辛苦了~~注意身体~~! 54.D 55.昨天才看 56.costs of process: c-r>o-r cost-effective:c-r>o-r c-r:time will be reduced, last longer-->reduce the need for further stays A.the comparison of the amount of time between surgery and recovery is irrelevant. B.producing procedure is irrelevant. C.right D.the careful producing procedure is irrelevant E.outside of scope 57.the variables yield a random pattern of extinction, however, record shows a definite pattern that may species vanishing at the same time. A.right B.selective effect cannot explain that may species vanishing at the same time. some v.s. many C.the choice cannot explain "the same time" D.no fossil record is irrelevant E.the possibility of extinction is irrelevant -- by 会员 bonfin (2011/10/29 13:16:18)
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