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[面试经验] MIT Sloan & NYU Stern面经分享

发表于 2022-1-13 22:17:15 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
MIT Sloan
2021 Entry R2 / Adcom /Zoom
- Any updates to your application?
- Tell me more about your datavisualization and why it's important to you.
- Tell me about how your organization hasdone in the past 12 months.
Follow-up: How did you motivate your team(in this situation)?
- What was your greatest accomplishment inthe past 12 months?
- Tell me about a time when you challengedor pushed back against someone. Follow-up: How did you convince thatorganization?
- Tell me about a time when you had adifficult time working with someone. Follow-up: Describe more of your approachto that person Follow-up: How did the person take this feedback (in thissituation)?
- Why MBA?
- Why now?
- Why Sloan?
- How would you contribute?
- Anything we haven't talked about that youwould like to mention?
I found the interviewer's email address onthe MIT Sloan website and sent a thank-you email, to which the interviewerresponded.
2021 Entry R2 / Adcom /Zoom
My interview was with an adcom, and theinterview lasted exactly 30-minutes. We spent around five minutes talking aboutmy data visualization. We then moved to four behavioral questions.
- Why an MBA? Why Sloan?
- What do you currently do at your company?
- How has your background helped you solveclient problems?
- Tell me about a time you motivated someoneto go beyond their believed capacity.
Adcom then allowed me to ask questions andthe adcom then asked me if there was anything else the admissions committeeshould know about me.
Overall, my interview was veryconversational, warm, and I enjoyed the whole 30-minute experience.
2021 Entry R2 / Adcom / Zoom
My interview was not as behavioral-based asI thought it would be. Most of the questions focused on how the last year hasbeen, my future goals, and my interest in MIT Sloan. (total was less than 30mins).
- How has the last year impacted youpersonally and professionally?
- What do you do day to day? [called out aspecific phrase in my resume]
- I have your data visualization in frontof me, tell me what it means and why it matters to you.
- What’s your favorite part of your currentjob?
- You have an afternoon without anypersonal or professional obligations and there are no covid restrictions. Whatdo you do?
- What do you want to do post-MBA?
- What do you want to learn from the MBA?
- Why is now the right time for your MBA[with follow up question on what a certain professional designation meant in myfield/background]
- Why Sloan? Aside from what I mentionedalready in the “Why MBA” section.
- Interviewer asked me if I heard aboutthis broader MIT- wide initiative in my specific area of interest; I had notheard of it and thanked them for the tip to look into it further.
- Any questions you have for me?
NYU Stern
2021 Entry R3 / Adcom / Zoom
The total length of the interview went on formore than an hour.
I had a serendipitous situation because Ihad met my interviewer at an AHBBS/ Admissions event last weekend. The tone ofthe interview was very conversational.
- Some personal questions about mybackground regarding my “Pick 6”.
- Highlight to experiences in my resume.
- Why Stern.
- What my plan B for recruitment was (incase plan A didn’t happen).
- How I plan to utilize the office ofcareer development.
- What are two areas of improvement thatyou believe you should work on to improve your chances for recruitment? (orsomething along those lines)
- If there was anything else I would liketo add, which I did.
- If I had questions. (I had three.)
2021 Entry R3 / Adcom/ Zoom
This adcom interview was scheduled for 30minutes but probably lasted 40-45 minutes. It was clear she had read myapplication in depth. As such, the questions were highly tailored to me and myexperiences. The conversation was very personable, making it easier to get intoa back and forth flow. Below is a list that I remember.
- Specific Pick Six question, seemed likean icebreaker.
- What got me interested in my currentindustry?
- Recruitment strategy/summerinternships/target firms.
- Tell me more about an experience outsideof my job.
- Most impactful deliverable.
- Describe a failure.
- How would your friends describe you?
- Something excited about in New York.
2021 Entry R3 / Adcom / Zoom
The interviewer had read my entireapplication and started it off by asking me about one of pictures in my Pick 6.After chatting about it for a little while, we moved to the rest of theinterview. The tone of the interview was very conversational and friendly.
- What stands out to you most in your workexperience?
- Discuss a time you displayed leadership.
- Why do you want an MBA to reach yourgoals?
- Why do you think Stern is a good fit foryou?
- What is your plan B if you don’tsuccessfully recruit for your intended field?
- Which consulting firms are you targetingand why?
Then I was given some time to ask questionsat the end. I think it was important to keep the conversation moving so if Icouldn't naturally fit in an aspect of my background, I just moved on. I wasable to weave in most of what I wanted though!

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发表于 2022-2-11 04:22:19 | 只看该作者
同nyu fall 求组织 求加vx qianchangpri
发表于 2022-2-12 11:24:38 发自 iPhone | 只看该作者
MIT 是滚动面试吗
发表于 2022-2-17 00:36:40 | 只看该作者
nyu fall 求组织!!! 求加 TangXicheng0520
发表于 2022-3-7 21:11:55 | 只看该作者
我们几个学长学姐建了nyu fall新生组 + cheye_yao 拉你
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