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2008GMAT ★ MSN备考总群

 楼主| 发表于 2008-1-20 16:53:00 | 只看该作者



发表于 2008-1-20 23:06:00 | 只看该作者

maggie Jan 18-20

1. SC 在总结 黄皮 和紫皮 ( 第二遍, 做到 黄皮的 55 题)

2. CR 紫皮全部总结完..


1 a surge in retail sales has raised hopes that a recovery is finally

3. Diabetes, together with its serious complication, ranks


4. double the figure for --- right

A number double that of 1977’s ---- wrong

5. previously , in the past : wordy

6. Like : must be compare similar elements

7. When : indicates a period of time

If : indicates a condition

Rising inventories, if not accompanied by corresponding increases in sales, can lead…..

9….. s+ V ..but +V

10. unlike : use as : like

12. declining : down : wordy

18. S + V, and +so too are modems, the devices that allow

19. attempt to try : wordy

20: base:

   Base on accounts of various ancient writer: X

   Using accounts of various ancient writer

21. estimated to be 40 to 44 million years old provide evidence of

23. is probably the most difficult to analyze

24. equipment can not = a method

25. 人和动物, 都不能用,on account of living, or base on accounting

26. the same to as to a

27. are in danger of

28. depend on whether : depend on 后面只能用whether, can not use if

29.seen to indicate

30. Even
的用法.. 就近修饰

31.CREDIT X WITH : 用法记住辣!!

32 while inflation eased when it might have been expected to rise

33. Efforts, … a major goal + 复数

35 found that

Have found that local witness are difficult to locate, reticent, and suspicious of strangers

38. 复数+ each of them, or each

39.spawned refers to something that happened in the past, while extending refers to something that continues into the present

40. rivalry that develops between Olive Chancellor, an active feminist, and Basil Ransom, here charming and cynical cousin

46. Long before it was fashionable to be an expatriate, J B made Paris her home…..

   XX : Long before it was fashionable being an expatriate

49..enable somebody to do something

50. It can hardly be said that educators are at fault for not anticipating the impact of technology…..


   That it is …. Who have not : wordy

51. The Olympic Games helped to keep peace among the pugnacious states of Greek world, for a sacred truce was proclaimed during the moths of the festival

B. world, proclaiming a sacred truce during the festival’s month

It is not clear who would be doing the proclaiming, a clause is preferable to a phrase here

53. require sb to do something

54. try to establish

55. not only … but also







CR 紫皮 1~81

2. Higher HDL levels in the bloodstream reduce cholesterol. Regular exercise and weight reduction promote higher HDL levels in some people.

  SOME, 就不能选有MOST的选项.

5. Established companies concentrate on defending what they already have. Consequently, they tend not to be innovative themselves and tend to underestimate the effects of the innovations of others. The clearest example of this defensive strategy is the fact that______.

C. a once-successful manufacturer of slide rules reacted to the introduction of electronic calculators by trying to make better slide rules.


7. A research discovered that people who have low levels of immune-system activity tend to score much lower on tests of mental health than do people with normal or high immune-system activity. The researcher concluded from this experiment that the immune system protects against mental illness as well as against physical disease.


The researcher’s conclusion depends on which of the following assumptions?


D Mental illness does not cause people’s immune-system activity to decrease.

****** can not understand


10. What must, of course, be shown, in order to avoid excessively restrictive controls, is that _____


B. any substance to be made subject to controls can actually cause environmental damage.


41. Least directly relevant : = not relevant or weaken


45. Bank depositors in the United States are all financially protected against bank failure because the government insures all individuals’ bank deposits. An economist argues that this insurance is partly responsible for the high rate of bank failures, since it removes from depositors any financial incentive to find out whether the bank that holds their money is secure against failure. If depositors were more selective, then banks would need to be secure in order to compete for depositors’ money.


The economist’s argument makes which of the following assumption?

The economist argues that banks would have to be more secure in a competitive environment with more discriminating depositors. The economist encourages potential depositor to be more selective in choosing a bank and therefore must believe that they know what makes a bank secure against failure.


后面有转折, 阅读会在这里出题, 没想到CR也会在这里出题.


47. A 推出B 的削弱
B推出 A

51. assumption : 这个ASSUMPTION, 有时候居然可以当加强来做, 简单来讲就是把原文的推理重复一遍.


53. There is a great deal of geographical variation in the frequency of many surgical procedures—up to tenfold variation per hundred thousand people among different areas in the umbers of hysterectomies, prostatectomies, and tonsillectomies.


To support a conclusion that much of the variation is due to unnecessary surgical procedures, it would be most important to establish which of the following?

most important to establish = strengthen


There are several categories of surgical procedure (other than hysterectomies, prostatectomies and tonsillectomies) that are often performed unnecessarily.



   Gortland has long been narrowly self-sufficient in both grain and meat. However, as per capital income in Gortland has risen toward the world average, per capital consumption of meat has also risen toward the world average, and it takes several pounds of grain to produce one pound of meat. Therefore, since per capital income continues to rise, whereas domestic grain production will not increase, Gortland will soon have to import either grain or meat or both.

C increase  then  Meat increase..

G and M 互相转化,…  M increase, if C certain … then  M must import either of them///


57. meteorite 陨星,

   Most properly be drawn 原文同意词的改写.

   The response of highly automated systems controlled by complex computer programs to unexpected circumstances is unpredictable.


Answer E: It is not certain what the system’s response to the explosion of a large meteorite would be, if its designers did not plan for such a contingency.


60. pertinent: 有关的, 相关的, 中肯的,

B. Some North American sites of human habitation predate any sites found in South America.



68. Advocate of a large-scale space-defense research project conclude that it will represent a net benefit to civilian business. They say that since government-sponsor research will have civilian applications, civilian businesses will reap the rewards of government-developed technology.


Each of the following, if true, raises a consideration arguing against the conclusion above, Except?


70. When people evade income taxes by not declaring taxable income, a vicious cycle results. Tax evasion forces lawmakers to raise income tax rates, which causes the tax burden on non-evading taxpayers to become heavier. This, in turn, encourages even more taxpayers to evade income taxes by hiding taxable income.

The vicious cycle described above could not result unless which of the following were true?


Not Unless = 肯定


A.      An increase in tax rates tends to function as an incentive for taxpayers to try to increase their pretax incomes.

B.      Some methods for detecting tax evaders, and thus recovering some tax revenue lost through evasion, bring in more than they cost, but their success rate varies from year to year.

C.      When lawmakers establish income tax rates in order to generate a certain level of revenue, they do not allow adequately for revenue that will be lost through evasion.

D.     No one who routinely hides some taxable income can be induced by a lowering of tax rates to stop hiding such income unless fines for evaders are raised at the same time.

E.      Taxpayers do not differ from each other, with respect to the rate of taxation that will cause them evade taxes.



74. explanation:





发表于 2008-1-20 23:23:00 | 只看该作者


If # represents the ten's digit of the five-digit number 28,1#2, What is the value of # ?
(1) When the five-digit number is rounded to the nearest ten, the resulting number is 28,140.
(2) When the five-digit number is rounded to the nearest hundred, the resulting number is 28,100.

答案是 A

但是我選E,這題我看不太懂意思...> <

发表于 2008-1-21 14:25:00 | 只看该作者
以下是引用ky0107在2008-1-20 23:23:00的发言:


If # represents the ten's digit of the five-digit number 28,1#2, What is the value of # ?
(1) When the five-digit number is rounded to the nearest ten, the resulting number is 28,140.
(2) When the five-digit number is rounded to the nearest hundred, the resulting number is 28,100.

答案是 A

但是我選E,這題我看不太懂意思...> <

   (1)因为保留到十位数,对于五位数 281#2 来说,  2 被舍去后结果是28140, 十位数只有一种可能4。 so it's sufficient.

      (2) 因为保留到百位数, 结果是28100, 百位数是1,对于五位数 281#2 来说, 十位数有五种可能0,1,2,3,4。  So it's not sufficient.

答案是 A

发表于 2008-1-21 14:50:00 | 只看该作者


If # 代表五位数28,1#2 的十位数, # 的值是什么?

(1)when 这个五位数保留到十位, 结果是28,140。

 (2) when 这个五位数保留到百位, 结果是28,100。

发表于 2008-1-21 16:35:00 | 只看该作者
联络相关(MSN:jing.yangy(A)  上网时间:下午或者晚上均可)
发表于 2008-1-21 20:00:00 | 只看该作者



备考相关(目前备考状况: OG 做了1/3

麦克风 ,上网时段:全天

发表于 2008-1-21 23:13:00 | 只看该作者
发现和大家的进度相差比较大,可能无法和你们同时进行了。不过我们都是3月考的XDJM,互相鼓励啊。偶今天开了复习贴 互相监督

[此贴子已经被作者于2008-1-22 20:48:56编辑过]
发表于 2008-1-22 12:18:00 | 只看该作者
語法大全 17/70  76%
RC  全對





A firm that specializes in the
analysis of handwriting claims from a one-page writing sample that it can
more than three hundred personality traits, including enthusiasm,
imagination, and ambition.


(A) from a
one-page writing sample that it can assess


(B) from a one-page writing sample it has the ability of assessing


(C) the ability,
from a one-page writing sample, of assessing


(D) to be able, from a one-page writing sample, to


(E) being able to
assess, from a one-page writing sample,

選(d)的原因是因為 to be able 和 to assess部分平行嗎?


A new phenomena, which is
visible at Managua’s
major intersections, are waves of vendors and beggars, which include many
children and
mob cars at the stoplights.


A new phenomena, which is visible at Managua’s major intersections, are
waves of vendors and beggars, which include many children and


(B) Visible at Managua’s major
intersections are waves of vendors and beggars with many children, new
phenomena that


(C) A new phenomenon visible at Managua’s major
交叉點 is waves of vendors and
beggars, many of them children, who


(D) Phenomenally
new waves of vendors, beggars, and many children are visible at Managua’s major
intersections, which


(E) A wave of
vendors and beggars, many of whom are children, are visible at Managua’s major
intersections, where they are a new phenomenon and

關於C選項,many of them children, who  mob cars at the stoplights.這一部分不了解。
many of them children是怎麼樣的文法句呢?


18.      A peculiar feature of the
初期的/幼兒的mammalian哺乳動物 circulatory 循環上的system is that in the area of the heart the
cells adhere to one another, beating in unison and adopting specialized
orientations exclusive of one another.


(A) beating in unison
and adopting


(B) they beat in unison while adopting


(C) beat in
unison, and adopt


(D) beating in unison yet adoptingD


(E) even though
they beat in unison and adopt



A proposal has been made to
修改 the horns把角截去 from rhinoceroses 犀牛to
阻擋 poachers偷獵者; the question is whether tourists will
continue to visit game parks and see rhinoceroses after their horns are



(A) whether
tourists will continue to visit game parks and see rhinoceroses after their
horns are


(B) whether
tourists will continue to visit game parks to see one once their horns are


(C) whether tourists will continue to visit game
parks to see rhinoceroses once the animals’ horns have been


(D) if tourists will continue to visit game parks and see rhinoceroses
once the animals’ horns are


(E) if tourists
will continue to visit game parks to see one after the animals’ horns have been

C選項用have been 是因為前面的will  continue 嗎?


28.      A representative of the Women’s
Bureau of the United States Department of Labor contends that employers who
offer benefits which permit that employees can balance home and work
responsibilities better, realizing
gains in attendance, recruiting, and


(A) which permit that employees can balance home and work
responsibilities better, realizing


(B) which permit
employees balancing home and work responsibilities better will realize


(C) that permit employees to balance the
responsibilities of home and work better will realize


(D) that permit
employees a better balance between the responsibilities of home and work, thus


(E) such that
employees are permitted a balance between home and work responsibilities, and
they will realize

我不知道為什麼選C 是因為who
offer benefits offer 的部份要接that 為慣用語嗎?


According to a survey of
graduating medical students conducted by the Association of American Medical
Colleges, minority graduates are nearly four times more likely than are
other graduates in planning to practice
in socioeconomically deprived


(A) minority
graduates are nearly four times more likely than are other graduates in
planning to practice


minority graduates are nearly four times more likely
than other graduates who plan on practicing


(C) minority graduates are nearly four times as likely as
other graduates to plan on practicing


(D) it is nearly
four times more likely that minority graduates rather than other graduates will
plan to practice


(E) it is nearly
four times as likely for minority graduates than other graduates to plan to

為什麼選C 那B為什麼不對?


According to his own account,
Frederic-Auguste Bartholdi, the sculptor of the Statue of Liberty, modeled
the face of the statue like his mother’s and the body like his wife’s


(A) modeled the
face of the statue like his mother’s and the body like his wife’s


(B) modeled the face of the statue after
that of his mother and the body after that of his wife


(C) modeled the face of the statue like his mother and the body like
his wife


(D) made the face
of the statue after his mother and the body after his wife


made the face of the statue look like his mother and
the body look like his wife

不懂B選項 after
that of的用法?


49.      According to some economists, Japan is in
danger of plunging into a depression that, with double-digit unemployment,
could severely strain
a society that regards lifetime employment as a
virtual right of citizenship.


(A) that, with double-digit
unemployment, could severely strain


(B) that, because
of double-digit unemployment, could be a severe strain for


(C) with
double-digit unemployment, and it could severely strain


with double-digit unemployment and could be a severe


(E) with
double-digit unemployment and could severely strain




发表于 2008-1-22 12:54:00 | 只看该作者

new comer









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