The current circumstance is full of competition that makes lots of students under pressure. As a result, even after school parents prefer to send their children to extra classes related to the school curriculum or at least spend more accompany with them for homework. However,my opinion is strongly against the trend, as I don’t think it is sensible for parents to force their children to do some curriculum related activities after they finish the homework. It is far better for parents to spend time with children doing sports and playing games. To begin with, while participating into games and sports, people tend to be much happier and the relationship between family members can become incredibly tighter. Because the variety of activities not only can improve life satisfaction as it may remind people how wonderful life is, but also enable people to trust each other and back others up since some group work may require teamwork. Secondly, times that spend with family for entertainment actually contributed a lot to the best things people can have in their whole life. Those good times are valuable memories that you may cherish for the rest of the life. For instance, one of my best memories was once my parents and I went fishing when I was in middle school. I barely know how to fishing so my father taught me by displaying the procedures to me. Once I found it was so attractive, I almost immediately mastered the method. Believe it or not, I was the ‘top fisher’ who got the most, others were astonished that a little girl could learn things faster than they previous thought. Thirdly, self-study is an essential skill for further study and also daily life, the ability can be cultivated by parents who do not supervise on their children for homework or curriculum related activities. By this I mean if parents choose to help their children with studies, they may grow dependence on their parents for help, or even for supervision. It is harmful to their self-study skills, as they may not grow up to be a self-learner, their career path will definitely be influenced by their bad habits. This is because nowadays employers prefer to hire some fast and self learners in order to lower their cost for trainings. To conclude, parents play pivotal roles for the personal development of their children, so spending more time with them for some relationship building and trust construction games and sports will be considered more suitable than doing curriculum related activities. |