思路:Then, as a result ,in turn 都是表示前后两项平行的标志,看见要敏感,马上找平行! A:看见SO先想到that,此处没从属连词把两个完整的主谓结构发在了一起; ability of sbfor doing 错误 改为to do; theresult is插入了个句子,不合理,后面无宾语逻辑意思也不完整。 B:bingo ;正确的平型结构 , as a result平行标志词 C: the result of this 中this 首先不能裸奔, 其次这也不是一个插入语,是一个新主语,所以需要谓语动词; they are unable to make如果想跟it hampers the ability平行的话需在前面加that; D: results in not making错误的和 hampers平行,把make的发出者,children去掉了,不合逻辑 ; E: SO as to 一般只用于单一的主系表结构;ability of sbfor doing 错误改为to do; make的发出者不明,句子结构复杂 总结:辅助识别平行项的几个插入词:then, as a result, in turn, thereby 这些词表示平起平坐; 52. To Josephine Baker, Paris was her home long before it wasfashionable to be an expatriate, and sheremained in France during the Second World War as a performer and anintelligence agent for theResistance. (A) ToJosephine Baker, Paris was her home long before it was fashionable to be anexpatriate (B) ForJosephine Baker, long before it was fashionable to be an expatriate, Paris washer home (C) JosephineBaker made Paris her home long before to be an expatriate was fashionable (D) Long beforeit was fashionable to be an expatriate, Josephine Baker made Paris her home (E) Long beforeit was fashionable being an expatriate, Paris was home to Josephine Baker