According to a recent poll, owning and living in a freestanding house on its own land is still a goal of a majority of young adults, like that of earlier generations.
OG13 SC 85
According to a recent poll, owning and living in a freestanding house on its own land is still a goal of a majority of young adults, like that of earlier generations.
A. like that of earlier generations
B. as that for earlier generations
C. just as earlier generations did
D. as have earlier generations
E. as it was of earlier generations
正确答案是E,OG的解释是:“This sentence compares a single goal shared by generations. The second part of the sentence must have the same structure as the first part: a clause with a subject and a verb...”. 这个可以理解。但是既然是compare a single goal,原句中的that可以指代the goal吧,这样直接比较为什么不可以?望大家指点
'that of earlier generations' is a problem. Specifically, 'that of' doesn't have a clear referent, because there's no strong parallel structure to determine it anymore. It could conceivably stand for 'goal', 'majority', or perhaps even 'freestanding house' or 'land'. And if you go by the best possible parallelism, 'that of' seems to refer to a majority, because that's the word placed right before '...OF young adults' (which seems to work in parallel with '...OF earlier generations').
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