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[逻辑小分队] 【每日逻辑练习第二季】【1-11】

发表于 2011-11-29 22:17:59 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
吐槽一下:转眼就做到这么多了   期末考试要让我落下多少啊!!!

6. Lobsters and other crustaceans eaten by humans are
more likely to contract gill diseases when sewage
contaminates their water. Under a recent proposal,
millions of gallons of local sewage each day would
be rerouted many kilometers offshore. Although this
would substantially reduce the amount of sewage in
the harbor where lobsters are caught, the proposal is
pointless, because hardly any lobsters live long
enough to be harmed by those diseases.
Which one of the following, if true, most seriously
weakens the argument?
(A) Contaminants in the harbor other than sewage
are equally harmful to lobsters.
(B) Lobsters, like other crustaceans, live longer in
the open ocean than in industrial harbors.
(C) Lobsters breed as readily in sewagecontaminated
water as in unpolluted water.
(D) Gill diseases cannot be detected by examining
the surface of the lobster.
(E) Humans often become ill as a result of eating
lobsters with gill diseases.


41. (32917-!-item-!-188;#058&006462)
In the two years following the unification of Germany in 1989, the number of cars owned by residents of East Germany and the total distance traveled by cars in East Germany both increased by about 40 percent.  In those two years, however, the number of East German residents killed each year as car occupants in traffic accidents increased by about 300 percent.
Which of the following, if true, most helps to explain the disproportionate increase in traffic fatalities?
(A) The average number of passengers per car was higher in the years before unification than it was in the two years after.
(B) After unification, many people who had been living in East Germany relocated to West Germany.
(C) After unification, a smaller proportion of the cars being purchased by East German residents were used vehicles.
(D) Drivers who had driven little or not at all before 1989 accounted for much of the increase in the total distance traveled by cars.
(E) Over the same two-year period in East Germany, other road users, such as motorcyclists, bicyclists, and pedestrians, experienced only small increases in traffic fatalities.

42. (33427-!-item-!-188;#058&006865)
Editorial:Regulations recently imposed by the government of Risemia call for unprecedented reductions in the amounts of pollutants manufacturers are allowed to discharge into the environment.  It will take costly new pollution control equipment requiring expensive maintenance to comply with these regulations.  Resultant price increases for Risemian manufactured goods will lead to the loss of some export markets.  Clearly, therefore, annual exports of Risemian manufactured goods will in the future occur at diminished levels.
Which of the following, if true, most seriously weakens the argument in the editorial?
(A) The need to comply with the new regulations will stimulate the development within Risemia of new pollution control equipment for which a strong worldwide demand is likely to emerge.
(B) The proposed regulations include a schedule of fines for noncompliance that escalate steeply in cases of repeated noncompliance.
(C) Savings from utilizing the chemicals captured by the pollution control equipment will remain far below the cost of maintaining the equipment.
(D) By international standards, the levels of pollutants currently emitted by some of Risemia's manufacturing plants are not considered excessive.
(E) The stockholders of most of Risemia's manufacturing corporations exert substantial pressure on the corporations to comply with environmental laws.

43. (33475-!-item-!-188;#058&006874)
Paint on a new airliner is usually applied in two stages:  first, a coat of primer, and then a top coat.  A new process requires no primer, but instead uses two layers of the same newly developed coating, with each layer of the new coating having the same thickness and weight as a traditional top coat.  Using the new process instead of the old process increases the price of a new aircraft considerably.
Which of the following, if true, most strongly indicates that it is in an airline's long-term economic interest to purchase new airliners painted using the new process rather than the old process?
(A) Although most new airliners are still painted using the old process, aircraft manufacturers now offer a purchaser of any new airliner the option of having it painted using the new process instead.
(B) A layer of primer on an airliner weighs more than a layer of the new coating would by an amount large enough to make a difference to that airliner's load-bearing capacity.
(C) A single layer of the new coating provides the aluminum skin of the airliner with less protection against corrosion than does a layer of primer of the usual thickness.
(D) Unlike the old process, the new process was originally invented for use on spacecraft, which are subject to extremes of temperature to which airliners are never exposed.
(E) Because the new coating has a viscosity similar to that of a traditional top coat, aircraft manufacturers can apply it using the same equipment as is used for a traditional top coat.

44. (33799-!-item-!-188;#058&007092)
In countries in which new life-sustaining drugs cannot be patented, such drugs are sold at widely affordable prices; those same drugs, where patented, command premium prices because the patents shield patent-holding manufacturers from competitors.  These facts show that future access to new life-sustaining drugs can be improved if the practice of granting patents on newly developed life-sustaining drugs were to be abolished everywhere.
Which of the following, if true, most seriously weakens the argument?
(A) In countries in which life-sustaining drugs cannot be patented, their manufacture is nevertheless a profitable enterprise.
(B) Countries that do not currently grant patents on life-sustaining drugs are, for the most part, countries with large populations.
(C) In some countries specific processes for the manufacture of pharmaceutical drugs can be patented even in cases in which the drugs themselves cannot be patented.
(D) Pharmaceutical companies can afford the research that goes into the development of new drugs only if patents allow them to earn high profits.
(E) Countries that grant patents on life-sustaining drugs almost always ban their importation from countries that do not grant such patents.
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-11-29 22:18:35 | 只看该作者

Question #6. October 2001 LSAT, Section #1, #8. The correct answer choice is (E)
This is a great separator question, and approximately one in three students answers this question correctly.
However, some students are able to annihilate this question because they see a reference in the first line
that raises an important issue that goes unanswered. That reference is to lobsters “eaten by humans.” The
argument asserts that diverting the sewage in the harbor is a moot point because hardly any lobsters live
long enough to be harmed by the diseases caused by the sewage. This may be, but what about the humans
who eat the lobsters that live in the sewage-contaminated environment? The author fails to address this
The conclusion of the argument is near the end: “the proposal is pointless,” and this is based on the
premise that “hardly any lobsters live long enough to be harmed by those diseases.”
Answer choice (A): The argument is based on the sewage contamination of the harbor. Although other
contaminants may be present, they are not addressed by the argument, and thus this answer does not
undermine the author’s position.
Answer choice (B): This answer has no impact because the argument is about lobsters that are caught in
the harbor. So, while lobsters in the open ocean may live longer, the author’s point about lobsters in the
harbor not living long enough to contract a gill disease is untouched.
Answer choice (C): The issue is not breeding frequency but longevity. So, while we are pleased to hear
that lobsters in sewage-contaminated waters breed frequently, this fact does not impact an argument based
on the age and disease contraction.
Answer choice (D): Although whether the lobsters contract a gill disease is a critical issue in the argument,
the method of determining whether a lobster has a disease is not a critical issue. Again, keep in mind the
heart of the argument:
Premise: “hardly any lobsters live long enough to be harmed by those diseases.”
Conclusion: “the proposal [to reroute harbor sewage] is pointless.”
Nothing in that argument concerns the detection of the gill diseases.
Answer choice (E): This is the correct answer. As discussed above, the author fails to address the effect of
the contaminated lobsters on humans who consume them, and this answer attacks that hole. If humans
become ill as a result of eating lobsters with gill diseases, and gill diseases are more likely to arise when the
lobsters live in the sewage-contaminated waters, then the conclusion that the proposal is pointless is
发表于 2011-11-29 22:19:53 | 只看该作者
6. Lobsters and other crustaceans eaten by humans are
more likely to contract gill diseases when sewage
contaminates their water. Under a recent proposal,
millions of gallons of local sewage each day would
be rerouted many kilometers offshore. Although this
would substantially reduce the amount of sewage in
the harbor where lobsters are caught, the proposal is
pointless, because hardly any lobsters live long
enough to be harmed by those diseases.
Which one of the following, if true, most seriously
weakens the argument?

weaken ...backgroundobsters are more likely to contract gill diseases when sewage
P:sewage would be rerouted many kilometers offshore
P;the lobster can live enough longer to be harmed by those diseases.
C:the proposal is pointless

weaken: people can eat the lobster with gill diseases may get ill
(A) Contaminants in the harbor other than sewage
are equally harmful to lobsters.
(B) Lobsters, like other crustaceans, live longer in
the open ocean than in industrial harbors.
(C) Lobsters breed as readily in sewagecontaminated
water as in unpolluted water.
(D) Gill diseases cannot be detected by examining
the surface of the lobster.
(E) Humans often become ill as a result of eating
lobsters with gill diseases.----correct
发表于 2011-11-29 22:21:08 | 只看该作者
1.background information:Lobsters and other crustaceans eaten by humans are more likely to contract gill diseases when sewage contaminates their water. Under a recent proposal, millions of gallons of local sewage each day would be rerouted many kilometers offshore.
premise: hardly any lobsters live long enough to be harmed by those diseases.
conclusion: Although this would substantially reduce the amount of sewage in the harbor where lobsters are caught, the proposal is pointless
(A) Contaminants in the harbor other than sewage are equally harmful to lobsters.
(B) Lobsters, like other crustaceans, live longer in the open ocean than in industrial harbors.
(C) Lobsters breed as readily in sewage contaminated water as in unpolluted water.
(D) Gill diseases cannot be detected by examining the surface of the lobster.
(E) Humans often become ill as a result of eating lobsters with gill diseases.

--weaken--the lobsters are ill--right
Premise: “hardly any lobsters live long enough to be harmed by those diseases.”
Conclusion: “the proposal [to reroute harbor sewage] is pointless.”
Nothing in that argument concerns the detection of the gill diseases.
Answer choice (E): This is the correct answer. As discussed above, the author fails to address the effect of the contaminated lobsters on humans who consume them, and this answer attacks that hole. If humans become ill as a result of eating lobsters with gill diseases, and gill diseases are more likely to arise when the lobsters live in the sewage-contaminated waters, then the conclusion that the proposal is pointless is incorrect.

2.background information:In the two years following the unification of Germany in 1989, the number of cars owned by residents of East Germany and the total distance traveled by cars in East Germany both increased by about 40 percent.
conclusion:In those two years, however, the number of East German residents killed each year as car occupants in traffic accidents increased by about 300 percent.
maybe drivers are not experienced.
(A) The average number of passengers per car was higher in the years before unification than it was in the two years after.
(B) After unification, many people who had been living in East Germany relocated to West Germany.
(C) After unification, a smaller proportion of the cars being purchased by East German residents were used vehicles.
(D) Drivers who had driven little or not at all before 1989 accounted for much of the increase in the total distance traveled by cars.
(E) Over the same two-year period in East Germany, other road users, such as motorcyclists, bicyclists, and pedestrians, experienced only small increases in traffic fatalities.
3.background information:Regulations recently imposed by the government of Risemia call for unprecedented reductions in the amounts of pollutants manufacturers are allowed to discharge into the environment.  It will take costly new pollution control equipment requiring expensive maintenance to comply with these regulations.  
premise:Resultant price increases for Risemian manufactured goods will lead to the loss of some export markets.
conclusion:annual exports of Risemian manufactured goods will in the future occur at diminished levels.
(A) The need to comply with the new regulations will stimulate the development within Risemia of new pollution control equipment for which a strong worldwide demand is likely to emerge.
(B) The proposed regulations include a schedule of fines for noncompliance that escalate steeply in cases of repeated noncompliance.
(C) Savings from utilizing the chemicals captured by the pollution control equipment will remain far below the cost of maintaining the equipment.
(D) By international standards, the levels of pollutants currently emitted by some of Risemia's manufacturing plants are not considered excessive.
(E) The stockholders of most of Risemia's manufacturing corporations exert substantial pressure on the corporations to comply with environmental laws.
4. background information:Paint on a new airliner is usually applied in two stages:  first, a coat of primer, and then a top coat.  A new process requires no primer, but instead uses two layers of the same newly developed coating, with each layer of the new coating having the same thickness and weight as a traditional top coat. Using the new process instead of the old process increases the price of a new aircraft considerably.
conclusion: it is in an airline's long-term economic interest to purchase new airliners painted using the new process rather than the old process
(A) Although most new airliners are still painted using the old process, aircraft manufacturers now offer a purchaser of any new airliner the option of having it painted using the new process instead.
(B) A layer of primer on an airliner weighs more than a layer of the new coating would by an amount large enough to make a difference to that airliner's load-bearing capacity.

(C) A single layer of the new coating provides the aluminum skin of the airliner with less protection against corrosion than does a layer of primer of the usual thickness.

(D) Unlike the old process, the new process was originally invented for use on spacecraft, which are subject to extremes of temperature to which airliners are never exposed.
(E) Because the new coating has a viscosity similar to that of a traditional top coat, aircraft manufacturers can apply it using the same equipment as is used for a traditional top coat.

5.background information:In countries in which new life-sustaining drugs cannot be patented, such drugs are sold at widely affordable prices; those same drugs, where patented, command premium prices because the patents shield patent-holding manufacturers from competitors.  
premise:the practice of granting patents on newly developed life-sustaining drugs were to be abolished everywhere.
conclusion:These facts show that future access to new life-sustaining drugs can be improved
if there are no profits, inventors won't invent anything
(A) In countries in which life-sustaining drugs cannot be patented, their manufacture is nevertheless a profitable enterprise.
--support or irrelevant
(B) Countries that do not currently grant patents on life-sustaining drugs are, for the most part, countries with large populations.
(C) In some countries specific processes for the manufacture of pharmaceutical drugs can be patented even in cases in which the drugs themselves cannot be patented.
(D) Pharmaceutical companies can afford the research that goes into the development of new drugs only if patents allow them to earn high profits.
(E) Countries that grant patents on life-sustaining drugs almost always ban their importation from countries that do not grant such patents.
发表于 2011-11-29 22:28:35 | 只看该作者
发表于 2011-11-29 22:37:49 | 只看该作者
发表于 2011-11-29 22:59:24 | 只看该作者
BackgroundLobsters and other crustaceans eaten by humans are more likely to contract gill diseases when sewage contaminates their water. Under a recent proposal, millions of gallons of local sewage each day would be rerouted many kilometers offshore. Although this would substantially reduce the amount of sewage in the harbor where lobsters are caught

Conclusionthe proposal is pointless

Premise: hardly any lobsters live long enough to be harmed by those diseases

(A) Contaminants in the harbor other than sewage
are equally harmful to lobsters.
(B) Lobsters, like other crustaceans, live longer in
the open ocean than in industrial harbors.
(C) Lobsters breed as readily in sewagecontaminated
water as in unpolluted water.
(D) Gill diseases cannot be detected by examining
the surface of the lobster.
(E) Humans often become ill as a result of eating
lobsters with gill diseases.


41 paradox

Finding1the number of cars owned by residents of East Germany and the total distance traveled by cars in East Germany both increased by about 40 percent

Finding2: the number of East German residents killed each year as car occupants in traffic accidents increased by about 300 percent

(A)The average number of passengers per car was higher in the years before unification than it was in the two years after.

(B) After unification, many people who had been living in East Germany
relocated to West Germany
(C) After unification, a smaller proportion of the cars being purchased by East German residents were used vehicles.

(D) Drivers who had driven little or not at all before 1989 accounted for much of the increase in the total distance traveled by cars.

(E) Over the same two-year period in East Germany, other road users, such as motorcyclists, bicyclists, and pedestrians, experienced only small increases in traffic fatalities.



Background:reductions in the amounts of pollutions M are allowed to discharge into the E.require expensive maintance.

Premiseead to the loss of some export markets.

Conclusion:will at diminished levels.

(A)The need to comply with the new regulations will stimulate the development within Risemia of new pollution control equipment for which a strong worldwide demand is likely to emerge.

(B) The proposed regulations include a schedule of fines for noncompliance that escalate steeply in cases of repeated noncompliance.
(C) Savings from utilizing the chemicals captured by the pollution control equipment will remain far below the cost of maintaining the equipment.
(D) By international standards, the levels of pollutants currently emitted by some of Risemia's manufacturing plants are not considered excessive.
(E) The stockholders of most of Risemia's manufacturing corporations exert substantial pressure on the corporations to comply with environmental laws.


Pain on a new line applied in 2 stages:a coat of then a top coat.

Plan:no primer,same coat. increase the price.

Conclusion:it is in an airline's long-term economic interest to purchase new airliners painted using the new process rather than the old processA) Although most new airliners are still painted using the old pro

a purchaser of any new airliner the option of having it painted using the new processa instead.

(B) A layer of primer on an airliner weighs more than a layer of the new coating would by an amount large enough to make a difference to that airliner's load-bearing capacity.

(C) A single layer of the new coating provides the aluminum skin of the airliner with less protection against corrosion than does a layer of primer of the usual thickness.

(D) Unlike the old process, the new process was originally invented for use on spacecraft, which are subject to extremes of temperature to which airliners are never exposed.

(E) Because the new coating has a viscosity similar to that of a traditional top coat, aircraft manufacturers can apply it using the same equipment as is used for a traditional top coat.



Background: new life-sustaining drugs cannot be patented

Premise: those same drugs, where patented, command premium prices because the patents shield patent-holding manufacturers from competitors.

Conclusion: future access to new life-sustaining drugs can be improved if the practice of granting patents on newly developed life-sustaining drugs were to be abolished everywhere.

(A) In countries in which life-sustaining drugs cannot be patented, their manufacture is nevertheless a profitable enterprise.
(B) Countries that do not currently grant patents on life-sustaining drugs are, for the most part, countries with large populations.
(C) In some countries specific processes for the manufacture of pharmaceutical drugs can be patented even in cases in which the drugs themselves cannot be patented.
(D) Pharmaceutical companies can afford the research that goes into the development of new drugs only if patents allow them to earn high profits.
(E) Countries that grant patents on life-sustaining drugs almost always ban their importation from countries that do not grant such patents.
发表于 2011-11-29 23:52:33 | 只看该作者
-- by 会员 HarrisZheng (2011/11/29 22:28:35)

发表于 2011-11-30 05:17:12 | 只看该作者

P: The lobster and C. human eat will get gill disease if the sewage where they live are contaminated.
P: The proposal is to offshore these sewage.
C: However, the proposal is pointless because these lobsters and C. won't live that long to be harmed by such disease.
Prephase: The proposal will be successful since human would be affected by gill disease although the lobster are not harmed by it.
(A) Contaminants in the harbor other than sewage
are equally harmful to lobsters.----------------------------this is irrelevant info.
(B) Lobsters, like other crustaceans, live longer in
the open ocean than in industrial harbors.---------------where the lobsters and C. live is irrelevant point.
(C) Lobsters breed as readily in sewage contaminated
water as in unpolluted water.------------------------------whether the lobsters breed as easily in contaminated water as in unpolluted water is irrelevant.
(D) Gill diseases cannot be detected by examining
the surface of the lobster.-----------------------------------this doesn't hurt the conclusion that the proposal is pointless.
(E) Humans often become ill as a result of eating
lobsters with gill diseases.----------------------------------bingo!

终于碰到了一道容易的bible CR了~~
发表于 2011-11-30 09:47:39 | 只看该作者
占座~题 很不错~
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