterin . in T,bulit a plan,

Aim:boost economy redauce pollution,

Ways: scrap their old cars every five years and replace them with new ones

A)Without the implementation of the planned incentives, most Torinians who own an old car would be unlikely to buy a new car.
(B) Torinia's automobile plant manufactures car models that typically generate smaller amounts of air pollutants than most similarly sized car models manufactured elsewhere.
(C) The new cars produced in Torinia are not likely to be exported to other countries.
(D) The largest source of atmospheric pollutants in Torinia is not automobile emissions, but emissions from power plants.
(E) The manufacture and the scrapping of cars each generate significant amounts of air pollutants.


Background: Parasitic wasps lay their eggs directly into the eggs of various host insects in exactly the right numbers for any suitable size of host egg

Found: .  If they laid too many eggs in a host egg, the developing wasp larvae would compete with each other to the death for nutrients and space.  If too few eggs were laid, portions of the host egg would decay, killing the wasp larvae

A)The size of the smallest host egg that a wasp could theoretically parasitize can be determined from the wasp's egg-laying behavior.
(B) Host insects lack any effective defenses against the form of predation practiced by parasitic wasps.
(C) Parasitic wasps learn from experience how many eggs to lay into the eggs of different host species.

(D) Failure to lay enough eggs would lead to the death of the developing wasp larvae more quickly than would laying too many eggs.
(E) Parasitic wasps use visual clues to calculate the size of a host egg.

发表于 2011-11-30 20:21:16 | 只看该作者
发表于 2011-11-30 22:57:31 | 只看该作者
发表于 2011-11-30 23:36:55 | 只看该作者
发表于 2011-11-30 23:49:17 | 只看该作者
精练----------------20s-----------------------weakenP: People with high blood pressure are anxious and nervous than people without high blood pressure.
C: This combination of these personality traits will cause people blood pressure.
Prephrase: People with high blood pressure can cause the hypertension of people's personalities.
(A) fails to define the term “hypertensive
personality”---------------------------------------------we don't need to define the term. This is irrelevant.
(B) presupposes that people have permanent
personality traits---------------------------------------the passage doesn't mention the permanent or temp. personality traits.
(C) simply restates the claim that there is a
“hypertensive personality” without
providing evidence to support that claim.----------the hypertensive personality is stated as evidence in the passage, so there's no need to provide evidence to support this evidence.
(D) takes a correlation between personality traits
and high blood pressure as proof that the
traits cause high blood pressure.--------------------bingo!
(E) focuses on nervousness and anxiety only,
ignoring other personality traits that people
with high blood pressure might have----------------this is irrelevant.

Cause-effect 题目比较好做~
发表于 2011-12-1 00:31:52 | 只看该作者
占地啦 这两天有事情都没完成呢
发表于 2011-12-1 10:20:13 | 只看该作者
精练: weaken 60s
Lobsters will contract gill disease under contaminated water by sewage. The sewage was rerouted to sea. Lobsters probably are not affect gill disease before are eaten。
The action was pointless.
Pre: Lobsters are not affected but contained.
(A) Contaminants in the harbor other than sewage     和推理无关
are equally harmful to lobsters.
(B) Lobsters, like other crustaceans, live longer in    和推理无关
the open ocean than in industrial harbors.
(C) Lobsters breed as readily in sewage contaminated   和推理无关
water as in unpolluted water.
(D) Gill diseases cannot be detected by examining  貌似和推理有关,只说表面没有检测不到
the surface of the lobster.                        Gill 影响不到结论。
(E) Humans often become ill as a result of eating   答案
lobsters with gill diseases.

逻辑链 2: resolve the paradox 35s
P: Car owners and travel distance has increased by 40% in the two years, yet the number of people who were killed by accident is increased by 300%.
Pre: 一些特殊的原因使得事故率死亡率大大增加
A和D 犹豫了很久,最后选A,但是这题有疑问

3. weaken 46s
Regulations of manufacture’s emission are more restrict and the manufactures have to buy new facilities. The cost will be higher.
The export market will diminish to low levels.
Pre: Some reason to explain the regulation wouldn’t influent the market.
A : 自己这结论改写的不对。

4. resolve the paradox
Two kinds of airplane painting plan, the old one and the new one, have the same weight and thickness but the new one is more expensive.
Pre: The new plan will last long and has low maintain costs.
E  我怎么看那个都不太合适

精练: flaw in reasoning 30s
People with high blood pressure are more likely to be nervous and anxious.
These traits caused people to have high blood pressure.
Pre: The cause that the statement said indeed is the effect.
(A) fails to define the term “hypertensive       文中有定义解释
(B) presupposes that people have permanent     文中没有提
personality traits
(C) simply restates the claim that there is a      原文的论述第一句为第二句的论据
“hypertensive personality” without
providing evidence to support that claim.
(D) takes a correlation between personality traits  正确
and high blood pressure as proof that the
traits cause high blood pressure.
(E) focuses on nervousness and anxiety only,   这个就是无关选项了
ignoring other personality traits that people
with high blood pressure might have

2. weaken 50s
Producers of electric vehicles want to wide acceptance of their products. A producer provide three days free rental of a conventional car for every 1,000 miles.
Pre: The disadvantage is reveal through doing so.
B  预测错误

3. support 40s
Archaeologists found an ancient camp dated between 1605 and 1755. Because the European traders began active since 1620s,
The camp was no later than 1630s.
Pre: 1. Some other good taken by European traders were also found.
2. No evidence suggested that good from Europe were dated before 1620s.
B, 1 推测

4. weaken both
Automobiles emit significant pollutant after used of five years. City X has established a new automobile manufacture plant. To incentive the economy and reduce contamination, local government plan to crab old cars that are five years old.
Pre: 预测不出,先看答案
E 感觉只是weaken了一点就是 reduce pollution,但是没有weaken economy,但是别的都不合适

Wraps lay eggs to the eggs of other insect. If they lay too much, fresh wraps will die for nutrient and space; if they lay too few, fresh wraps will be killed by the other insects.
D; 排除的,这个需要看看解释
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