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[面试经验] 收好这份面经分享 HBS Harvard / Dartmouth Tuck

发表于 2022-3-14 17:07:07 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
2021 Entry R2 / AdCom / Virtual
The interview was for a prompt 30 minutes.
- Interviewer asked me about supply chaindisruptions due to COVID. How has the economy changed your work life and thatof your company?(answered him in 2 ways : 1) how demand was in flux due topeople losing jobs and having no income to spend on phones 2) how we weretrying hard to make products in spite of these disruptions – by working with3rd party people, govt officials, opening factories at reduced rate and makingsure that safety of workers were our KPIs)
- 2-3 questions related to work-relatedcross cultural experience. How were you able to navigate that and what did youlearn?
- My previous employer/work experience. Howwere you able to lead cross functional teams and what did you learn?
- Final question was if I have anything toadd. I mentioned 2 things (equality and giving back: talked about my mom’sexperience and how that has made me sponsor education for girls and also myarmy experience).
2021 Entry R1 / Adcom / Zoom
Overall interviewer was very friendly. Shewas very familiar with my application materials and asked very specificdeep-dive questions on my previous experiences.
- What is something that you’re working on?
- What are you good at?
- Can you give me an example of how youutilized your strength at work?
- Why MBA and why now?
- 2 things about your country that youwould like to share with your classmates?
- Share an interesting story about yourpersonal interests?
- What else would you like to share withme?
2021 Entry R1 / Adcom / Zoom
Interview went very smoothly, theinterviewer set a welcoming and warm atmosphere which made me feel much morecomfortable. I also loved that almost all questions were straightforward aboutspecific things from my application, so I basically knew how to answer them.
Questions/talking points:
- Specific thing about my essay, familybackground and how it relates to my background and goals
- Why did I go to my first job at a Big 4and how it related to my goals
- How did I handle the fact that my collegeeducation hadn’t provided me with the basics to work with audit, valuation
- How my participation at an Innovation andEntrepreneurship program connect to me transitioning careers to a startup
- What do you do now (had just changed jobsafter sending application), what does the company do, can you give more detailon what X means?
- Can you explain more about the problemsthe industry faces.
- Question about my volunteer experiencesduring college, if I had done anything since. How do I choose the institutionsI work with or donate to.
- What about other industries, if you werenot in industry Y where would you be? What if during the MBA you do aninternship, where would that be?
- Anything you wanted me to have asked you?Follow up questions.
2021 Entry R1 / Adcom / Zoom
The interview was very conversional. Webroke the ice talking about what I like to do in my home country and started arapid fire round of questions. Overall, my interviewer tried to make mecomfortable but there was little eye contact.
- What do you enjoy doing?
- What is the current trend in yourindustry?
- What do you think is the biggest problemto solve?
- Any story about a situation where it didnot turn into your favor? What have you learned?
- How do you manage your team? Follow onwhat is the best strategy to keep cohesion.
- Why did you change industry? Do you regretit and what is better?
- Can you tell me when you had to make adifficult decision?
- You must be travelling a lot. How do youprioritize your tasks?
- Why do you plan this career switch (aboutmy short term goal)?
- Do you want to mention anything we didnot cover?
2022 Entry R1 /2nd-Year Student / Zoom
Interview was casual and student wasfriendly. However, order of questions was unexpected.
- Do you like your current job? How did youget there?
- How did you obtain your first job?
- What are the top 3 factors that led youto your success?
- Tell me a time where you had to workunder a deadline.
- What are your ST and LT goals?
-What would you like your legacy to be atTuck?
- What do you envision being your biggestchallenge at Tuck?
- Tell me a time when you had to deliverbad news.
- Tell me a time when you took initiative.
- What is an example of hard feedbackyou’ve received?
2022 Entry R1 /2nd-Year Student / Zoom
Interviewed this morning. Started exactlyon time and took just under 40 minutes. The conversation began with very brieffriendly small talk asking me where I was located and how I was doing. Thequestions were fairly standard interview questions that she asked from a listshe had. She was very responsive throughout, which made it easy to feel thatshe cared about and was interested in what I was saying.
- Walk me through your resume in morecontext.
- Why an MBA?
- Why Tuck?
- What are your short-term and long-termgoals?
- Why is now the right time for an MBA?
- What has been your greatest challenge atyour current company?
- Tell me about a time when you helpedsomeone resolve an problem.
- How would you contribute at Tuck? (i.e.involvement in activities or personal contributions)
- Is there anything else you want us toknow that we didn’t touch on?
- Do you have any questions for me?
I asked her:
- What drew you to Tuck?
- Do you have any feedback for me on howthis conversation went? Do you have any advice for me as an MBA applicant?
She was very open and kind, although she ofcourse had me do the majority of the talking. I asked her one question duringone of my responses in a conversational way, which she answered but thenpolitely redirected and said she would answer more questions about herself atthe end. She told me at the end that she is happy to be a resource for me andthat I can feel free to email her with any further questions or for moreinformation.
My advice:
Have a clear walkthrough in mind for yourresume (I bounced around in mine a bit, but later acknowledged and correctedthat). Make sure your answers are clear and only take about 2 minutes tops.They really applaud vulnerability and openness. Know the culture andopportunities at Tuck very well (and why it resonates with you). Lastly, youonly have 10 minutes reserved for questions at the end, so make sure you knowthe most important questions you want to ask since you won’t be able to getthrough more than a couple of questions. The end was very conversational andlow-stress.
2021 Entry R2 / Second-Year Student / Zoom
The interview was conversational andresume-based. The interviewer was extremely welcoming, receptive, and pleasant.They were attentive throughout the interview and asked many follow-up questionstied to the answers I provided. I embedded Tuck-relevant insights throughoutthe interview in response to many of the questions. Thus, I think, but may bewrong, that the interviewer did not ask me directly, “Why Tuck?” and/or othersimilar questions in nature as I provided answers to this type of questions inresponse to other questions.
- Can you walk me through your resume andtell me about yourself?
- Can you explain your short/long-termgoals?
- What area of the world and what specificfield in your career of choice interest you?
- Why MBA – what specific skills are youhoping to gain from an MBA program? What are you currently lacking and hope towork on?
- What is your proudest accomplishment?
- Tell me about a time you delivered toughfeedback to a colleague of the same standing or supervisor.
- Tell me about how you got feedback fromthe reportees you managed throughout your career.
- What do you do for fun? What are yourhobbies?
- Expand on extracurricular X that islisted on your resume.
- Is there anything else you want me toknow that you weren’t able to touch on?
- Any questions for me? (I asked fourquestions in total).
The interview went great, and I feltcomfortable throughout. The small talk at the beginning helped ease thetension. The interviewer was extremely responsive and welcoming. They seemed toenjoy the conversation and offered to connect via email or a video chat if Ihave any more questions about Tuck in the coming few months. I came preparedwith questions in advance (I think it is an essential component of theinterview to show fit and engagement) and with a general statement about mycandidacy and why Tuck is the best programme for someone with my profile (as aresponse to “Anything else?”). I practiced with friends and myself ahead oftime, using questions posted online on various platforms (including ClearAdmit) and did some LinkedIn research about my interviewer so that my questionscould be more relevant to their experience. I was not surprised by thequestions except for the fact the experience went by fast!
(Don’t forget to send a Thank You Notelater on that day)

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