不是哦,say that 的that偶尔可省略,当作相对错误吧,prep上一道原题最后答案A, saying (that) government is doing too much and has become too powerful,当然大多数情况是不省的,但是该题的唯一语法正确的只有A,GMAC的标准是语法一定正确,但是表达的好坏就是相对错误
45. (26816-!-item-!-188;#058&003335) A recent poll indicates that many people in the United States hold a combination of conservative and liberal political views; i.e., they denounce big government, saying government is doing too much and has become too powerful, while at the same time supporting many specific government programs for health care, education, and the environment. (A) they denounce big government, saying government is doing too much and has become too powerful, while at the same time supporting (B) they denounce big government--they say that government is doing too much and has become too powerful--but supporting at the same time (C) they denounce big government, they say that government is doing too much and it has become too powerful, while they support at the same time (D) while they denounce big government, saying that government is doing too much and has become too powerful, at the same time supporting (E) while they are denouncing big government--they say that government is doing too much and it has become too powerful-- supporting at the same time
[此贴子已经被作者于2009/8/16 18:37:27编辑过] |