
标题: 纽约St. John's University圣约翰大学商学院最新筹集$3.6 million将用于学生奖学金和学术建设 [打印本页]

作者: lin1031    时间: 2018-1-26 03:01
标题: 纽约St. John's University圣约翰大学商学院最新筹集$3.6 million将用于学生奖学金和学术建设
大家好,我是Lin,是纽约St. John's University商学院研究生部门的招生官。今天和大家在这里分享一个好消息。就在上周1月17号,我们圣约翰大学的商学院School of Risk Management, Insurance and Actuarial Science (SRM) 举办了其第23届Annual Insurance Leader of the Year Award Dinner, 我们在insurance industry的各个领域,行业巨头的帮助下,募集到了$3.6 milllion的资金,这笔资金将继续St. John's的传统,用于学生奖学金的发放使用和学术建设。

本次活动在纽约曼哈顿的Marriott Marquis举办,有将近1700人出席本次活动。有来自global insurance industry的企业高管,董事会成员,专业人士,大学里的行政人员,教授,优秀学生出席。他们的家人,朋友也一起从各个国家,城市赶来一起见证了这意义非凡的时刻。正是由于这来自global insurance industry对我们圣约翰大学的厚爱,才让我们这次23届的Insurance Leader of the Year Award Dinner举办的圆满成功。这笔资金将继续用于我们商学院的学生奖学金和学术项目使用。这也充分展示了我们圣约翰大学和global insurance industry的紧密强大的联系。

School of Risk Management在1901年建立,当时是Insurance Society of New York纽约保险协会的一员。慢慢的,这个学院逐渐转变成了The College of Insurance (TCI)。在2001年,TCI和我们圣约翰大学合并,隶属于我们商学院Tobin College of Business。现在这个学院校区在纽约曼哈顿,我们主要提供本科,MS和MBA课程。主要优势专业有Risk Management, Insurance, Enterprise Risk Management, Actuarial Science这些项目。我在之前的一篇文章有介绍过我们的Risk Management的项目,有其就业资源,行业资源,奖学金,学术等信息的介绍,如果大家感兴趣,可以参考我之前的一篇文章。链接是:

那么今天我再给大家介绍一下我们的Enterprise Risk Managment (ERM)专业,这个专业和Risk Management稍有不同。这个专业未来的就业方向可以说是非常广泛,不同行业,咨询公司都适用。然而Risk Management相对而言是就业于Insurance领域。

ERM有MBA和MS两种不同学位,MS30学分,MBA36学分,大致需要1年半到两年左右的时间修完课程。除了专业必修课,学校也给学生提供了不同方向领域的选修课,比如投行,IT,运营,审计等方向。学生可以根据自己的兴趣选择自己的选修课,从而确定未来就业方向,School of Risk有自己的Career Center, 我们的Career Advisor会竭尽全力帮助学生reach out校友资源,我们的校友任职于这些世界顶尖级公司,这充分给我们的学生提供了和行业内专业人士,高管,董事会成员学习的机会,帮助学生获得实习机会,为未来的成功奠定基础。

上周举办的这个一年一度的Insurance Leader of the Year Award Dinner, 我们募集到的资金会用于学生奖学金的发放,所以只要是申请Enterprise Risk Management, Risk Management, Actuarial Science, 这些专业的学生,不需要额外提交奖学金的申请,奖学金会自动发放给我们的合适的学生,而且数额会基本cover学生们的大部分学费甚至全额奖学金。对于国际学生而言,拿到这个奖学金的概率也是非常之高。正如我们这次提名的Insurance Leader of the Year的得主Constantine “Dinos” Iordanou, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Arch Capital Group Ltd说到,the Dinos Iordanou International Scholarship Fund将主要用于国际学生的奖学金使用, 从而acknowledging Mr. Iordanou’s heritage and own route to success.


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The Peter J. Tobin College of Business:

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St. John’s University Raises Record-Breaking $3.6 Million at Annual Insurance Leader of the Year Dinner


M.S. and MBA in Enterprise Risk Management
A Master of Science in Enterprise Risk Management enables you to bring an interdisciplinary approach for managing risk to your organization. In practical exercises, you implement policies and prepare managers to avoid, identify, and respond to risk.
30 credits (10 classes) in 18 months for M.S.; 36 Credits (12 classes) in 18 months-24 months for MBA
Curriculum includes classes in risk management, risk analysis methods, financial management, market risk management, and allows you to choose three electives that allow you to customize your degree toward banking, IT, operations, auditing and more.
Study in Manhattan
Our Manhattan campus is located in the heart of the city. This location presents opportunities to meet risk professionals in the classroom and to participate in internships.
Career possibilities
Risk experts are needed in a variety of industries and organizations. Explore careers in corporate risk management,risk & compliance, strategy, internal auditing, consulting, and many others
After completing your application, you will be automatically considered for academic scholarships at varying levels that can potentially cover a significant portion of your tuition.
Center for Excellence in Enterprise Risk Management
The Center for Excellence in Enterprise Risk Management is housed in the School of Risk Management and St. John’sUniversity. The Center researches leading risk topics and conducts several activities designed to promote the conversation about risks facing organizations. By bringing together professionals, executives, board members,and students, the Center helps to build the St. John’s community in NYC and to a broader constituency.

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