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发表于 2011-9-11 13:30:24 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Powerscore paradox专题。 唯一的兴趣--------->看你们受虐。



1.Industry experts expect improvements in job safety training to lead to safer work environments. A recent survey indicated, however, that for manufacturers who improved job safety training during the 1980s, the number of on-the-job accidents tended to increase in the months immediately following the changes in the training programs.

Which one of the following, if true, most helps to resolve the apparent discrepancy in the passage above?

A.A similar survey found that the number of onthe-job accidents remained constant after job safety training in the transportation sectorwas improved.
B.Manufacturers tend to improve their job safety training only when they are increasing the size of their workforce.
C. Manufacturers tend to improve job safetytraining only after they have noticed that the number of on-the-job accidents has increased.
D. It is likely that the increase in the number ofon-the-job accidents experienced by many companies was not merely a random fluctuation.
E.Significant safety measures, such as protective  equipment and government safetyinspections, were in place well before the improvements in job safety training.

2. Cigarette companies claim that manufacturing both low- and high-nicotine cigarettes allows smokers to choose how much nicotine they want. However, a recent study has shown that the levels of nicotine found in the blood of smokers who smoke one pact of cigarettes per day are identical at the end of a day's worth of smoking, whatever the level of nicotine in the cigarettes they smoke.

Which one of the following, if true, most helps to explain the finding of nicotine study?

A. Blood cannot absorb more nicotine per day than that found in the smoke from a package of the lowest-nicotine cigarettes available.
B. Smokers of the lowest-nicotine cigarettes available generally smoke more cigarettes per day than smokers of high-nicotine cigarettes.
C. Most nicotine is absorded into the blood of a smoker even if it is delivered in smaller quatities.
D. The level of tar in cigarettes is higher in low-nicotine cigarettes than it is in some high-nicotine cigarettes.
E. When taking in nicotine by smoking cigarettes is discontinued, the level of nicotine in the blood decreases steadily.


3.Raisins are made by drying grapes in the sun. Although some of the sugar in the grapes is caramelized in the process, nothing is added. Moreover, the only thing removed from the grapes is the water that evaporates during the drying, and water contains no calories or nutrients. The fact that raisins contain more iron per calorie than grapes do is thus puzzling.

which one of the following, if true, most helps to explain why raisins contain more iron per calorie than do grapes?

A. Since grapes are bigger than raisins, it takes several bunches of grapes to provide the same amount of iron as a handful of raisins does.
B. Caramelized sugar cannot be digested, so its calories do not count toward the calorie content of raisins.
C. The body can absorb iron and other nutrients more quickly from grapes than from raisins because of the relatively high water content of grapes.
D. Raisins, but not grapes, are available year- round, so many people get a greater share of their yearly iron intake from raisins than from grapes.
E. Raisins are often eaten in combination with other iron-containing foods, while grapes are usually eaten
by themselves.

4. Vervet monkeys use different alarm calls to warn each other of nearbypredators, depending on whether the danger comes from land or from the air.

Which one of the following, if true, contributes most to an explanation of the behavior of vervet monkeys described above?

A. By varying the pitch of its alarm call, a vervet monkey can indicate the number of predators approaching.
B. Different land-based predators are responsible for different numbers of vervet monkey deaths.
C. No predators that pose a danger to vervet monkeys can attack both from land and from the air.
D. Vervet monkeys avoid land-based predators by climbing trees but avoid predation from the air by diving into foliage.
E. Certain land-based predators feed only on vervet monkeys, whereas every predator that attacks vervet monkeys from the air feeds on many different animals.


The following appeared in the editorial section of a local newspaper.

“In the first four years that Montoya has served as mayor of the city of San Perdito, the population has decreased and the unemployment rate has increased. Two businesses have closed for each new business that has opened. Under Varro, who served as mayor for four years before Montoya, the unemployment rate decreased and the population increased. Clearly, the residents of San Perdito would be best served if they voted Montoya out of office and reelected Varro.”
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-9-11 13:33:17 | 只看该作者


解析见 bible P 210-212
 楼主| 发表于 2011-9-11 13:35:55 | 只看该作者

3.让步。可能存在time shift。几年前的执政方式,可能不适用。或者。XXX人老珠黄了。
发表于 2011-9-11 15:09:23 | 只看该作者
1. 15s
1.Industry experts expect improvements in job safety training to lead to safer work environments. A recent survey indicated, however, that for manufacturers who improved job safety training during the 1980s, the number of on-the-job accidents tended to increase in the months immediately following the changes in the training programs.

Which one of the following, if true, most helps to resolve the apparent discrepancy in the passage above?

Infor: more often than not, job safety training can reduce job accidents. However, in a company, immediately after the job safety training, the job accident rate becomes higher.

Explain: after 1980s. many new works who have no time get training get into the company.

A.A similar survey found that the number of onthe-job accidents remained constant after job safety training in the transportation sectorwas improved.
B.Manufacturers tend to improve their job safety training only when they are increasing the size of their workforce.
C. Manufacturers tend to improve job safetytraining only after they have noticed that the number of on-the-job accidents has increased.
D. It is likely that the increase in the number ofon-the-job accidents experienced by many companies was not merely a random fluctuation.
E.Significant safety measures, such as protective  equipment and government safetyinspections, were in place well before the improvements in job safety training.

Key: B 不太明白

2. 35s
2. Cigarette companies claim that manufacturing both low- and high-nicotine cigarettes allows smokers to choose how much nicotine they want. However, a recent study has shown that the levels of nicotine found in the blood of smokers who smoke one pact of cigarettes per day are identical at the end of a day's worth of smoking, whatever the level of nicotine in the cigarettes they smoke.

Which one of the following, if true, most helps to explain the finding of nicotine study?

Infor: company said that their low- and high- nicotine goods provide choice for customers to choose. However, a survey shows that two kinds of people consume the different kinds shows identical level of nicotine in blood.

Explain: people only have the ability to convey a low level of nicotine in blood.

A. Blood cannot absorb more nicotine per day than that found in the smoke from a package of the lowest-nicotine cigarettes available.
B. Smokers of the lowest-nicotine cigarettes available generally smoke more cigarettes per day than smokers of high-nicotine cigarettes.
C. Most nicotine is absorded into the blood of a smoker even if it is delivered in smaller quatities.
D. The level of tar in cigarettes is higher in low-nicotine cigarettes than it is in some high-nicotine cigarettes.
E. When taking in nicotine by smoking cigarettes is discontinued, the level of nicotine in the blood decreases steadily.

Key: a other factors

3. 50s
Raisins are made by drying grapes in the sun. Although some of the sugar in the grapes is caramelized in the process, nothing is added. Moreover, the only thing removed from the grapes is the water that evaporates during the drying, and water contains no calories or nutrients. The fact that raisins contain more iron per calorie than grapes do is thus puzzling.

which one of the following, if true, most helps to explain why raisins contain more iron per calorie than do grapes?

Caramelized 使成焦糖
Infor: raisins during drying change surge into caramelized and only remove water that does not contain iron or calorie. However, the raisins contain more calorie more iron per calorie is puzzling.

Explain: during drying, grapes can convey some sunshine into calorie.

A. Since grapes are bigger than raisins, it takes several bunches of grapes to provide the same amount of iron as a handful of raisins does.
B. Caramelized sugar cannot be digested, so its calories do not count toward the calorie content of raisins.
C. The body can absorb iron and other nutrients more quickly from grapes than from raisins because of the relatively high water content of grapes.
D. Raisins, but not grapes, are available year- round, so many people get a greater share of their yearly iron intake from raisins than from grapes.
E. Raisins are often eaten in combination with other iron-containing foods, while grapes are usually eaten by themselves.

Key : B clues
A , the issue is not focus on the size of the grapes or raisins.
B explain the paradox should be focus on the differences between two objects. And the only difference between grapes and raisin is caramelized sugar, we should explore this point. The conclusion is more iron per calorie, B explain that countable calories is less so the rate is less.

4. 10s

Vervet monkeys use different alarm calls to warn each other of nearbypredators, depending on whether the danger comes from land or from the air.

Which one of the following, if true, contributes most to an explanation of the behavior of vervet monkeys described above?

Infor: V monkeys use different calls to warm others about the predators, depending on the predator come from land or air.

Explain: V money need apply different strategy to cope with the predators, depending on where they come.

A. By varying the pitch of its alarm call, a vervet monkey can indicate the number of predators approaching.
B. Different land-based predators are responsible for different numbers of vervet monkey deaths.
C. No predators that pose a danger to vervet monkeys can attack both from land and from the air.
D. Vervet monkeys avoid land-based predators by climbing trees but avoid predation from the air by diving into foliage.
E. Certain land-based predators feed only on vervet monkeys, whereas every predator that attacks vervet monkeys from the air feeds on many different animals.

Key : D explain.

发表于 2011-9-11 19:57:17 | 只看该作者
虽然这个training确实可以减少accident 的发生率,但是如果 人数增加了 那么相应的 发生的事故也多了。
比如原来100个人 10%的事故率
人数没变 8% 就是 8人
但workforce增加 比如到150  就变成 12 人了
发表于 2011-9-11 20:18:52 | 只看该作者
虽然这个training确实可以减少accident 的发生率,但是如果 人数增加了 那么相应的 发生的事故也多了。
比如原来100个人 10%的事故率
人数没变 8% 就是 8人
但workforce增加 比如到150  就变成 12 人了
-- by 会员 疏离无罪 (2011/9/11 19:57:17)

.Manufacturers tend to improve their job safety training only when they are increasing the size of their workforce.

发表于 2011-9-12 00:41:42 | 只看该作者
专家说有safe job traing会有safe的工作环境。可是调查显示,1980年期间,危险的事故变多了~随着训练的进行。



3.40s...TT 第一句没回过神...后来回读了第一句...




发表于 2011-9-12 00:54:39 | 只看该作者 its calories do not count toward the calorie content of raisins.
谁能帮忙翻译下这句话什么意思.... not count toward 是神马....
 楼主| 发表于 2011-9-12 01:01:55 | 只看该作者 its calories do not count toward the calorie content of raisins.
谁能帮忙翻译下这句话什么意思.... not count toward 是神马....
-- by 会员 joelee1991 (2011/9/12 0:54:39)

B. Caramelized sugar cannot be digested, so its calories do not count toward the calorie content of raisins.

因为 Caramelized sugar  不能消化,所有sugar的卡路里不能算进raisins 的卡路里里、
 楼主| 发表于 2011-9-12 01:16:00 | 只看该作者
虽然这个training确实可以减少accident 的发生率,但是如果 人数增加了 那么相应的 发生的事故也多了。
比如原来100个人 10%的事故率
人数没变 8% 就是 8人
但workforce增加 比如到150  就变成 12 人了
-- by 会员 疏离无罪 (2011/9/11 19:57:17)

.Manufacturers tend to improve their job safety training only when they are increasing the size of their workforce.

-- by 会员 纳丁Cat (2011/9/11 20:18:52)

1.Industry experts expect improvements in job safety training to lead to safer work environments. A recent survey indicated, however, that for manufacturers who improved job safety training during the 1980s, the number of on-the-job accidents tended to increase in the months immediately following the changes in the training programs.

Which one of the following, if true, most helps to resolve the apparent discrepancy in the passage above?

safer代表发生事故的比率下降,increase的是number,而且注意结论里有Immediately。 所有resolve的答案应该是基数增加,而且是在improve之后的immediately。

A.A similar survey found that the number of onthe-job accidents remained constant after job safety training in the transportation sectorwas improved. out of scope
B.Manufacturers tend to improve their job safety training only when they are increasing the size of their workforce.
only 的作用在于,呼应Immediately. 同时基数增大,恰合题意。若无only,则不会有Immediately。可能是慢慢地增加或者其他
C. Manufacturers tend to improve job safety  training only after they have noticed that the number of on-the-job accidents has increased.
shell game  答案过于主观,不知道何时Notice。也许增长了很久才Notice,与immediately就不符合了。
D. It is likely that the increase in the number ofon-the-job accidents experienced by many companies was not merely a random fluctuation.
opposite——one side . 说明safer是确实的,但没有说明increase .paradox加剧
E.Significant safety measures, such as protective equipment and government safety inspections, were in place well before the improvements in job safety training.
opposite——one side 同D,

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