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[考古] 【鸟发声】考古求确认!!!!!

发表于 2012-2-4 17:18:45 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

3 鸟类发声能力的研究[附考古]

  V1 by 逛来晃去


  考古 [已确认]


  第一段开始说以前的研究中发现songbird学习发声主要受到父母及周围环境影响,说这种学习很像婴儿学说话,先开始模仿,然后发展出具有自己特色的语言。如果让小鸟和其他种类的鸟呆在一起,那它会学会这种wrong word,如果不让他跟任何鸟接触,他最终会形成奇怪的声音,但好像是不能有效表达,好像是。



  没有器官的描写。我记得问最后一段在文中的作用是什么,也就是问相关的更多研究的结论跟上面的学术论述有什么作用。还有里面说到有一个professor 还是研究人员说什么如果那三种鸟都是相同的祖先的话,一定有什么是在发展和演化中被忽略了的(或者说是丢失了的),但是后面又接着来了一种反面的观点...

  V3 (700+)

  P1 开始讲三种鸟是已知鸟类中仅有的三种后天学习发声而不是基因里就会发声的。(vocalization learning instead of genetically programmed)而其他学习发声的都是哺乳动物,如人,蝙蝠等等。然后详细说这三种鸟学习唱歌(sing)就和小孩子学说话一样的,生下来后逐渐和父母学习才会唱歌,所以如果把这三种鸟的幼鸟交给别的鸟养大,他们发声就会很奇怪;如果把他们单独开养,就哑巴了。

  P2 EJ是个这方面的研究者,他发现这三种鸟在发声时,脑中七个部分的活动是非常相似的,而这是很奇怪的,因为这三种鸟的生物种属离得很远。所以有两个假说:一是他们有共同的祖先。“但是这不太可能,因为这意味着……存在大批的灭绝”(记不清了,反正引号内高亮,意思很晦涩)(有题说前面高亮推断出什么,我想的是假设这个祖先的后代都是学习发声,那么现在应该有很多学习发声的鸟,为什么只有三种,因为其他的都灭绝了,而这是不太可能的)那么只剩下一种假说,就是凡是学习发声的脑部活动都一样。

  P3. 有谈到关于人类发声时,脑部七个部位的活动和上文三种鸟也一致。这就更加说明第二个假说才是对的。最后一句谈到学习发声也是movement learning,结果有一道细节题就考这最后两个单词。

  V4 (V34)

  第一段说关于鸟类的语言,有的是通过模仿来的和genetical的不同.第二段说科学家吃惊的发现三种鸟在叫的时候,脑部有什么特殊的反应,而这三种鸟不是closely related,所以科学家觉得很奇怪啊.第三段说后来又发现这种反应人脑也有.

  V5 (V34)

  问题1:作者对这个实验的结果感到unexpected是因为什么?我选的哺乳动物和鸟类很少有共同的啥啥啥(具体记不清了哈~)问题2(原文中高亮了第二段中间,第二段说了这个结果可能有俩因素导致:原因1 是引用了实验者说的话“如果鸟类有1个共同的祖先,那么就会有一个loss of...,后面同位语定义loss 是什么ability..高亮的就是实验者说的话)问高亮部分表明实验者认为:选E,不太可能有XXX。。(原谅我又记不清了,记得这道还是挺简单的)


V6 (V37)

  鸟学说话,印象最深的是鸟学说话里面有道题,好像是高亮题,说这些动物虽然有similar brain structure, 但是都是单独进化的;就像“蝙蝠啊,鸟啊,单独进化完,翅膀都差不多”一样,问引号里那个句子有什么作用,干扰的选项有 to illustrate the brain structure......; analogy to ...vocal......想了很久,一开始常规思想选了analogy,后来迟迟不敢点next,总觉得好像有点问题,后来选了前者,大家到时候仔细斟酌。


  4 蜂鸟化石[附背景资料]

  V1 by 逛来晃去


  V2 by xrbear57(M51 V20+)

  1P: 从化石里发现很久以前old world(非洲欧洲)有蜂鸟,但现在灭绝了。

  2P: 出现了2new finding 不停的question 或者是evaluate 蜂鸟化石。

  问:1。主题题;2.下面哪个能够strength old world有蜂鸟。

  V3by jadeyang(710 V37)






  [版本2] by edisoen
  阅读有一道第一段是说鸟的vocal是通过学习父母的发声而学会的,就像人说话是父母教的一样,然后说实验人员将幼鸟放置于一个陌生的环境然后鸟就stop learning wrong sound,but odd sound。然后第二段是实验人员推测鸟的发声的时候大脑有三个区域是活跃的,但是这三个区域又是互相独立的,于是有个牛的人就说这三个区域都是和语言有关的,很多动物包括人都是这种情况。然后第三段就是说推测这可能是由于这其中有些区域是动物共有的,然后各自有形成了自己的语言区域,就像鸟和蝙蝠都是有翅膀的,但是他们是两种生物。然后得出结论说其实很多动物的某些语言功能都是从共同的老祖宗vertebrate那里得来的,然后各自又形成了各自的vacal 功能
  [版本3] by mei900219 700 M51 V33
  P1: 传统认为鸟的叫声是基因遗传的。后来发现,有些鸟的叫声是习得的。然后就给出证据说,如果把那些后天学声音的鸟放别的鸟那,会学错声音的。
  [版本4] by bonbon_sj 760 V42 Q50
  第一段讲鸟,mammal,human, 还有海洋哺乳动物都是vocal learner。
  第三段讲further evidence prove 第二种解释是对的。至此,jarvis也believe这个解释了。这里也出了个题目,将哪句话被jarvis question,应该就是选第一个解释原话。
  [考古] by chlegend
  2.1.1. 鸟类声音系统的进化**
  V1 daisy88117
  P1 说bird的声音系统的进化大致介绍了下
  P2 说某人做了个假设 具体忘了 有两个可能的结果 第一个BALABALA 但是某人发现这里有问题(有考点) 第二个可能的结果BALABALA (大致是有关声音系统是独立在各个不同鸟类脑部发育还是来源于同一个祖先等等)
  P3 其他实验证明了应该是在各个human和bird group里独立发育的
  1 darkchoco 710 好几道题考察“不同种类的鸟的声音系统是分开进化的,而不是来源于同一个祖先。”以及“无论对于鸟还是对于人,大脑有同一个区域专门负责声音的控制之类的”
  2 Ckybe 700有个问题是问J(科学家人名)会同意以下哪个论述
  V2 terryblue 720
  紧接说三种鸟应该是independently evolve,起源于共同的一个系统。
  V3 wade777 (Ckybe 700 推荐的版本)
  第一段,讲Songbird与其他两种鸟是后天学习唱歌的, 不同与其他的动物是遗传的,讲若将这些鸟放入其他种的窝里,就会学他们的歌声,若将幼鸟隔离起来就会唱的及其诡异,大概是曾哥的绵羊音吧(亮点)。
  第二段,说研究发现这些鸟的大脑中同时存在一套6个什么系统来控制学习发声, 一种假设是他们来源于一同一个祖先,但立即被否。另一种假设说他们是独立发展的这种系统,就像鸟与蝙蝠明明相距甚远,却发展出如此相近的翅膀。
  第三段,说进一步研究发现当人说话时会触发一些与鸟类似的声控系统,而那些语言功能有障碍的人往往无法启动这些系统, 于是科学家又她妈总结了说动物们的确是独立发展的声控系统,但是所有Vertebrate动物可能继承同一祖先的什么大脑功能系统之类的
  V4 bear_viola
  V5 rdfyj 720
  第二段:A few years ago, Jarvis and his colleagues made the surprising discovery that when a songbird, parrot or hummingbird is producing its learned vocalization, a set of seven similar structures in the birds’ brains become active. The finding was unexpected because the three avian groups are only distantly related to one another. At the same time, they are closely related to other birds that are not vocal learners. Flycatchers, for example, belong to the same order as songbirds—Passeriformes—yet no flycatcher species tested so far displays the trait. One possible explanation, says Jarvis, is that the three groups of vocal learning birds had a common ancestor that possessed the skill. “But this means there would have been multiple losses of the ability over time, a sort of mass extinction of vocal learning,” he says. Another hypothesis is that vocal learners evolved similar brain structures independently over the last 65 million years, much the same way that birds and bats separately evolved wings that turned out to be so much alike.
  第三段:Discoveries about the human brain support this latter hypothesis. Scientists conducting imaging studies have found that when people speak, parts of their brains’ cerebrums that are similar to those of vocalizing songbirds, parrots and hummingbirds become active. They’ve also found that the same neural pathways are damaged in people who have lost the ability to speak due to injury or stroke. Jarvis now believes that vocal learning most likely developed independently in humans and the three bird groups (as well as in other learners whose brains have not been studied)—yet it arose from a pre-existing brain system, probably shared by all vertebrates, that controls learning to move.
  [考古] by ftdonnaf
  A few years ago, Jarvis and his colleagues made the surprising discovery that when a songbird, parrot or hummingbird is producing its learned vocalization, a set of seven similar structures in the birds’ brains become active. The finding was unexpected because the three avian groups are only distantly related to one another. At the same time, they are closely related to other birds that are not vocal learners. Flycatchers, for example, belong to the same order as songbirds—Passeriformes—yet no flycatcher species tested so far displays the trait.
  One possible explanation, says Jarvis, is that the three groups of vocal learning birds had a common ancestor that possessed the skill. “But this means there would have been multiple losses of the ability over time, a sort of mass extinction of vocal learning,” he says. Another hypothesis is that vocal learners evolved similar brain structures independently over the last 65 million years, much the same way that birds and bats separately evolved wings that turned out to be so much alike.
  Discoveries about the human brain support this latter hypothesis. Scientists conducting imaging studies have found that when people speak, parts of their brains’ cerebrums that are similar to those of vocalizing songbirds, parrots and hummingbirds become active. They’ve also found that the same neural pathways are damaged in people who have lost the ability to speak due to injury or stroke. Jarvis now believes that vocal learning most likely developed independently in humans and the three bird groups (as well as in other learners whose brains have not been studied)—yet it arose from a preexisting brain system, probably shared by all vertebrates, that controls learning to move.
  阅读13 Song bird 背景阅读 by jeffxu
  Full paper
  Vocal learning, the substrate of human language, is a very rare trait. It is known to be present in only 6 groups of animals: 3 groups of birds (parrots, songbirds, and hummingbirds) and 3 groups of mammals (bats, cetaceans[whales/dolphins], and humans). All other groups of animals are thought to produce genetically innate vocalizations. To understand this concept, it is important to distinguish vocal learning from auditory learning. Auditory learning is the ability to make sound associations, such as a dog learning how to respond to the sound "sit". All vertebrates have auditory learning. Vocal learning is the ability to imitate sounds that you hear, such as a human or a parrot imitating the sound "sit". Currently only vocal learners have been found to have forebrain regions dedicated to vocal learning and production of these learned vocalizations. Vocal non-learners only have been found to have non-forebrain vocal regions responsible for the production of innate vocalizations.
  The objective of this project, a collaboration between Dr. Jarvis’ lab at Duke University and Dr. Mello’s lab at The Rockefeller University, is to determine how the vocal learning behavioral trait and associated brain structures evolved. We utilize vocalizing-driven gene expression to identify vocal brain structures in vocal learning and vocal non-learning species. To date, we have used this approach in 3 vocal learners - songbirds, parrots, and hummingbirds. We have found that they each contain 7 very similar brain structures. If according to the current dominant hypothesis, vocal learning evolved independently in all 6 vocal learning groups within the past 65 million years, then the striking similarities in brain structures of at least the 3 avian groups suggest that there a strong epigenetic constraints on how vocal learning can evolve. We are now determining if this hypothesis is correct, or if there really was a common ancestor with vocal learning, and other groups lost them through evolution. Above, click on the group name to find out about the latest results.
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