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发表于 2011-8-22 11:35:09 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
1.Barnes: The two newest employees at this company have salaries that aretoo high for the simple tasks normally assigned to new employees and duties that are too complex for inexperienced workers. Hence, the salaries and the complexity of the duties of these two newest employees should be reduced.
Which one of the following is an assumption on which Barnes’s argument
C. The two newest employees are not experienced at their occupations.

2. The current pattern of human consumption of resources, in which we rely on nonrenewable resources, for example metal ore, must eventually change. Since there is only so much metal ore available, ultimately we must either do without or turn to renewable resources to take its place.

Which one of the following is an assumption required by the argument?

(B) We cannot indefinitely replace exhausted nonrenewable resources with other nonrenewable resources.

4.Publicity campaigns for endangered species are unlikely to have much impact on the most important environmental problems, for while the ease of attributing feelings to large mammals facilitates evoking sympathy for them, it is more difficult to elicit sympathy for other kinds of organisms, such as the soil microorganisms on which large ecosystems and agriculture depend.
Which one of the following is an assumption on which the argument depends?

(A) The most important environmental problems involve endangered species other than large mammals.

3. In humans, ingested protein is broken down into amino acids, all of which must compete to enter the brain. Subsequent ingestion of sugars leads to the production of insulin, a hormone that breaks down the sugars and also rids the bloodstream of residual amino acids, except for tryptophan, Tryptophan then slips into the brain uncontested and is transformed into the chemical serotonin, increasing ht brainâ?s serotonin level. Thus sugars can play a major role in mood elevation, helping one to feel relaxed and anxiety-free.

Which one of the following is an assumption on which the argument depends?

(D) Increasing the level of serotonin in the brain promotes relaxation and freedom from anxiety.

5.Historian: Leibniz, the seventeenth-century philosopher, published his version of calculus before Newton did. But then Newton revealed his private notebooks, which showed he had been using these ideas for atleast a decade before Leibniz's publication. Newton also claimed that he had disclosed these ideas to Leibniz in a letter shortly before Leibniz's publication. Yet close examination of the letter shows that Newton's few cryptic remarks did not reveal anything important about calculus. Thus, Leibniz and Newton each indepedently discovered calculus.

WHich one of the following is an assumption required by the historian's argument?

E) Neither Newton nor Leibniz learned crucial details about calculus from some third source.
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发表于 2011-8-22 17:03:05 | 只看该作者
1. 22s
1.Barnes: The two newest employees at this company have salaries that aretoo high for the simple tasks normally assigned to new employees and duties that are too complex for inexperienced workers. Hence, the salaries and the complexity of the duties of these two newest employees should be reduced.
Which one of the following is an assumption on which Barnes’s argument
C. The two newest employees are not experienced at their occupations.前提支持

2. 20s
The current pattern of human consumption of resources, in which we rely on nonrenewable resources, for example metal ore, must eventually change. Since there is only so much metal ore available, ultimately we must either do without or turn to renewable resources to take its place.

Which one of the following is an assumption required by the argument?
(B) We cannot indefinitely replace exhausted nonrenewable resources with other nonrenewable resources

3. 42s
Publicity campaigns for endangered species are unlikely to have much impact on the most important environmental problems, for while the ease of attributing feelings to large mammals facilitates evoking sympathy for them, it is more difficult to elicit sympathy for other kinds of organisms, such as the soil microorganisms on which large ecosystems and agriculture depend.
Which one of the following is an assumption on which the argument depends?
Publicity campaigns 宣传活动
假设:有了同情就不是have much impact on the most important environmental problems,
(A) The most important environmental problems involve endangered species other than large mammals.
假设是:最与环境相关的物种不是引起人类同情的哺乳类,而是那些微生物什么的 因为它前面只说那些哺乳动物相关的活动解决不了the most important environmental problems,因为与微生物等无关。补上gap

4. 被虐了这个题
In humans, ingested protein is broken down into amino acids, all of which must compete to enter the brain. Subsequent ingestion of sugars leads to the production of insulin, a hormone that breaks down the sugars and also rids the bloodstream of residual amino acids, except for tryptophan, Tryptophan then slips into the brain uncontested and is transformed into the chemical serotonin, increasing ht brainâ?s serotonin level. Thus sugars can play a major role in mood elevation, helping one to feel relaxed and anxiety-free.
Which one of the following is an assumption on which the argument depends?
compete to 争取 rid摆脱,使去掉 tryptophan色氨酸 slip 滑 serotonin血清素
(D) Increasing the level of serotonin in the brain promotes relaxation and freedom from anxiety.补上gap

5. 35s
Historian: Leibniz, the seventeenth-century philosopher, published his version of calculus before Newton did. But then Newton revealed his private notebooks, which showed he had been using these ideas for atleast a decade before Leibniz's publication. Newton also claimed that he had disclosed these ideas to Leibniz in a letter shortly before Leibniz's publication. Yet close examination of the letter shows that Newton's few cryptic remarks did not reveal anything important about calculus. Thus, Leibniz and Newton each independently discovered calculus.
WHich one of the following is an assumption required by the historian's argument?
E) Neither Newton nor Leibniz learned crucial details about calculus from some third source.
发表于 2011-8-23 07:10:08 | 只看该作者
1. 28s
Premise: The salaries for the newest employees are two high.
Conclusion: The salaries and the tasks complication should be reduced for these two employees.
Assumption: These two newest employees are not experienced.

2. 19s
Premise: We are using non-renewable resources.
Conclusion: We have to replace non-renewable resources with renewable resources.
Assumption: The consumption of non-renewable resources will keep increasing.

3.  45s
Premise: Publicity campaigns have less sympathy for micro-environmental problems than for large endangered species.
Conclusion: It's difficult to allure the publicity's attention on micro-environmental problems.
Assumption: The public doesn't think that the micro-environment problems as important as the large endangered species.

4. 读了三遍
Premise: The Protein is split into two, and the subsequent ingest of sugar leads into the brain, and it affects the insulin except T. AND T can creates higher level of serotonin.
Conclusion: The sugar can give brain more relaxed feeling and creates mood.
Assumption: Higher serotonin is, more relaxed feeling human feel.

5. 37s
Premise: There was no evidence shows that N has revealed his important work of calculus to L even though he did say so, and L finished his work before N.
Conclusion: N and L did their own works independently.
Assumption: The evidence that the historians found is the only remark notes between N and L.
发表于 2011-8-23 09:43:11 | 只看该作者
1.【32s】 工资对于新员工来说太多了,而且工作内容对于新员工太复杂了--》公司应该对新员工减薪和降低工资的难度。AS:新员工都是没有工作经验的新人。
发表于 2011-8-23 09:58:23 | 只看该作者
发表于 2011-8-23 10:39:31 | 只看该作者
我去。。powerscore的- -  
我刷OG说,上来检验下感觉对不对呢呢... 碰到这么变态的,kid你太狠了- -
 楼主| 发表于 2011-8-23 10:43:48 | 只看该作者


发表于 2011-8-23 10:51:02 | 只看该作者
1. 26s
Conclusion:The salary and work complexity should be reduced.
Premise: Salaries too high, work too complex

Assumption: The two new employees are not experienced employees.

2. 28s
Conclusion: We must change our way of using nonrenewable resources.
Premise: These recources are limitied, so we either would do without or would turn to other recources.

Assumptions: We can not turn to other nonrenewable recources?

3. 35s
Conclusion: The appeal for large animals cannot help the protection of environment
Premise: The appeal cannot help the small organisms that the environment is based on

Assumptions: Large animals do not live with small animals

4. 47s
COnclusion: Sugar plays a major role in making people anxiety free.
Premise: Protein change to amino acid. Sugar then have some impact on amino acid, except T. T then goes into the brain, producing X....

Assumptions: Link that process with anxiety free..

5. 48s
Conclusion: L and Newton each dependently published calculus.
Premise: Newton wrote letters to L, but those letters had nothing to do with calculus.

Assumptions: 答案那个没想到...我以为是“俩人没有其他的秘密通信了= =” (太基情了这个想法= =)
发表于 2011-8-23 10:52:04 | 只看该作者


-- by 会员 kidvii (2011/8/23 10:43:48)

发表于 2011-8-23 11:04:05 | 只看该作者
1. 26s
Conclusion:The salary and work complexity should be reduced.
Premise: Salaries too high, work too complex

Assumption: The two new employees are not experienced employees.

2. 28s
Conclusion: We must change our way of using nonrenewable resources.
Premise: These recources are limitied, so we either would do without or would turn to other recources.

Assumptions: We can not turn to other nonrenewable recources?

3. 35s
Conclusion: The appeal for large animals cannot help the protection of environment
Premise: The appeal cannot help the small organisms that the environment is based on

Assumptions: Large animals do not live with small animals

4. 47s
COnclusion: Sugar plays a major role in making people anxiety free.
Premise: Protein change to amino acid. Sugar then have some impact on amino acid, except T. T then goes into the brain, producing X....

Assumptions: Link that process with anxiety free..

5. 48s
Conclusion: L and Newton each dependently published calculus.
Premise: Newton wrote letters to L, but those letters had nothing to do with calculus.

Assumptions: 答案那个没想到...我以为是“俩人没有其他的秘密通信了= =” (太基情了这个想法= =)
-- by 会员 superbat28 (2011/8/23 10:51:02)

哈哈,bat和我想的一样~~没的编了,只能说no other evidence。。。
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