
标题: 【Native Speaker每日综合训练—41系列】【41-15】Juvenile Delinquency [打印本页]

作者: 油桃F    时间: 2014-9-14 23:00
标题: 【Native Speaker每日综合训练—41系列】【41-15】Juvenile Delinquency
内容:ffffionabear 编辑:油桃F

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Part I: Speaker

Why your worst deeds don't define you

Source: TED Talk

[Rephrase 1, 12:18]
作者: 油桃F    时间: 2014-9-14 23:00
Part II: Speed

6 facts about crime and the adolescent brain
BY Emily Kaiser | May 15, 2013

[Time 2]
The criminal justice system needs to rethink the way it manages teenagers who misbehave, according to Laurence Steinberg, an adolescent brain development expert at Temple University.

Because the adolescent brain is still developing, the risks taken and mistakes made by young offenders may be more outside of their control than we think, said Steinberg.

"No one is saying that kids who commit horrific crimes shouldn't be punished," Steinberg told the New York Times. "But most in the scientific community think that we know that since this person is likely to change, why not revisit this when he's an adult and see what he's like?"

Steinberg is in the Twin Cities to speak at the University of Minnesota at a lecturetitled "Should the Science of Adolescent Brain Development Inform Legal Policy?"

Steinberg joined The Daily Circuit Thursday, Nov. 15 to discuss his research.

Here are six facts we gleaned from Steinberg's appearance on The Daily Circuit:

1. Adolescent brains have weak brakes

"One way to think about it is a kind of competition or balance between two different brain systems: A system that impels us to seek out rewards and go for novelty and excitement, sensation seeking, and then a brain system that really puts the brakes on impulses," Steinberg said.

"What we now understand about the adolescent brain is that both of these systems are changing during the course of adolescence. The reward seeking system is becoming more easily aroused, particularly during early adolescence, which makes kids seek and go after rewards. The braking system is still developing very, very slowly and it's not fully mature until people are well into their 20s."
[273 words]

[Time 3]
2. Adolescents take more risks in groups

In Steinberg's lab at Temple University, researchers put people through a driving simulation and monitor their brain activity with MRI. The game involves a number of risk-taking scenarios.

"When adolescents are playing the game without their friends watching them, they don't play it any differently than adults do," he said.

The game player's friends are then brought into a room to watch their friend, but they can't interact.

"Just knowing that your friends are watching you doubles the number of risks teenagers take," he said. "If we look at adults, it has no impact on their behavior whatsoever."

When friends are watching, the brain activity changes too.

"There was much greater activation of rewards centers in the brain when the adolescent was playing the game being watched by his friends," Steinberg said. "In adults, the brain activity looks exactly the same when they are playing alone versus playing with their friends watching them. It leads us to think that something is going on when teenagers are with their peers that makes them especially sensitive to reward."

3. The behavior-governing prefrontal cortex is morphing

"What happens during adolescence is that this part of the brain becomes a more efficient tool through changes in the anatomy of the prefrontal cortex, but also it becomes a better connected part of the brain in its ability to communicate with other brain regions," Steinberg said. "The period of time during which this is happening really extends from pre-adolescence all the way into the mid-20s."
[256 words]

[Time 4]
4. Adult guidance makes a difference

"If we're talking about a child who is at a stage of development where his own self-control is still immature and still developing, one thing that can help him is to have self-control imposed on him by other people," he said. "That's a role parents play that helps protect their youngsters from engaging in risky and reckless behavior."

5. Ninety percent of kids who break the law during adolescence don't become adult criminals

"A lot of the misbehavior that adolescents engage in is transient," he said. "It happens during adolescence partly as a function of the immaturity that is characteristic of the period and then it goes away without any intervention whatsoever."

6. Teen offenders are too often treated like adults when they hit the justice system

"It is not that unusual for our justice system to criminalize what I think most of us would consider to be, you know, stupid adolescent behavior," he said. "They come into contact with a system that just has stopped viewing them as what they are, which is kids. They are not adults. We need to go back to an earlier point in our history where we had a separate juvenile justice system that didn't have such a porous border with the adult system, which is what we have right now."
[223 words]

Source: MPR News

Punishment for juvenile crime – should it be different?
BY  Paul Samakow | May 18, 2014

[Time 5]
Two teenagers shot and killed a college baseball player out for a jog in Oklahoma last August. They explained they committed the murder because they were just bored.

Juveniles who commit crimes have legal protections that include lighter sentencing than adults would receive in the same circumstances. Discussions continue about the appropriateness of that leniency each time a horrible crime is committed by a teen.

The Supreme Court has trended toward the more lenient position, and most recently, California’s high court ruled in the same direction.

In 2005, in the case of Roper v. Simmons, the Supreme Court ruled that the death penalty for those under 18 was cruel and unusual punishment and thus unconstitutional. Life in prison, without parole, thus became the most significant punishment a juvenile could suffer for committing any crime.

In 2012, the Court ruled that mandatory life sentences for juveniles also violated the 8th Amendment’s protections against cruel and unusual punishment. The thinking was simply that juveniles are different than adults. The Justices appreciated that a juvenile’s brain is not fully developed.

The ruling means, for juveniles, that a judge cannot simply look at the mandatory sentence for a given crime and impose it; rather, when sentencing, judges must look at and consider that a younger person is different than an adult.

“Youth have less responsibility for their actions than adults and greater prospects for reform,” the court concluded.

Reformers of juvenile sentencing say that a younger person’s brain is not fully developed. They are correct.

Peter A. Weir, a former judge and now a prosecutor in Colorado, offered a tougher view in the November 13, 2013 Denver Post. He said that some juvenile offenders commit crimes so serious and so heinous that public safety mandates — and justice demands — full accountability in our criminal justice system.

Weir counters the argument of those who say this is unfair and unjust: “reform experts tell us that three-quarters of adolescents lack the decision-making abilities of adults, thus one-quarter of juveniles can function in an adult manner.” Weir further notes that experts acknowledge that they cannot apply general concepts of a developing brain to the activities of any specific person.
[363 words]

[Time 6]
The Colorado case that led Weir to his comments involved a young man just shy of his eighteenth birthday. The young man hunted, kidnapped and killed a ten-year-old girl. Weir says the murder was thoughtful, deliberate and cunning in its planning and execution. The “juvenile” was sentenced to life in prison plus 86 years.

Last month, California’s Supreme Court overturned a longstanding punishment “presumption” that would impose life without parole for juveniles convicted of certain murders.

California’s court ruled that trial courts “must consider all relevant evidence bearing on the distinctive attributes of youth, including hallmark features of adolescence such as immaturity, impulsivity, and a failure to appreciate risks and consequences.”
The ruling forces judges to consider those factors before imposing the harshest of sentences on youth.

Elizabeth Calvin, a senior advocate for children’s rights at Human Rights Watch, said about the California ruling:

“The court has recognized today what every parent knows – kids are different and are capable of tremendous growth and transformation. Now, it is up to judges and state legislators to ensure that all child offenders have a meaningful chance to work toward rehabilitation, to periodically demonstrate their achievements, and, if merited, to earn their release from prison.”

Richard Bonnie of the University of Virginia School of Law and Elizabeth Scott of the Columbia Law School, in the journal Current Directions in Psychological Science, argue that “new scientific insights can and should guide legal decision making about teens as a group, but that it’s far too early to look for scientific assistance in individual judgments”.

“One problem is that law and science view human development quite differently.” As Bonnie and Scott note, “the law basically divides people into minors — vulnerable and incompetent–and adults, who are autonomous and responsible. But psychological science has a more nuanced view of adolescence as a separate stage, between childhood and adulthood.”

They say that this view “is supported by neuroscience, which shows that the frontal cortex — the seat of judgment, self-control, and sensible planning — matures very gradually into early adulthood. It is out of sync with the early development of the emotional brain, and as a result there is a gap between early sensation seeking and later self-discipline.”
[369 words]

[The Rest]
In 2012, a theory of the juvenile mind was offered from the world of psychological science, furthering the “there is a difference” theme. Jean-Louis van Gelder, of the Netherlands Institute for the Study of Crime and Law Enforcement, argues that juveniles suffer from conspicuous shortsightedness. He says that young people appear overly focused on immediate rewards such as money, sex, stimulation, and that they have little regard for potential later consequences. Van Gelder says this seems obvious in a way, and that is why juveniles commit crimes and end up in jail.

Van Gelder asked “why?” and decided to test for the concept that juveniles suffer from a specific cognitive deficit, one that makes it very difficult for them to imagine their future selves. He ran multiple experiments. He concluded that “the vividness of the future self is the key to making prudent decisions in the here and now — and diminishing criminal propensity”.

Understanding criminal mentality is the subject of countless studies, books, and seemingly endless analysis by scientists, criminologists, psychologists, legal scholars and others concerned with decreasing crime. Whatever the reason for criminal behavior, it is clear that a blind punishment rule that cannot address individual circumstances and differences between a juvenile and an adult is inappropriate.

Parents catch their kids, ages 17 and 11, doing the same “bad” thing. Older kid gets punished harsher. There is a need to consider everything when punishing someone.

A juvenile criminal two months shy of age 18 should not necessarily be treated with lenience. Mr. Weir, the U.S. Supreme Court, and the California Supreme Court are all correct.
[323 words]

Source: Communities Digital News

作者: 油桃F    时间: 2014-9-14 23:00
Part III: Obstacle

Adolescents in Adult Court: Does the Punishment Fit the Criminal?
By Peter Ash | J Am Acad Psychiatry Law 34:2:145-149 (June 2006)

[Paraphrase 7]
What should we do with an adolescent who has committed an act that would be a crime if committed by an adult?

“Lock ′em up.” That’s the view of my 17-year-old son, expressed over dinner as he’s about to embark on a spring vacation trip with his friends. To get permission to go, he’s been working hard to impress his mother and me with his good judgment and sense of responsibility. He thinks his judgment is as good as that of most adults, and he has a stake in proving it. If you start with the view that late adolescents think just as well as adults, then it makes sense to hold them criminally responsible as adults.

But I press on: “Treat them as though they were adults for everything? Shoplifting? Fleeing the police in a high speed chase and hurting someone in an accident?”
“No, those are just being stupid. It’s the difference between doing something stupid and doing something mean.” Another view of adolescents: they are more impulsive than adults, but they’re not more ignorant about good and evil. And that leads to a different view of what are appropriate interventions. How you think about adolescence has a great deal to do with what you think should be done with juvenile offenders.

Adult Crime, Adult Time

The concept of adolescence as a transitional phase of development between childhood and adulthood is a fairly modern invention. The first academic book on adolescence appeared in 1904, around the same time as the early juvenile courts. Prior to that, adolescent antisocial behavior was dealt with in the adult criminal system. The reformers saw delinquency as related to neglectful upbringing (which is part of why juvenile courts handle both child deprivation proceedings and delinquency) and wayward youth in need of guidance and rehabilitation. Rehabilitation was the ostensible objective of juvenile court interventions with delinquents, but over time the practice became increasingly punitive.

In the late 1980s and early 1990s, the adolescent crime rate soared. In 1993, for male African-American youth aged 15 to 19, homicide was not simply the leading cause of death; it accounted for more deaths than all other causes combined. Noted criminologists predicted—erroneously, as it turned out—that the crime rate would go higher yet. Concern for public safety and a worry that adolescent offenders would “get away with it” by aging out of the juvenile system led to more punitive approaches under the “adult crime, adult time” mantra. Since 1992, all states except Nebraska have expanded their provisions for transferring adolescents to adult court. Transfer laws utilize several mechanisms, including allowing prosecutorial discretion, lowering the age at which an adolescent is considered an adult from 18 to 17 or 16, and statutory exclusion (specifying age and offense combinations that are automatically sent to adult criminal court). The nature of the act, not the nature of the actor, became the basis for most transfers to criminal court.

Although such legislation focused on the criminal act, it was facilitated, and possibly driven, by a view of the actor. The media were full of reports along the lines of: “Youth shoots 14-year-old for jacket, then goes for ice cream.” The view of the offender as a troubled adolescent who deserves help was replaced by a view of the adolescent offender as a remorseless criminal or superpredator. Although many of the punitive legislative responses were based on an image of adolescent killers, the laws themselves were written more broadly, by lowering the age at which all crimes are tried in adult court to 17 or 16, or including a wider range of offenses, such as robbery, multiple burglaries, or aggravated child molestation (which might be defined as aggravated solely based on the age of the “victim,” even if the “perpetrator” is only a few years older). The problem is not that killers had been treated too leniently—most states already had laws allowing most adolescent murder defendants to be dealt with in criminal court—but that a large group of nonmurderous adolescents became viewed as hardened criminals.

Adolescent Culpability

Since the mission of the juvenile court has not focused on punishment, until relatively recently adolescent moral and criminal responsibility have received very little attention. In adult criminal courts, however, the proportionality of punishment to culpability is important. In 1988, Justice Stevens, writing for the majority in Thompson v. Oklahoma,16 in which the Supreme Court held that it was unconstitutional to impose the death penalty on defendants who were below the age of 16 when they committed the offense, said:

Thus, the Court has already endorsed the proposition that less culpability should attach to a crime committed by a juvenile than to a comparable crime committed by an adult. The basis for this conclusion is too obvious to require extended explanation. Inexperience, less education, and less intelligence make the teenager less able to evaluate the consequences of his or her conduct while at the same time he or she is much more apt to be motivated by mere emotion or peer pressure than is an adult. The reasons why juveniles are not trusted with the privileges and responsibilities of an adult also explain why their irresponsible conduct is not as morally reprehensible as that of an adult.

Notwithstanding that reduced culpability of juveniles was “obvious,” the following year in Stanford v. Kentucky the Court held that executing 16- and 17-year-olds was constitutionally permissible. The Stanford court reasoned that some youth over 15 could be fully responsible and that grounds other than culpability were also relevant in determining whether the death penalty for minors represents cruel and unusual punishment.

The argument about immaturity, as commonly utilized, holds that if the decision to commit a crime can be shown to derive from judgments that can be meaningfully distinguished from adult judgments, then adolescent culpability is reduced. And the reverse may also be argued: if adolescent capacity cannot be meaningfully distinguished from that of an adult, then differential blame is not warranted. Most studies of adolescent decision-making through the early 1990s found that cognitive decision-making of 15-year-olds on issues such as health care were not significantly different from the decision-making capacities of adults. Below age 15, capacity fell off fairly quickly: about half of 13- to 14-year-olds’ decision-making capacity was significantly worse than that of adults. Some studies, such as Grisso’s work on waiving Miranda rights,18 also took into account noncognitive factors, such as deference to authority, but found similar results. This research was utilized by the professions in arguing for increased legal recognition for autonomous rights for minors over age 14, most especially in the debate regarding whether an adolescent girl should be able to provide legal consent to obtain an abortion without involving her parents.

In the 1990s, a number of research efforts were begun to examine adolescent decision-making along dimensions other than cognitive capacities. Cauffman and Steinberg20 hypothesized that other aspects of thinking were relevant to decision-making, such as self-reliance, the ability to see short- and long-term consequences, the ability to take another person’s point of view into account, and impulse control. Utilizing a self-report, paper-and-pencil methodology, they found that psychosocial maturity was more positively correlated with making socially responsible choices and avoiding risky behavior than was age. The Supreme Court took note of reduced culpability in finding execution of minors unconstitutional last year,21 but there is little evidence that views of reduced culpability have played a major role in decreasing transfers of adolescents to the criminal courts.

Adolescence as Becoming

As parents, we have many hopes for our children. Essential in much of how parents respond to their children is the idea that teenagers are on their way to becoming something else. How to integrate this sense of becoming into our view of adolescence has not received careful analysis and is difficult to articulate. This is part of why adolescent culpability and deserved punishment are such difficult topics. Responsibility turns not only on the present capacity to control one’s actions and make sound judgments, but also on having had the opportunity to mature. As adolescents grow, they have an opportunity to reflect on their experiences, and, potentially, to break away from their environments. Consider two offenders, one an adult, and the other an adolescent, who have committed a similar crime and who have a similar sense of time perspective, intelligence, and other capacities that are taken to be elements of maturity of judgment. We should consider the adolescent as less responsible because he has not had the same amount of experience in making choices nor has he had the opportunity to reflect on his choices to the same extent as an adult. Knowing that an adolescent is still developing also contributes to the disquieting sense that an adolescent who is punished today is not the same person who will be sitting in prison five years from now.


Deciding what to do with youthful offenders involves weighing several factors: public safety, fair and just punishment, and fostering the development of productive and moral citizens. We see these goals through the lens of our ideas, often not clearly articulated, of what adolescent growing up is all about. The “adult crime, adult time” approach not only encompasses a distorted view of adolescence, it appears to be an ineffective strategy for furthering public safety or the well-being of adolescent offenders. There have been major advances in our understanding of adolescent offending, but with few exceptions, these understandings have not yet been translated into legislation. The question of appropriate punishment has been examined most thoroughly in the context of the death penalty for adolescents, which was prohibited last year. Extending the analysis to adult punishment for youthful offenders has yet to be done. The American Psychiatric Association has called for reform of current practices of transferring adolescent offenders to adult criminal courts. More empirical investigation and the further development of effective interventions will help to clarify these concerns, but advancing juvenile justice policy will also require careful analysis of just punishment for juvenile offenders and analysis of the tradeoffs between competing goals.
[1676 words]

Source: Journal of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law Online

作者: cyndichiang    时间: 2014-9-15 07:09
Time2 1'36''
Time3 1'53''
Time4 1'11''
6 facts about adolescent criminals and their brains
weak brake in the brain
more risks in a group
the behavior-governing prefrontal cortex is morphing
parental supervision makes things different
90% children criminals won't be adult criminals
children and adults share the same justice system

Time5 2'18''
Time6 2'31''
Whether juvenile criminals shoud be treated differently raises various concerns .
Judges should take several factors into account  before imposing the harshest of sentences on youth
neuroscience shows evidence that brains of juveniles do immature

Obstacle: 8'12''
It is controversial that juvenile criminals are jedged under adult criminal system
arguments about reducing culpabilityn. 可责;有过失;有罪
Parents' influences
Conclusion: all related factors should be considered and investigations should be more empirical
作者: psychoarya    时间: 2014-9-15 07:47
time2+time2+time4 4:53
The criminal justice system should rethink the way it manages juvenile delinquency. the author lists six fact about adolescent brain.
the brake system in the adolescents’ brain does not fully develop.
the adolescents behave different when they are with friends.
the change of the prefrontal cortex extends from pre-adolescence to the mid-20s
adult guidance can make a difference
most kids who break the law during adolescence don’t become adult criminals
they are often treated like adult criminals. —state the topic point

time5+time6+the rest 7:28
teenagers who commit the same crime as an adult does will receive higher sentencing.
the reform process: from harsher on adolescents to treat them with leniency.
consider the brain development.

obstacle 10:15
various factors should be considered into the punishment.
the comparison between adolescents and adults.
the influences of parents.

作者: cherry6891    时间: 2014-9-15 09:56
The criminal justice system rethink how to manage adolescence's criminal
The rewarding system could not develop well until 20 s
Adolescence takes more risk to get reward when they known their friends are watching them
Adolescence's self control is still immature and under development.
Most part of the kids who broke the law do not become a adult criminals.
It is time to have a juvenile justice system because the blunt boarder line between juvenile and adult justice system
The article starts with a adolescence murder case.   And then talk about the law revising about juvenile sentence during the recent year(no death penalty)
The first book referred to adolescent appeared in 18 century and the juvenile court focused more on punishment other than intervention
Court differs the criminals after people pay more attention on adolescent moral and criminal responsibility.
As a tenager grow ,they have opportunity to  reflect on their experience and break out with the bad habits. But for adult ,they have passed the chance.So the adolescent culpability and deserved punishment should be different

作者: 古月小破烂    时间: 2014-9-15 10:46
time 2,3,4 4’52
    things about crime and adolescent brain, which is still developing and need more care. Adolescent need to be treated different from adult.

time5,6,the rest 6’36
     the punishment should be different with different cases or not.

obstacle 11’15
      should we treat adolescent everything same as adult
       adolescent crime and juvenile court historic development
     discuss about adolescent culpability and adult age-16,17 or 18
      parent influence
     conclusion about treat with youth

作者: slave918    时间: 2014-9-15 11:59
T2 1:57
since adolescent's brain change when they becomes adult, S contends that we should change the way that we punish adolescent.
1. the brake part of adolescent's brain is waker than the reward-seeking part of adolescence's brain.
T3 1:36
2. when adolescent know their peers are watching their behaviors, their impuse to seek reward are irritated and they seek risks.
3. the behavior-governing cortex in the adolescent's brain changes much until their mid-20s.
T4 1:55
4. adolescent needs parents' protection and guide.
5. juvenile criminals don't becomes adult criminals.
6. we should not treat young criminals as adults. Thus, we need different justice system to treat adolescents and adults.
T5 3:14
young ofenders are sentenced differently since their brain are not fully mature.
However, Weir states that 1/4 of adolescent are mature.
T6 2:17
the adolescents are different from adults since their brain are not fully mature.

作者: AgendaChen    时间: 2014-9-15 13:27
Steinberg explains that unlike adults, whose brains are mature, teenagers are more likely to take risks and make mistakes because their brains are still developing. And then the author describes six facts that he gleaned from Steinberg's appearance on The Daily Circuit, a campaign that Steinberg joined to discuss his research. In these facts, Steinberg tells us that they are two different systems of our brain. One imples us to seek out rewards and go for excitement and novelty, the other puts the braks on impulses. However, in adlescent brain, the reward seeking system is more easily aroused, but the braking system is developing very slowy. That's the basic reason for adolescent deliquency. And Steinberg also conducts an experiment to prove his conclusion.
6m12s. Therefore, Steinberg appeals that we should not use our adult justice system to judge teen offenders.

The author introduces the idea of the passage by discussing a adolescent case first-teenagers who commit crimes should be treated differently. The Supreme Court inclined to trend toward the more lenient position. However, Weir argues that not every teenage can be treated with lenience. He gives a case to futher illustrate his idea. Therefore, the court has to consider all relevant evidence bearings on the distinctive attributes of youth. Some people hope that scientic researchs can help the justice system to reform, but law and science view human development differently, making scientic research unhelpful. In the end, the author concludes that understanding criminal mentality is useful to judge adolescent deliquency, and a general punishment for all adolescent offenders is inappropriate.

How should we do with an adolescent who has committed a crime? After asking the question, the author begins to introduces the history of how to judge a teenager who commits a crime. As the adolescent crime rate soared in the late 1980s and early 1990s, in order to keep public safe, many states expanded their provisions for transferring adolescents to adult court, indicating that adolescents who commit a crime have the same responsibility as adults do. However, things are changing. Many researches point out that unlike the brain's development of adults, the brain's development of adolescent is immature. Therefore, the adolescent culpability should be reduced. And for almost all parents, they have many hopes for their kids and believe that wihouth life experiences as many as adults have, the adolescents should not take the same responsibility when making mistakes. In the end, the author concludes that deciding what to do with youthful offenders involves weighing several factors,and thus the reform of juvenile justice policy need careful analysis. 13m49s
作者: mozhiwanjia    时间: 2014-9-15 14:52
油桃F 发表于 2014-9-14 23:00
Part III: Obstacle

掌管 6        00:06:33.88        00:22:01.00
掌管 5        00:05:01.44        00:15:27.12
掌管 4        00:03:23.55        00:10:25.67
掌管 3        00:03:01.10        00:07:02.12
掌管 2        00:02:10.89        00:04:01.01
掌管 1        00:01:50.12        00:01:50.12

作者: 油桃F    时间: 2014-9-15 15:16
[Time 2] 1'47
People should rethink the way of managing adolescent crimes, since adolescents' brain is developing and it's possible to change them.

[Time 3] 1'32
Teens behave differently if they are playing games with their friends' watching while adults don't.

[Time 4] 1'23
Some adolescent crimes will not become adult crimes. It is necessary to establish a separate juvenile justice system.

[Time 5] 2'29
Two teens killed a baseball player and explained that they were just bored. Reformers of juvenile sentencing says teens' brain doesn't fully develop and they lack responsibilities adults have.

[Time 6] 2‘40
Weir thought a crime was deliberate. Justice system should consider all factors to sentence adolescent crimes.

Adult Crime, adult time: definition of adolescence; transfer laws
Adolescent culpability: less culpability should attach adolescent crimes. Decision-making ability of adolescents should be considered.
Adolescence as becoming:  parents can make a difference when adolescents grow and people should consider adolescents as less responsible.
Conclusion: deciding what to do with youthful offenders needs to weign several factors and people should clarify them. More investigations are necessary.
作者: sufangfang27    时间: 2014-9-15 15:25
01.42.33  160w/m
Adolescents are still growing, we should be more tolerent towards adolescent crimes.reason one:their brains are still developing.

01.17.86  196w/m
Reason2:adolescents become more sensitive when their friends are around. Reason3:Some physiological changes on teenagers' brains.

01.16.18 176w/m
Reasons 4-6 of why treat adolescent crime differently

02.38.25  137w/m
The punishment of a juvenile crime should be different since a juvenile's brain is not fully developed.While some people opposed.

04.24.77  156w/m
When making discision of punishment,the judge should taking more factors into consideration,such as the age,the brain development,and many more reasons.

I just wonder how long should I practice until one day I could understand such a long passage

作者: ZOEYZHANG114    时间: 2014-9-15 17:11
it is a serious topic.Thank you.
作者: MAGGIEHE1993    时间: 2014-9-15 18:59
作者: Going    时间: 2014-9-15 20:24
Time 2: 1:44
Time 3: 1:22
Time 4: 1:50
Time 5: 2:19
Time 6: 2:12

Obstacle: 10’41

Speaker: The person who committed crime in his adolescence tell us why he commit crime and how he face the crime and lead a new life.

Time 2: Adolescence should not be the same as the adulthood for 6 reasons. First, adolescence has weak brake when they have an impulse for rewards.
Time 3: Compare adolescence with adult: with friends watching, adolescence will be more emotional and can not control themselves. Adult with friends has no effect.
Time 4: Parents should help their adolescence control themselves as they cannot do so. They are transient. They should not be treated as adult.
Time 5: Court should sentence to adolescence differently compared with adult because their brain is not fully development yet.
Time 6: People hope to give more opportunities to adolescence because their emotional development is earlier than their decision making ability.

作者: 画画2013    时间: 2014-9-15 20:27
atonement 补偿,弥补,赎罪
paranoid 属于偏执狂的
The speaker recalled a memory about his early life. When he was 16, his parents got divorced and he shoted a man and went to prison. In there, he blamed his parents and the social system instead of taking any responsbilities. However, he began to rethink himself when one day he received his son's letter. His son told him to pray for God and do not kill anybody. Later, he received a letter from a relative of his victim, and this guy said he forgave him in the letter.Finally, the speaker thought he could forgive himself since then.
For his wishes, he hoped that people can give another chance to those who once came into prison, and help them back to the society.
3 important things:1.acknowlegement 2 apologize 3.atoning

Time2 1'37
Steinberg said that teenager's brain does not develop very well as people usually thought. And he believed that legal policy may need to rethink about the punishment of teenager crime.
1. The brake system in brain develops very, very slow in children's brain.
Time3 1'27
2. Teenagers tend to be more sensitive to get reward when their friends watch them.
3.part of teenager's brain becomes a more efficient tool through changes in the anatomy of the prefrontal cortex, but it also becomes a better connected part of the brain in its ability to communicate with other brain regions.
Time4 1'03
4. guidance from adult, especially from parents, can helps teenagers take away from risk.
5. Most of teenagers crimes does not become crime again when they become adults.
6. the justice system that used to treat teenagers is not fair.
Time5 2'22
Juvenile crime should be treated lighter or different with adults, because brains of those teenagers has not developed well.
Time6 2'13
harshest 刺耳的
Though some experts support that legal policy should be guided by expert, but the problem is that the definition of people kinds is totally different both in law and in science, so that it is hard to let science to really affect leagal policy.
Obstacle 9’01
main idea:all related factors should be considered and investigations should be more empirical

作者: 小蘑菇开始打怪    时间: 2014-9-15 21:10
THX 油桃~
kill a person when young
the story start

adolescent crime rate soar
why, how to deal with
parents’ responsibility
weak cognitive skills
thinking on punishment
作者: 黑糖话梅糖    时间: 2014-9-15 21:41
LS statement:the criminal justice system needs to rethink the way it manages teenagers who misbehave; the reasons(developing)--6 facts
1.rewarding/braking system
2. research-- friends watching   double risk
3.the behavior-growing prefrontal cortex is morphing.
a trend for more lenient sentence for crime and the reasons . some examples.
obstacle  实在没有读懂  泪奔中

作者: luolindx    时间: 2014-9-15 22:17
掌管 6        00:22:28.09        the early time of the adolescent crime:see as adult crime; change; now adolescent crime is not the same as adult crime
掌管 5        00:04:29.92     a discussion about a case in which a young man killed a 10-year-old girl       
掌管 4        00:05:25.77       
掌管 3        00:02:42.08    4.others' guide 5.young crime is different from adult one 6. shouldn't be treated like adult crime.
掌管 2                   2:30   2.groups increase risk (experiment)  3.PC is morphing
掌管 1        00:02:57.47    adolescent crime has 6 facts : 1.adolescents' brain has weak brake.
作者: chenxiaojing    时间: 2014-9-15 22:34
thanks for sharing~really enjoy

作者: Yeezy    时间: 2014-9-15 23:37
Time2: 1'35" The court should rethink the young criminals, as they are hard to control their systems. The young are still facied with punishment. Six facts to think. First, the young can reward their braking systems gradually.

Time3: 1'55" The adolescent are taking more risks when in a group. When the adolescent are watched by their friends, they will take more risks; The adults do not take more risks even their friends are watching them. The prefront coutex helps the adolescent to develop communication abilities until their middle 20s.

Time4: 1'06" Parents can help their youngsters with their immature systems.
                   Most adolescent do not become adult criminals after guided.
                   The Justice system should not regard the juvenile criminals as adult criminals.

Time5: 2'42" The juvenile criminals are sentenced lighter compared to adult criminals if they committed the crime.  In 2012, the Supreme Court senteced a juvenile life of prison without porale. Another sencence broke the 8th Amendation Protection. W think the juvenile are different from the adults, they brains are not mature. 3/4 can not behave like adults, while the remaining 1/4 can control as adults.

Time6: 2'31" C's court changed rules that judges should rethink whether juvenile criminals deliberately committed crimes or they were not aware of the risks when  the judges sentence the harshest sentences. E said the juvenile can be reformed. C said it is hard to disguish the laws with science. In laws, the juvenile are minors. In psychology, they are seperate stages.

REST: 1'45" The juveniles are shortsightness, they might be blind by money, sex without thinking their future selves. D did experiments to substantiate that theory. Parents may punish children harsher if the children are older. The judge of C made righ decision to sentence harsh on the 18 juvenile.

Obstacle: 10'27" The author's son argue with him about whether the juvenile should be locked. As the juvenile experiend less than adults, they are more likely to make wrong decisions. Survey showed that juveniles under 15 are highly more likely to make wrong decisions. The junvenile criminals should be seperated from the adults criminals, the death sentence was abolished on the juveniles. All related factors should be considered when sentencing juveniles.

作者: stponsbarce    时间: 2014-9-15 23:56
Time2  2:24.31
Time3  2:31.54
Time4  1:15.73
Time5  2:52.98
Time6  3:01.59
obstacle  10:27.55

作者: wensd1111    时间: 2014-9-16 07:07
1 A 01:51
2 A 01:49
3 A 01:14
4 A 02:13
5 A 02:04
6 A 01:23
7 A 07:36
作者: TINGYI-2014    时间: 2014-9-16 12:27
2‘16  1’21   1‘17  2’40  2‘18 1’33  9‘58
Adolescent should not be judged as adult. They have much more space to change their behavior.
作者: planetandlucas    时间: 2014-9-16 17:12
Time 2:  Scientists explains some issues about the adolescent brain, and Adolescent brains have weak brakes.(1:54)

Time 3: The article continues to introduce another two facts---Adolescents take more risks in groups and The behavior-governing prefrontal cortex is morphing. (1:37)

Time 4: The author explains that adults can help adolescence to control their behaviours, intorduces that 90 percent of kinds who break the law when they are young will become good citizens when they grow up,
and Teen offenders are too often treated like adults when they hit the justice system. (1:20)

Time 5: The article discusses about what kind of punishment for teenage is suitable. (2:45)

Time 6:  The article continues to analyse and explain the crimal behaviour of teenage, and how court set sentences is reasonable for adolescent. (2:56)

Obstacle:  The article explains the difference of thought bewteen adults and minors, and furthermore discusses about whether Adolescents in Adult Court: Does the Punishment Fit the Criminal? (4:59)
作者: 旧未来    时间: 2014-9-17 08:19
1 A 01:39
2 A 01:07
3 A 01:21
4 A 02:49
5 A 02:54
6 A 19:55

作者: zhl2007    时间: 2014-9-17 10:03
噢漏。。。。不小心把SPEED的总结时间都删了 就先发obstacle了。。。
12:17 introduce and discuss the "Adult Crime, Adult Time" strategy in the past decades.
         when to determine the crimes made by teenagers, more factors should be considered.
作者: NativeStudy菌    时间: 2014-9-17 18:29
AgendaChen 发表于 2014-9-15 12:41

haha you're so self-disciplined. cheers!
作者: 梦里柔荑    时间: 2014-9-17 22:48
Time 2  02:14:64
The brain of adolescence is developing, and the risk of making mistakes  out of their control is more than we think, so we should notice this and revisit a adolescent when he becomes an adult.
Time 3   02:01.12
Different from adults, adolescents always become more rewarding sensitive when they are watched by their peers. And during adolescence, their prefrontal cortex develops quickly.
Time 4   01:49.06
Adults should impose self-control on adolescents to protect them, and adolescents’ crime behaviors will go away as long as it does not happen something special. And juveniles should get treated as an adolescents whose brain has not developed maturely.
Time 5   03:16.88
The court always give lighter sentence to adolescents because they believe juveniles’ brain is developing. But some people argue that nearly three quarters juveniles behave immaturely, so one quarter juvenile do things in an adult manner. As a result, this reason can not be put on every adolescent.
Time 6   05:42.49
The court should consider everything relevant to the criminal when it give the sentence to a man rather than just consider whether he is adolescent or adult.
Time 7  15:51.19
Do experiment to decide whether we should treat adolescent criminal as adult criminals.

作者: wdybrian    时间: 2014-9-17 23:11
Criminal justice system should reconsider the way managing teenagers' misbehave, because the brain of a dolescent is still growing.
6 facts from Steinberg's study.

2) adolescents plays games differently when their friend watching.
3) ...

4) parents should help guide teenagers avoiding riskes.
5) very less adolescents who broke the law will become real crimials when grow up.
6) should not treat kids like adults

Court has more lenient attitude on teenagers' criminal, because their brain is not mature enough as adult's.

Teenages focus more on immediate rewards than future consequences.
作者: joseph520    时间: 2014-9-18 00:09
Timer2 273
A scientist advocate that the way to treat the adolescence criminal should be rethink. Because for teenagers, they are not as devil as we think when they commit criminal.
The scientist give a list of reasons: 6 facts about adolescence.
1.        They have weak brake.
There are two systmes in their brain. One is produce impetus, one is the brake. In the young age, the first system is more developed, and the second one is weak.
Timer3 256
2.        The teenage take risk in group
In the experiement, the teenage will risk doubly when they are under the watch of their friends.
3.        The prefrontal cortex is morphing
It shows that the prefrontal cortex is growing until mid 20s.
Timer4 223
4.        Adult guidance make a difference
5.         Ninty percent of kids who break the law are not adult criminals
6.        Teen offenders are treated too often like adult criminals
Timer5 363
It is publicly discussed that whether the treatment on juvenile crime should be different.
Research show that the teenage commit criminal because they lack of full ability to make a mature decision. Treating them in the same way as adult criminal will be suspected to violate the constituent.
Nowadays, the supreme court tend to make a difference and make lighter punishment. The heavy punishment is that they are prisoned with other criminals. Now they are advocating to treat them in a different way.
Timer6 369
Citting case that a teenage criminal gets the same punishment as adult, to advocate the different treatment.
Adolesence have a higher probability to reform their behavior, so they should gain more attention and even released if they behave very well.
Beside childhood and adult, adolescence is another stage that is usually ignored. This stage is growing gradually.
Obstacle 1676
Give an example of juvenile criminal punished as adult.
The first book appears in the same time as  juvenile court. They treat the juvenile criminal in a different way.
Recently, the rate is soaring. And the court of many states are considering to transfer the juvenile offender to adult prison. They are considering to lower the age from 16 to under 15.
Currently, the view on it is the point of juvenile offender and remorseless. They are ignoring the fact that they are juvenile.
It is not fair, as the case shows that the juvenile are sentenced death penalty. Unless they are under 15 years old.
The focus is how to differentiate a juvenile crime from an adult crime. One way is according to cognitive ability. And it shows that under 15, the cognitive ability are decreasing drastically, so 15 is the line.
However, other research shows that there are other perspectives such as self reliance are more meaningful perspective. Although this criteria are not legalized yet, but it is obvious that the juvenile offender should take less responsibility than the adult.
The problem is how to give appropriate punishment. More and more fund and research are taking on this topic.

作者: 丝袜奶茶    时间: 2014-9-18 05:50
the speech that a prisoner aplogize and share his experience with the audience
time 2 0406
thesis: adolscence should have the different court system when they face charge.
1 weak brain
2 more risks take-when face friend
3 prefrontal cortex
4 adolescence with good guidance tend to behave better
5 90% law breaker are not adult animals when they become older
6 aldut court system
time 5%6% rest 0555
adolescence should be treated differently than adult when they face charge
psychologiest may regard people with unmature thoughts as adolescence, but laws and thoughts from psychologiest are different.
people above 18 should not be lenient
obstacle: 1056
disscuss whether the transferation of adolescence to adult court
depend on the characters of the crime.
different situation
作者: dxfy3572    时间: 2014-9-18 17:53
LS said adolescents is harder in controlling themselves according to their brain condition.
1 weak brakes:reward seeking dominate brain while braking system developing quite slow.
2 peers make them take more risks
3 prefrontal cortex is still growing
4 adult guidance
5 most kids criminals change to a better person when they become adult
6 Teen offenders recieve too heavy punishment, which size up an adult.
作者: 吐吐yeah    时间: 2014-9-18 20:54
掌管 7        00:09:21.82        00:19:11.97
掌管 6        00:01:16.39        00:09:50.14
掌管 5        00:02:16.95        00:08:33.74
掌管 4        00:01:55.95        00:06:16.79
掌管 3        00:01:12.17        00:04:20.83
掌管 2        00:01:43.22        00:03:08.66
掌管 1        00:01:25.43        00:01:25.43

作者: 泡泡跑跑    时间: 2014-9-19 00:44
Time2  01:31.6  
Time3  01:28.3
Time4  01:26.4
The criminal justice system needs to rethink the way it manages teenagers who misbehave because the adolescent brain is still developing. Laurence Steinberg stated six facts:
Adolescent brains have weak brakes
Adolescents take more risks in groups
The behavior-governing prefrontal cortex is morphing
Adult guidance makes a difference
Ninety percent of kids who break the law during adolescence don't become adult criminals
Teen offenders are too often treated like adults when they hit the justice system
Time5  02:21.0  There are some people who think teens should be treated with leniency because their brains are not fully developed.
Time6  02:18.1  Judges should take several factors into account  before imposing the harshest of sentences on youth
neuroscience shows evidence that brains of juveniles do immature.
Obstacle  11:57.3

作者: lzhang06    时间: 2014-9-19 12:25
T2 2m twice
A research S thinks that because teengers' brain is undevelpoed, they should not blame then too much.
Many crimes are out of aware.
Teenagers are likely to change, Thus, we should give them a chance to revisit
their crimes when they become a adults. In terms of jutiscise system, there needs some change.
The teenagers's barin have two system, one for implus, which seek the novelty and excitement.
Another system is used to brake. Compared with implus system, brake system grow more slowly.
Teenagers' brake system in brain will be mature until 20.

T3 1.49 m
The S introduce a experiment. He required teenagers play computer games with risks senarios. First,
teenagers play the games alone, the risks they takes is the same as the risks taken by adults.
However, when their friends watch the game, the risks teenagers take twice than first time.
The research explains that teenagers' brain more likely to become excite when in the group
of peers. In deeper thinking, the prefrontal contex is develpoing until 20. During the growing process,
pC will contack more actively with other parts of brain.

T4 1m51s
With the help of adults, teenagers will less likely to break the law.
Teenagers can not control themselves, at tins time,
they need adults.
Waht is more, the research points out that 90 percent of junviens criminals
would not becomes adult crimals. However, current law system treat no difference between junvines and adults.
Back to the past, there have different laws system, we should recover the past law syste

T5 4m 2m 44s
First odf all, 2 teens shot a baseball players because they are too bored.
Some junvens commit severe crimes, but they need lighter sentense.
They have less responsibility and
In 2000, the supere court judges death penity is too crutial to junvenils,
they are different from adults. Life in cage is enough.
the author lists three cases to prove that there are difference between teens anf adults.
Under development of brain can not explain the whole thing. A former judes sail. 3/4 teens
easily lose contol, another1/4 act in adult manner.

T6 3m35s
there are required consideration for judges who make a dicision. Whether junvien
should such severe publishment. Several factors included.
A suppoter of children rights said that courts should recognize not every parents know that
teenagers can transform .Therefore, the judes should consider the difference in teenagers
Another lawers said that, scientics factors are not applied to every case.
The prions should give a children a chance, to let them examine thenselves.
In scientific way, PF of brain  that control self-discple and self control
is underdevelopment in adlenscene.

the rest3m
teenagers lack of self-conciousness, they tends to be stimilated by sexy...
They have no idea about the cocequences.
The experiment designers seek to find out whether these kids
have awareness about jail.
Numerous people want to explain the jail.
But the undeveloped brain can not explain the blind difference between teenager and adults
The teenagers from different ages have different standards.
Agree the court in C in right

T7 14 min
In terms of responsibilities, teenagers are treated in adult manners,
but about crimes, teenagers have less mature than adults.
The author traced back the defination of adolencence, the period between adults and children.
In 1900s, set juvenile court to protect teens.
However, in the 1990, courts applys adult crimes, adult time. Most staes transfer teens
to adults courts, by lowing the age of adults. So the author questioned that, teens lacks of
education, experience, they have less responsibility, so they should be blamed less.
Compared with adults, Inculding parents, they have to educated teens, become who they are
作者: Cassidy大洁洁    时间: 2014-9-19 21:27
Time 2 - 00:01:27
system needs to rethink teenagers misbehavior. their brains are still developing and they do things out of their control.
6 facts.
1. weak brakes on reward impulses.

Time 3 - 00:01:44
2. results of an experiment show that teens are more likely to take risks when with peers
3. change of behavior-governing brain part

Time 4 - 00:01:18
4. teens need parents to guide them
5. not adult criminals90%
6. Steinberg says teens should not be treated like adults

Time 5 - 00:02:03
juveniles are different than adults and their brains are not fully developed. should be treated differently with lighter penalty.

Time 6 - 00:02:08
juveniles are immature. should get chances to rehab.,
teens as a group vs. individual judgement
law vs. science

Time 7 - 00:10:24
adolescents vs adult
adolescents punishment vs adult punishment
age differences
作者: neverland1021    时间: 2014-9-20 21:44

1'53[273 words]
A scientist believes that we need to rethink the adolescent crime, but he does not mean adolescent crime means no punishment. He thinks there are six points to consider about adolescent crime:
1)adolescent brain is more acceptable to reward system, however, the emotion brake system develops very slowly until 20s.

1'52[256 words]
2)adolescents are more sensitive to reward than adults:
experiments have show the above results, two groups, one group is made up of adolescents, another is made up of adults; MRI scanned their brain when they play with others or being watched by their friends.
=>adults: no change
  adolescents: the incentive to win doubled.
3)related to physical change.(frontal cortex)
第二遍:prefrontal cortex becomes more related to other regions of the brain and the period of progress will expand into the mid-20s

1'29[223 words]
4)adults can make a difference on adolescents -guide them, teach them self-control
5) the adolescent crime behavior is transient, when they become adults, the crime behaviors often go away.
6) justice system, adults porous(没怎么看明白,但是貌似是讲司法系统的)
第二遍:Teen offenders are often treated like adults when they do the similar crimes

2’39[363 words]
Refer to a horrible crime: two adolescents shot and killed a university student just because they were boring.
Normal thinking: 青少年犯罪没有成年人犯罪所遭受的刑罚严重 (对于青少年而言,没有保释坐牢是最严重的刑罚)
第二遍:juvenile who commits crimes has legal protections that includes lighter sentencing than adults would receive in similar circumstances.
Supreme court: appreciates that juvenile brains are developing and immature, if they commit crime, they suffer 更轻的罪(lighter sentencing) than adults.
=>a former judge now a prosecutor opposes the above statements
=>many people disagree with him: one quarter of adolescent may have developed brain, but three quarters of them cannot make self-decision for their behaviors.

2'46[369 words]
the reason why W opposes the normal thinking- juveniles who commit crimes have legal protection that includes lighter sentencing than adults would receive in the same conditions - is a serious and planned crime committed by an adolescent: a youngster kidnapped a ten-year-old girl and killed her.
California supreme, some kinds of murder, life sentence without parole, juvenile crime
Neuro-science discovery, frontal cortex is immature later for ... before they know self-discipline.

作者: louisa33    时间: 2014-9-22 13:43
T2: Steinberg thought the way to punish adolescent crime should be renew, since adolescent crime sometimes is more than they control.
1. Adolescent brain has weak brake. Two part: one is looking for reward and the other is the brake to slow down the apealing--which is weak in adolescent.

2. Adolescents are more risky in group.
  Adolescents are more looking for reward when there are friends are watching. However, adults do not have this issue.
3. Prefrontal cortex.
Something about the brain.

4: adults would make a differents
5: most adolescent criminal would not do crime when they become adult
6: adolescents who break the law are often treated as adults.

T5: Supreme court ruled that the life sentence to juveniles violate the 8th admendment. Juveniles' brain is not fully develop so they should not be treated as adults. Also, when a judge consider a case, he/she should also consider that juveniles is different from adults. However, there is different view shows that 2/3 juveile may not act as adult but 1/3 of them can be thought as adult.

A case that show the adolescent is deliberate hurt the girl. Judges should consider adolescents' impulsitivity, delibrat.... to see if sentence.In law: adult and child. However, in psychology, child, adolescent, and adult--frotal cortex.
Sometime juvenile is too eager for the reward and they forget the consequences.
掌管 5        00:02:47.69        00:07:30.68
掌管 4        00:01:54.30        00:04:42.99
掌管 3        00:00:46.36        00:02:48.68
掌管 2        00:01:06.61        00:02:02.32
掌管 1        00:00:55.70        00:00:55.70

Obstacle:掌管 1        00:06:15.88        00:06:15.88

Adolescents should or should not be treated as adults in the court?
Since 1900s, the homicide of African American soared-----consider the adolescent crime.
Adolescent is more impulsive than the adults--making decision.
cultability is lower than adults.

作者: Starlun    时间: 2014-9-22 17:05
作者: snowy24    时间: 2014-9-25 01:03
AgendaChen 发表于 2014-9-15 13:27
Steinberg explains that unlike adults, whose brains are mature, teenagers are more likely  ...

作者: snowy24    时间: 2014-9-25 01:33
T2 1'35
the justice systerm shoul be rethink
the brain of the adolescent have two systerms ,the braking one on develop slowly
T3 1'52
adolescent with peers is more sensitive with reward
connection with other regions of brain
T4 1'38
a parents play protects the youngsters from engaging the risky and reckless crime
most of the criminal do not crimi when they grow up
the justify systerm cannot justify the adolesents without ...
T5  2'24
juvenile sentencing should be different because their brain is hot fully develop
and they lack the decision-making ability of adults
T6  2'31
the law and the science...
criminal mentality
blind punishment cannot address that the difference between juvenile and adults is inpropriate

adult crime ,adult time suggest that adult justify systerm dont fit with the juvenile crime
how did they prove what they say about juvenile who need to be punish different from adults in the same circum
some facts should be taken into consideration
作者: AgendaChen    时间: 2014-9-25 11:12
snowy24 发表于 2014-9-25 01:03

作者: 疯狂的狐狸    时间: 2014-9-25 18:46
作者: snowy24    时间: 2014-9-26 03:17
AgendaChen 发表于 2014-9-25 11:12
慢慢练呗,反正每次都强迫自己写多一点,最开始可能看完加写完要花2个小时,练一个多月,可能就一个小时 ...

作者: AgendaChen    时间: 2014-9-26 08:49
snowy24 发表于 2014-9-26 03:17

作者: snowy24    时间: 2014-9-26 23:56
AgendaChen 发表于 2014-9-26 08:49

作者: chenlang4869    时间: 2014-10-1 09:56
time2 2'04
scientists are arguing that since the brain of the adolescents are still developing, the legal system should rethink the way they manage the mibehave adolescents
time 3 1'33
The young persons take more risks when involed with their friends than they do when alone. this is different from adults. the scientist also reveals that the brain-managing prefrontal cortex is chaning during the person's growing.
time4 1'22
IT'S BETTER TO HAVE AN ADULT TO guide the behaviour of the young adolescent. 90%of the young criminal did not become an adult criminal.
time5 3'00
The court ruled that the young adolescents should not be seriously punished because they can not be fullly responsible for their behaviour. However the preseutor and former judge holds that the court should not apply the general concept that adolescents' brain are developing to all the criminal cases done by them.
time6 4'39
The california Court has done the right judgements when dealing with the adolescents crime. There is a need to consider many factors when punishing someone.

作者: bubuuuu    时间: 2014-10-1 21:30
[Time 2]       
reward seaking system of adolescent is easily aroused.
Breaking system is weak
[Time 3]       
the risk when adolescent feels being watched during basketball playing doubles as compares to adult
the brain more effectively communicate with other brain region until mid 20s.
[Time 4]       
children's parents can set external restriction on them.
90%of the juvournile criminal won't do crime when they grow up.
the government should keep a juvournile jurisdiction system
[Time 5]       
juvenile are regarded only possesses 3/4 decision-making ability of that of adults. Thus the juvenile crime was conscend less severe. The heaviest sentence was life sentence.
[Time 6]       
it is up to the law to descide whether the defenders of crime should earn their chances of getting out of jail earlier.
The jurisdiction and science has two different approaches to distinguish adults and juvenile
[Paraphrase 7]       
young people tend to focus more on prompt reward will get involved in juvenile crime more easily.
While once a person can see his/herself in the future more vividly, they crime will diminish more.
more senior juvenile should be punished more.
作者: SukeyZhou    时间: 2016-10-1 23:30

Time 2  00:01:49
Time 3  00:01:35
Time 4  00:01:33
Time 5  00:02:26
Time 6  00:02:21
Paraphrase 7  00:12:52
作者: Annasurlaroute    时间: 2017-3-19 22:38
T2 1'22'' 273 words
T3 1'03'' 256 words
T4 0'58'' 223 words
T5 1'28'' 363 words
T6 1'30'' 369 words
The rest
   1'27'' 323 wordsshy of age 18 不足18
OB 5'23'' 1676 words

作者: 吃吃睡睡学一会    时间: 2017-3-20 23:06
T2 2:33
T3 1:59
T4 2:07
T5  2:15
T6 3:02
作者: GMAT我待你如Mo    时间: 2017-3-20 23:51
time 2: 1'43
time 3: 1'27
time 4: 1'44
time 5: 2'15
time 6: 2'23
作者: ZXWT去美国    时间: 2017-3-27 09:26
time2 02’26’’57
In fact the brain of adolescent is still developing.So maybe we should consider more when we’er informing the legal policy.There are six facts of brains.The fist is, our brains have two different brain systems:One impels us to seek out rewards and go for excitement, and another puts the brakes on impulse.The first part develops more quickly than the latter.
time3 03’57’’00
The second fact is that if adolescents are watched by there friends, they will take more risks.As for adults, their brain looks quiet similar no matter they are playing alone or with their peers.The third fact is that adolescents’ behavior-governing prefrontal cortex is morphing.It extends from pre-adolescence into the mid 20s.
time4 01’47’’62
The second fact is that teenagers need adult guidance, which can prevent them from engaging in risky and reckless behavior.The fourth fact is that most kids who break laws during adolescent won’t break laws when they are adult.The fifth fact is that we treat teenagers to strict just as we treat adults.This isn’t suitable.
time5 04’28’’10
In the history, many states treat teenager criminals differently.But teenagers sometimes make big criminals, do they really should be punished as adult.Some people think they should, while others think they shouldn’t because they are not fully developed and therefore they can’t be treated as a specific person.
time6 04’57’’22
There are examples that teenagers are sentenced because they killed people.And California’s laws forces judges to consider some factors before imposing the harshest of sentences on youth.Different experts explained this special laws.
作者: ashley加油    时间: 2017-3-27 13:23
Time 2: 2'08''
Time 3: 1'51''
Time 4: 1'13''
Time 5: 2'24''
Time 6: 2'16''
作者: lhyhcg    时间: 2019-7-23 23:09
作者: Leoniena    时间: 2019-7-23 23:58
time2 1'46''/273words As the teenagers' brain is not mature, adolescents seem to be less likely to control them selves. There are 6 reaons for it. The first one is that adolescent brains have weak brakes.
time3 1'36''/256words The second and third reasons are that adolescents take more risks in groups and the prefrontal cortex is changing in their brains.
time4 1'31''/223words Adult guidance, transient behavior, and justice systems are also in this case.
time5 2'23''/363words
time6 3'09''/369words
the rest 1'48''/323words
作者: 最讨厌想名字了    时间: 2019-7-25 12:20
Time2 01:44
The scientists put forth that we should be discreet about the punishment of adolescent crime. Because their brain system was still developing.

Time3 02:07
Scientists designed an experiment to monitor the brain activities of adolescents. They concluded that adolescents behave different from adults when their friends are watching them.

Time4 01:59
Since the self-control of teenagers are immature, they need someone to supervise them. And adolescence criminal didn’t always criminalize  during the adult age.

Time5 03:12
leniency parole heinous
There are distributions among Justices about juvenile crimes. Some judges believe juvenile can’t control themselves very well, some think they can be responsible for their brutal crimes.

Time6 03:19
cunning impulsivity rehabilitation nuanced
California just sentenced a “juvenile” who kidnapped and killed a girl heavily. That gave rise to contradiction about measurement of penalty. The most controversial point is that the definition about mature are different in science and justice.
作者: 最讨厌想名字了    时间: 2019-7-26 10:32
Time7 10:11
embark 「stake in」 Shoplifting impulsive upbringing rehabilitation ostensible erroneously prosecutorial statutory remorseless
The author’s son think late adolescence can be responsible for their malpractices, the author disagreed with him.
The conception of adolescence was put forward in modern world, as the same time as juvenile court. Before that, delinquency was sentenced with adults.
The definition of self-cognation in science was also distributed. Some scientists believed that the late adolescents, mainly between 15 to 18, have the same cognation level with adults. But some consider people under 21 as adolescents.

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