
标题: [原创]自我定位与出国留学 [打印本页]

作者: funnytiger    时间: 2003-4-22 05:21
标题: [原创]自我定位与出国留学
很多人在中国的时候, 把出国留学想得很美好, 把将来跟自己的现状比, 觉得不管去什么学校都挺好的, 有的还算起ROI来了。 我当年也基本上是这么一个傻瓜, 只是还没到算ROI的地步。
可是, 包括以前的我在内的人都忘了一点, 等你出国之后, 你就不会再在国内的这个平台上对自己的将来做评估. 在你的脚踏出机场的那一天起, 你就在一个新的平台, 竞争对手都是留学的所谓中国精英, 和你身边到处都是的所谓外国人。你渐渐发现, 你那在家乡到处被人传杨的故事并不值钱, 你那痛苦的GMAT/GRE过程只是小菜一碟。其实这还不算什么。
等你毕业的时候, 看到那些名校的找到了工作, 自己是石沉大海, 想回国, 国内的人又非外国大型公司工作经验不要的时候, 才发觉当年的计算公式是多么的幼稚。你所在大学的名字在国内,国外面试人中连眼球效益都达不到的时候, 你可能才意识到, 你已经不再跟你以前的那群本科同学在挣什么, 而是另一群没一样比你差, 讲话还特溜的在抢着一个饭碗。

希望我拙劣的笔头没把大家搞晕, 我的意思是, 如果你出国读个名不见经传的大学, 可要三思, 因为你可能会轮落到社会的下层 (当然有高等教育是不会去底层的)。 在外国这个文凭决定你起点的地方, 走错了起点, 要想弥补是要付出很多的。

非好大学不读, 非有可能成功的专业不去


作者: attic    时间: 2003-4-22 06:07
One thing needs to be concerned first and formost is the risk-assesment and risk cost.

One solution is ROI, this ROI should not be the ROI from in the BW, which is so simple as to nonsense!

While ROI is a kind of Risk-cost evaluation, it is an assesment of possibility, not reality. Such ROI should consider, within the same period of time, the risk-cost-gains both if you do and if donot.

Clearly, one person can never jump into the same river, but he still can evaluate the possibility of risk-cost-gain of the two tries. IMO, that is the same for "risk analysis". The reasonwe call it risk is because we do not know beforehand what the difference if we do and if we don't.

One things deserves notice is that such ROI should only and at most be your one reference, not the only one.

People tend to dream what if they don't, unfortunately there is noway, usually, to collect the spilled milk. That is one of the tragery of some of those choosing to go abroad at a whim.

One thing might help is try to talk as much as possible with some "old veteran" who had the same dream before. In addition, the process of apply for MBA, esp the essay writing often makes people begin to seriously think the "simplest questions", why MBA, why me, why now?

Don't look down upon these "idiot" question and do not reply flippantly only to the adcom. To try to seriously comtelplate them may help one to make smart choice. While such choice could bridge you to the other bank of success, it also might tide you to the abysm of affliction!

Just my humble opinions!


[此贴子已经被作者于2003-4-22 6:10:25编辑过]

作者: gmathack    时间: 2003-4-22 09:25
不敢苟同。 MBA是个例外,工程类的好很多,只要英文沟通没有问题,名校不名校差别不是特别大。

以下是引用funnytiger在2003-4-22 5:21:00的发言:
很多人在中国的时候, 把出国留学想得很美好, 把将来跟自己的现状比, 觉得不管去什么学校都挺好的, 有的还算起ROI来了。 我当年也基本上是这么一个傻瓜, 只是还没到算ROI的地步。
可是, 包括以前的我在内的人都忘了一点, 等你出国之后, 你就不会再在国内的这个平台上对自己的将来做评估. 在你的脚踏出机场的那一天起, 你就在一个新的平台, 竞争对手都是留学的所谓中国精英, 和你身边到处都是的所谓外国人。你渐渐发现, 你那在家乡到处被人传杨的故事并不值钱, 你那痛苦的GMAT/GRE过程只是小菜一碟。其实这还不算什么。
等你毕业的时候, 看到那些名校的找到了工作, 自己是石沉大海, 想回国, 国内的人又非外国大型公司工作经验不要的时候, 才发觉当年的计算公式是多么的幼稚。你所在大学的名字在国内,国外面试人中连眼球效益都达不到的时候, 你可能才意识到, 你已经不再跟你以前的那群本科同学在挣什么, 而是另一群没一样比你差, 讲话还特溜的在抢着一个饭碗。

希望我拙劣的笔头没把大家搞晕, 我的意思是, 如果你出国读个名不见经传的大学, 可要三思, 因为你可能会轮落到社会的下层 (当然有高等教育是不会去底层的)。 在外国这个文凭决定你起点的地方, 走错了起点, 要想弥补是要付出很多的。

非好大学不读, 非有可能成功的专业不去


作者: allen2009    时间: 2003-4-22 10:37
以下是引用funnytiger在2003-4-22 5:21:00的发言:

非好大学不读, 非有可能成功的专业不去


作者: hard    时间: 2003-4-22 11:33
hoho,论战开始了... ...


工程也应该不是例外,我的一个师弟在MS的一个研发组。他那个组的phd都来自cmu/uiuc等cs的牛校。据说这两年收求职简历的时候,拿着UT austin的简历都会很犹豫。有次拿个NYU(不知是不是stern那个NYU:))的学生简历,半天竟没反应过来是哪儿。也许,这两年竞争太残酷了。

然而,追求卓越的同时也要考虑自身的实力,偶也知道h/s/w牛,可也知道机会很渺茫。我想,量力而行,追求卓越,应该就对的起自己和那一大把银子了... ... :)

作者: funnytiger    时间: 2003-4-23 01:15
有论战是好事, 把事情搞清楚是最重要的。 我知道这个坛子里有不少人已经在国外, 我只是比他们虚长了几年而已。

首先, 我谈的是起点, 不是说名校就一定成功, 烂校就一定完蛋, 我身边有太多成功的人是很一般的学校毕业, 我深信成功是靠奋斗的

先说说工程科的, 我是这个毕业的, 所以比讲MBA要有理有据的多。 前些年, 经济好, 高科技人才紧缺, 不少一般大学的人都找到了很好的工作, 现在已经不是这样了, 二三线的很难找工作。即使在那个时候,名校和一般学校都差很远, 我去IBM上班的时候, 被安排在一个LAB里跟人学软件操作, 就看到一个UIUC的大牛, 直接去了底层开发(IBM这方面的开发人员, 不是谁都能去的, 而且两三年后就会有人砸钱挖人)。 虽然IBM好像谁都招, 其实还是有区别的

至於什么是名校, 这不是我决定的, 是市场决定的, 如果说MBA, 美国人一般都把top20很当回事,(当然专业上有分别, 关键是在这行这所学校得到市场的认可) 那你要在美国找工作混个工作经验再回国的话,那就要好好考虑。
如果你铁心要毕业利马回国, (大家在国内的, 或者没太接触投资银行的, 可能不太知道, 这里的跟中国相关的投资者都认为中国经济会在2010年前就开始进入调整, 听说SARS如果得不到控制的话, 这个日子会被推前), 那你就得去在中国这个市场普遍认可的学校。

[此贴子已经被作者于2003-4-23 1:17:25编辑过]

作者: chipmunk    时间: 2003-4-23 02:13
以下是引用funnytiger在2003-4-23 1:15:00的发言:
有论战是好事, 把事情搞清楚是最重要的。  

Agree with that. I think it's not easy to figure everything out. IMHO, the key point is whether or not you could find a middle-level position after MBA. If you can make it, then it doesn't matter which school you're from, usually employer doesn't care your school name if you have enough W/E.

It's true that top-10 school will bring you the brand name value, but that doesn't guarantee you an offer. So, we should do enough homework for specific schools.

Funnytiger, we all know top tier schools are better than others, but most of us don't have that luxury to choose schools. So a more realistic question for us is: whether or not we should go if we're accepted by a second tier school.
作者: gmathack    时间: 2003-4-23 02:21
名校进大公司的多,但是不一定进大公司就是成功。 偶周围很多人都是一般大学进小公司startup然后靠公司兼并的option赚了不少钱。比如说这里的santa clara U和san Jose U,公司还是愿意招工程类的学生的。

偶没有在美国读过大学,不一样去nortel做tech acct mgr? 进了大公司,也没特别成功,除了现在特别会开会而已。

以下是引用funnytiger在2003-4-23 1:15:00的发言:
有论战是好事, 把事情搞清楚是最重要的。 我知道这个坛子里有不少人已经在国外, 我只是比他们虚长了几年而已。

首先, 我谈的是起点, 不是说名校就一定成功, 烂校就一定完蛋, 我身边有太多成功的人是很一般的学校毕业, 我深信成功是靠奋斗的

[此贴子已经被作者于2003-4-23 1:17:25编辑过]

作者: chipmunk    时间: 2003-4-23 02:27
以下是引用gmathack在2003-4-23 2:21:00的发言:
名校进大公司的多,但是不一定进大公司就是成功。 偶周围很多人都是一般大学进小公司startup然后靠公司兼并的option赚了不少钱。比如说这里的santa clara U和san Jose U,公司还是愿意招工程类的学生的。

偶没有在美国读过大学,不一样去nortel做tech acct mgr? 进了大公司,也没特别成功,除了现在特别会开会而已。

gmathack, I think you're lucky to get into Nortel. You won't get such a chance nowadays. I agree with funnytiger that there is a certain career path, if you go to the wrong position (wrong school, wrong company/position), then it's difficult to switch.
作者: gmathack    时间: 2003-4-23 03:11
Ok, what about this? I went to HP and worked as a technical consultant right after I graduated from a second tier university in Shanghai.  My GPA was only 2.5.  

It is not the school, it is just people.  I agree that good school can help, but not that much.  Especially for engineering person.  For me, I had my own business when I was still in school.  When I graduated, I had solid sales skill and technical skill.  Also from running the business, I got know lots of people.  That's why my boss eyed on my resume.

I am not saying that I am good.  Just give an example to tell that good school is important but not that important.
作者: gmathack    时间: 2003-4-23 03:20
Ok... Let me take back part of what I said.  Maybe my case and my idea only work for people who are interested in Entreneurship, like me.
作者: chipmunk    时间: 2003-4-23 03:22
以下是引用gmathack在2003-4-23 3:11:00的发言:
For me, I had my own business when I was still in school.  When I graduated, I had solid sales skill and technical skill.  

You really are an exception, I mean a good exception.

[quoet]Ok, what about this? I went to HP and worked as a technical consultant right after I graduated from a second tier university in Shanghai.  My GPA was only 2.5.  

Do you think timing is also a important factor here. I know 3 years ago, a guy with Chinese history background + 1-year computer training could get a > $60,000/year salary computer engineering job offer. But, you know what's happening nowadays.
作者: gmathack    时间: 2003-4-23 04:07

Do you think timing is also a important factor here. I know 3 years ago, a guy with Chinese history background + 1-year computer training could get a > $60,000/year salary computer engineering job offer. But, you know what's happening nowadays.

Company lives on profits.  If a person can not bring profit to his organization, he is dead.  If the economy is good, he can have the job.  Otherwise...  You can blame on timing but still, his personality may cause that too.

My principle is, to be a profit aware engineer.  Bosses would appreciate that.  Even in recession, boss is still looking for some person who can secure his position.  For example, if you are a boss, what kind of engineer you want?  A top school student who only knows technology or an engineer who can help to bring projects to keep your team alive?

A good engineer <> good technical person
A good engineer = value in the company

作者: funnytiger    时间: 2003-4-23 04:20
在中国找工作, 可能跟美国不太一样, 我当年上海三流大学毕业, GPA还是不要提了, 95年的时候, 就有1万多月薪, 按当时的标准, 就算清华北大也拿不了这么高阿。
在中国, 关系, 消息的灵通性, 以及人际关系是最主要的, 在美国, 工作久了, 当然是看你的能力定你的前途, 但是在一开始, 安排你去什么部门, 让你管哪摊, 其实老板也不知道, 又没有人情可以送, 人家只好看文凭了。
作者: gmathack    时间: 2003-4-23 04:28
以下是引用funnytiger在2003-4-23 4:20:00的发言:
在中国找工作, 可能跟美国不太一样, 我当年上海三流大学毕业, GPA还是不要提了, 95年的时候, 就有1万多月薪, 按当时的标准, 就算清华北大也拿不了这么高阿。
在中国, 关系, 消息的灵通性, 以及人际关系是最主要的, 在美国, 工作久了, 当然是看你的能力定你的前途, 但是在一开始, 安排你去什么部门, 让你管哪摊, 其实老板也不知道, 又没有人情可以送, 人家只好看文凭了。

ft, 也是上海人啊,别是互相认识的。

其实在美国也是有关系的。internal posting 的机会最大,外人很难递简历的。
作者: attic    时间: 2003-4-23 04:39
A interesting story related this topic three years ago:

Background: An beautiful young motel from Shenyang came to California. After lingering Disneyland, Hollywood, and Yellow Stone National Park, she was tired with the boring life in USA and then married a rich handsome engineer (a Taiwanese) worked in Boeing. In order to kill the leiture time as a housewife, she went to a community college to learn C++. Two year laters, when she graduated, she begin to look for job just for fun! Just as his husband said "as long as you can earn enough to buy the dogfood for our doggie, you win!

And the following is the dialogure between a famous computer company's HR manager and the beautiful model:

HR: Good morning! May I speak to XXX?

Model: This is she.

HR: Hi Ms. xxx, congratualations! We are glad to have you as our software engineer and would like to offer you $60000 for annual salary plus insurance and paid holiday.

Model: (too excided to believe) what?

HR: ok, if this is not enough, we could also offer you a sign-in bonus of $20000.

Model: (almost can believe such good things could happen to her) Oh, thank you, but this is only the third resume I've faxed out.

HR: well, Mam, if you would like to sign a employment contract within this week, we still would like to reimburse you tuition fee plus salary loss to the limit of additional $30000

Model: Don't hang up, I will be right in you office!


I was a friend of the husband, and was so admired to his wife. Therefore, I ask him: " your wife must be a software expert even before she went to the community college.

The husband replied: "Yeah, she IS a expert who can barely tell which is a monitor and which is a mouse.... Hey, wait a second, do you think that an expert need to go to a community college to learn her computer skills?"

作者: funnytiger    时间: 2003-4-23 04:51
haha, agree on gmathack on two things:

1. 美国也有人际关系, 而且跟中国的不太一样, 大家要努力学。 而我说的是指没有关系的公司新人, 我想可能代表大部分刚跨出校门的
2. 对于这个模特的故事, 我想补充的是, 长相和身材对找工作的帮助还是很大的, 谁不想有个美人在自己手下工作阿。 帅的男生也是同理。
作者: usdusaj    时间: 2003-4-23 09:38
如果要回来发展的话, 看你注重哪里, 如果你要大学的名字大家知道, 那只有harvard, yale, 了, mit都不一定有人知道。 跟不要说uiuc, ucla等其他的学校了。 相比之下, u of washington , george washington u 说不定大家更记得住。进不了harvard, yale, 就近 u of washington , george washington u 2,3 流的学校吧。反正mba也就是一个经历, 真正学到的东西还是少的很。
公司看重的还是工作经历, 能否带来利益。 现在国内的公司也本土化了, 大家心里都有一笔帐,职位如何都是定好的。工钱也不会有太大的差别。好的学校只不过起点高一点, 不代表以后就好。还是要靠自己。
同时, 不是每个人都可以进top 20的, 大家要考虑自己的情况。如果搞成非前面20不进, 那就不好了。心态就坏掉了。
作者: funnytiger    时间: 2003-4-24 01:31
要更正一下, MIT还是非常的响的, 事实上, 现在的中国信息产业部是非MIT不认阿, Harvard都靠边站
作者: gmathack    时间: 2003-4-24 05:49
要算另外一笔帐,2,3流大学的学费也不少,还有2年工作的时间经历,都是成本。 要算的就是这笔钱花在2,3流学校之不值得。

以下是引用usdusaj在2003-4-23 9:38:00的发言:
如果要回来发展的话, 看你注重哪里, 如果你要大学的名字大家知道, 那只有harvard, yale, 了, mit都不一定有人知道。 跟不要说uiuc, ucla等其他的学校了。 相比之下, u of washington , george washington u 说不定大家更记得住。进不了harvard, yale, 就近 u of washington , george washington u 2,3 流的学校吧。反正mba也就是一个经历, 真正学到的东西还是少的很。
公司看重的还是工作经历, 能否带来利益。 现在国内的公司也本土化了, 大家心里都有一笔帐,职位如何都是定好的。工钱也不会有太大的差别。好的学校只不过起点高一点, 不代表以后就好。还是要靠自己。
同时, 不是每个人都可以进top 20的, 大家要考虑自己的情况。如果搞成非前面20不进, 那就不好了。心态就坏掉了。

作者: usdusaj    时间: 2003-4-24 09:27
mit 我说的是一个普遍的认知程度问题。不要把国内对国外学校的认知程度高估了。说实话, 在没有想读mba之前, 俺也就知道harvard, yale, stanford, pstn,伯克利,mit.
要进consulting , ib 等mba成群的, 还是去名校。至于其他的,还不如争取2,3 流大学如来点奖实际些。
作者: 子溪    时间: 2003-4-24 15:00

作者: tsljz    时间: 2003-4-24 19:18
From engineering graduates, the brand effect is not so obvious. Most of the people who interview you are tech persons and they really don't care much about your school. There are a few MIT graduates in my group, and I don't see how they have an advantage over others in terms of their career. Also not all the bosses are looking for engineers who can bring him/her values. Usually in a group, only a small portion of engineers, such as the architechure, are key persons. For the others, what the boss cares about is really whether you can work with other team members. That's why in most of interviews, you will be interviewed by many of the team members.

For MBA graduates, I agree that if you decide to go back, you really should go for the schools who are well known in China.

I also agree with chipmunk that we usually don't have the luxury to make the choice among many schools. The question is: 1) should I accept a second tier school's offer? 2)if I get an offer from a 10-20 school but it does not have a strong program in whichever field I am interested. Should I accpet the offer. ..... there are many such kind of concerns. It is really a case by case selection.
作者: 青蓝    时间: 2003-4-24 21:07
以下是引用tsljz在2003-4-24 19:18:00的发言:
2)if I get an offer from a 10-20 school but it does not have a strong program in whichever field I am interested. Should I accpet the offer. ..... there are many such kind of concerns. It is really a case by case selection.

good point!
作者: wannafly    时间: 2003-4-25 10:38
既然你对TOP 10-20的program不感兴趣,那为何要申请?
作者: stanhope    时间: 2003-4-25 11:23
And if u are not intereted in it, how the hell can u stand out from other applicants to win the eyes of adcom?
作者: tsljz    时间: 2003-4-25 11:33
以下是引用wannafly在2003-4-25 10:38:00的发言:
既然你对TOP 10-20的program不感兴趣,那为何要申请?

I am just using this as one of the examples. Sometimes you may need some safety schools. These schools fit your background so you are more likely to get in. However, they just don't have so strong programs as other dream schools in the areas that I am interested in. You know, there is not only one selection criteria.
作者: tsljz    时间: 2003-4-25 11:34
以下是引用stanhope在2003-4-25 11:23:00的发言:
And if u are not intereted in it, how the hell can u stand out from other applicants to win the eyes of adcom?

This is not a problem at all. Interest is one thing, but whether you can make yourself stand out is another as long as you have shining points.
作者: lifucius    时间: 2003-4-25 11:56
if you find no job after graduation from an unfamous b-school, you could set up your own enterprise, maybe it is the start of a great man.
作者: gmathack    时间: 2003-4-25 12:56
no GreenCard, no VC will give you fund.
作者: funnytiger    时间: 2003-4-26 05:31
only one out of 16 purdue second year get job offer. and is purdue a good school by many people's standard? CMU is 17th ranking. is it a much better school than purdue? I don't know. but the ranking is different. all CMU second year got at least one job offer.

data from one of the GR and ChaseDream friend, sorry, I didn't ask you to post the data you spent so much time to collect.
作者: 非洲小美猪    时间: 2003-4-27 12:06
以下是引用funnytiger在2003-4-23 4:20:00的发言:
在中国找工作, 可能跟美国不太一样, 我当年上海三流大学毕业, GPA还是不要提了, 95年的时候, 就有1万多月薪, 按当时的标准, 就算清华北大也拿不了这么高阿。
在中国, 关系, 消息的灵通性, 以及人际关系是最主要的, 在美国, 工作久了, 当然是看你的能力定你的前途, 但是在一开始, 安排你去什么部门, 让你管哪摊, 其实老板也不知道, 又没有人情可以送, 人家只好看文凭了。

非常同意. 看了GMATHACK的发言, 我就想说一下自己对于中美找工作差异的认识了, 可是FUNNYTIGER已经一针见血的到破了问题的关键.

最后, 我想谈一下自己的一些浅见: 中国是一个人治的社会, 美国是一个法治的社会. 当然这不是绝对的, 而是相对而言的. 我说这个只是想奉劝那些在国内有一定的社会关系, 社会根基, 并且已经混的不错的朋友出国之前一定要三思而后行啊!

我们公司两年前有个家伙在事业的最顶峰停新留职去美国念了一个2-TIE的MBA, 可是没想到回来以后, 原来宠信于他的大老板也早已走人了, 公司的领导班子换了, 他回来以后哪里还有他的位置啊? 他去读书两年用了8万美金, 还不算他两年内损失的收入就达到近百万人民币. 现在国内国外的工作都不好找, 他可真是到了两难的境地啊.
作者: gmathack    时间: 2003-4-28 02:02
我想这样就考虑part time为主。

以下是引用lanlan000在2003-4-27 0:27:00的发言:


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