Something must be done to ease traffic congestion. In traditional small towns, people used to work and shop in the same town in which they lived; but now that stores and workplaces are located far away from residential areas, people cannot avoid traveling long distances each day. Traffic congestion is so heavy on all roads that, even on major highways where the maximum speed limit is 55 miles per hour, the actual speed averages only 35 miles per hour. Q:Which one of the following proposals is most supported by the statements above? AE) New businesses should be encouraged to locate closer to where their workers would live. SourceSAT TEST 4 SECTION I no.1 No.2
College professor: College students do not write nearly as well as they used to. Almost all of the paper that my students have done for me this year have been poorly written and ungrammatical. Q:Which one of the following is the most serious weakness in the argument made by the professor? AA) It requires confirmation that the change in the professor’s students is representative of a change among college students in general.
SourceSAT TEST 4 SECTION I no.2 No.3
Mayor of Plainsville: In order to help the economy of Plainsville, I am using some of our tax revenues to help bring a major highway through the town and thereby attract new business to Plainsville. Citizens’ group: You must have interests other than our economy in mind. If you were really interested in helping our economy, you would instead allocate the revenues to building a new business park, since it would bring in twice the business that your highway would. Q1:The argument by the citizens’ group relies on which one of the following assumptions? Q2:Which one of the following principles, if accepted, would most help the citizens’ group to justify drawing its conclusion that the mayor has in mind interests other than Plainsville’s economy? A1B) The mayor accepts that a new business park would bring in more new business than would the new highway. A2A) Anyone really pursuing a cause will choose the means that that person believes will advance the cause the farthest. SourceSAT TEST 4 SECTION I no.3-4 No.4
Recently, highly skilled workers in Eastern Europe have left jobs in record numbers to emigrate to the West. It is therefore likely that skilled workers who remain in Eastern Europe are in high demand in their home countries. Q:Which one of the following, if true, most seriously weakens the argument? AB) Major changes in Eastern European economic structures have led to the elimination of many positions previously held by the highly skilled emigrants. SourceSAT TEST 4 SECTION I no.5 No.5
“There is a common misconception that university hospitals are better than community or private hospitals. This notion is unfounded, however: the university hospitals in our region employ 15 percent fewer doctors, have a 20 percent lower success rate in treating patients, make far less overall profit, and pay their medical staff considerably less than do private hospitals. Furthermore, many doctors at university hospitals typically divide their time among teaching, conducting research, and treating patients. From this it seems clear that the quality of care at university hospitals is lower than that at other kinds of hospitals.” Discuss how well reasoned... etc.
1. 36s Info1: Measures must be taken to ease traffic congestion Info2: People now travel a long distance to work and shop Info3: Even on the highway, where speed limits are 55/h, actual speed is 35/h
Proposal: 我怎么知道T T
2. 20s Con: college students do not write as well as they used to be Premise: The professor’s students do not write as well as they used to be
Weaken: Not representative 我第一次读没有看清出对象的不同!!!!泪奔了T T
3. 36s Con: You would have built a new business park rather than the high way Premise: the park would bring twice the business the high way would
Assumption: Without good road condition, business would come. 和答案不一样... Principle: 看完答案直接泪奔…………………………..
4. 23s Con: the left people are in highly demand in their own country Premise: high skilled people have immigrated to the west from east Europe
Weaken: The people who stay cannot afford to immigrate…… 依旧和答案不一样。。。。。
1. The hosipital in our reigion is not representative to all. 2. The low success rate may be the result of treating the most complicated illness. 3. No evidence show that divide time to various fields does not bring benefits to doctors. 4. Low profits...etc, does not mean that the care provided is poor.