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wsxz007 作业贴 作文啊作文 你跟我和好吧……求你了 1.27求拍砖

发表于 2013-1-5 16:52:26 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
wsxz007 1月4号的综合

The reading passage is discusses the issue of whether or not the
dinosaurs are the endotherms. The professor's lecture deal with the same topic.Even so she argue that the dinosaurs are not endotherms, which contradict what the reading passage states. In the reading there are three specific points to support it's idea.
The first one, although the passage asserts that the fossil was found in the polar area, where is so cold that only endotherms can exist. At the same time the professor claims that the region where the fossils be found is much warmer than today and habitat can be changed during the cold months. Clearly, the professor disagree the first point in the massage.
Moreover, even though the statement in the reading argue that leg position is the characteristic of the endotherms, because of the sustained physical activity, the professor contends that the position of the legs in order to supports more weight. Obviously, the professor's argument challenges the states in the passage.
finally, both of them refer to the Haversian canals.The professor maintains that although there are Haversian canals in the dinosaurs, the same time there are also grow rings in body of them.During cold period, the grow rings thicken show that the vegetation slowly or stopped. Whereas the author of the passage claims that the Haversian canals is the feature of the endotherms.
In conclusion, the professor clearly identifies the weaknesses of the reading passage and forcefully proves the central argument in the passage of that dinosaurs are endotherms is inaccurate.
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 楼主| 发表于 2013-1-5 21:04:34 | 只看该作者
1月4号独立  批啊 批啊 求暴批
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:It is better to relax by watching a movie or reading a book than doing physical exercise

Recent years, the social competition become more and more fierce. Under the circumstances, the social life makes people more nervous than ever before. Various of entertainments are needed by every corner in the city. However the traditional ones are always popular. Some ones argue that it is better to relax by watching a movie or reding a book than physical exercise. In my opinion, relaxing in silence is the best way for me.
First, now days daily life is more and more quick than ever before. Doing as more as we can in shorter time. In order to enhance the competitiveness, the whole city race against time. Reading and watching something slowly after all day work is a best chance to relax our body and brain with no competition but enjoying. Just like wine-tasting, drink the wine as slowly as we can, and least the bouquet full of the mouth.    
Second, grinding a chopper will not hold up the work of cutting firewood. More preparation may quicken the speed in doing work. Reading  makes people think. In the books, people can find the answer to everything which puzzle you in daily life. Further more, the movies alway tell something which is the most typical in modern society and history. After the past of the teacher, history and other’s experience is the best sample to take example by.
Finally, during reading and watching something which have nothing to do with the pressure from daily life or work people can liberation the brain, and enjoy something fresh. Every time came into a corner in work, I would go to enjoy a movie in the cinema by myself, and forget all the stuff but the movie. After that, a clear head can give me something new to deal with the puzzle.
For the reasons above, although doing physical exercise is a good way to relax the body, but the better efficiency is the goal of entertainment. In leisure time, reading books and watch movies is better the sports.
发表于 2013-1-6 08:24:55 | 只看该作者
Recent years, the social competition become more and more fierce. Under the circumstances, the social life makes people more nervous than ever before. Various of entertainments are needed by every corner in the city. However the traditional ones(which one is traditional?) are always popular. Some ones argue that it is better to relax by watching a movie or reading a book than doing physical exercise. In my opinion, relaxing in silence is the best way for me.First, now days (nowadays?)daily (the pace of)life is more and more quick than ever before. Doing (Trying to accomplish ?其实差不多)as more(much) as we can in shorter time. In order to enhance the competitiveness, the whole city race against time. Reading and watching something slowly after all day work is a best chance to relax our body and brain with no competition but enjoying.(移到第一句观点鲜明一点?不然人家不容易找到你的论点) Just like wine-tasting, drink the wine as slowly as we can, and least the bouquet full of the mouth. (我理解你的意思,但是这句话主语不对吧?Drinking the wine ……)  Second, grinding a chopper will not hold up the work of cutting firewood. More preparation may quicken the speed in (of)doing work. Reading makes people think. (觉得换一种表达方式更好?Reading inspires thinking.好像也不是很好)In the books, people can find the answer to everything which puzzled you in daily life. Further more, the movies always tell something which is the most typical(phenomena, typical是形容词哈,原句也对,但是我感觉有点奇怪)  both in modern society and history. After the past of the teacher, history and other’s experience is the best sample to taken example by.(前面啥意思?)Finally, during reading and (or)watching something which have (has)nothing to do with the pressure from daily life or work, people can liberation (liberate,后面加动词吧)the brain, and enjoy something fresh. Every time came into a (the)corner in work, I would go to enjoy a movie in the cinema by myself, and forget all the stuff but the movie. After that, a clear head can give me something new to deal with the puzzle.For the reasons above, although doing physical exercise is a good way to relax the body, but the better efficiency is the goal of entertainment. In leisure time, reading books and watch movies is better than the sports.

发表于 2013-1-6 09:21:25 | 只看该作者
Recent years, the social competition becomes more and more fierce. Under the circumstances, the social life makes people feel more nervous than ever before. Various of entertainments are needed by every corner in the city. However the traditional ones(which one is traditional?) are always popular. Some ones argue that it is better to relax by watching a movie or reading a book than doing physical exercise. In my opinion, relaxing in silence is the best way for me.First, now days (nowadays?)daily (the pace of)life is more and more quick than ever before. Doing (Trying to accomplish ?其实差不多)as more(much) as we can in shorter time. In order to enhance the competitiveness, the whole city race against time.Reading and watching something slowly after all day work is a best chance to relax our body and brain with no competition but enjoying.(移到第一句观点鲜明一点?不然人家不容易找到你的论点) Just like wine-tasting, drink the wine as slowly as we can, and least the bouquet full of the mouth. (我理解你的意思,但是这句话主语不对吧?Drinking the wine ……) Second, grinding a chopper will not hold up the work of cutting firewood. More preparation may quicken the speed in (of)doing work.Reading makes people think. (觉得换一种表达方式更好?Reading inspires thinking.好像也不是很好)In the books, people can find the answer to everything which puzzles you in daily life. Further more, the movies always tell something which is the most typical(phenomena, typical是形容词哈,原句也对,但是我感觉有点奇怪) both in modern society and history. After the past of the teacher, history and other’s experience is the best sample to taken example by.(前面啥意思?)Finally, during reading and (or)watching something which have (has)nothing to do with the pressure from daily life or work, people can liberation (liberate,后面加动词吧)the brain, and enjoy something fresh. Every time came into a (the)corner in work, I would go to enjoy a movie in the cinema by myself, and forget all the stuff but the movie. After that, a clear head can give me something new to deal with the puzzle in your daily life.
For the reasons above, although doing physical exercise is a good way to relax the body, but the better efficiency is the goal of entertainment.(这两个之间啥关系?) In leisure time, reading books and watching movies is better (than) the sports.

 楼主| 发表于 2013-1-6 17:24:38 | 只看该作者
1月5号 综合 TPO5
The professor actually contradicts the statements made in the passage. He is of the view that non of the arguments about what  Chaco great houses were used for is convincing.

First, although the space of the largest house is big enough for 100 families to live in. However the professor points that the fire place in the house is the size fit for only ten families, which obviously disprove its counterpart in the reading passage.

Second, the author of the passage point out that the condition of the house can be used for store food, whereas the professor asserts that there are no maize or containers in the house , which are considered the principal food for Chaco. He claims that abundance of food and large containers should be found in the  house if it is a storage space, which weak the point of the passage.
Finally, despite reading passage give the evidence about the pots, which is asserted to be used in ceremonies. At the same time, the professor argue that besides the pots, there are also materials couldn’ t be used in the ceremonies, such as sand, stone and building tools which is used to build the house. In other words the pots in the house is only the construction trash the same as other stuff, which can’t prove the houses are used for ceremony.
In conclusion, the professor apparently identify the weakness of the passage.
 楼主| 发表于 2013-1-6 19:37:34 | 只看该作者
1月5号 独立
Agree or disagree, in order to succeed, you should be more like the others than be different from everyone else

Life is challenging. In order to be successful we should prepare ourselves in many fronts. Although to be different from others could make sure one person stand out of the crowd quickly at the beginning, compare to the beginning, a durable success is more important to our lives. In my opinion in order to succeed , person should be more like others than different from everyone else. My view is basis on campus, social life and family.

When we were in campus, the first thing to study is imitation. Following the teachers do everything, such as writing, speaking, performing even though making friends, in other words, the principle of succeed is like others. All ones know that, a successful student must be good at imitation. For instance, When I was a student in my 12 years old, I always wanted to write something different, and didn’t like the article style given by the writing books. But not until my words is similar as the others in my class my score is not good, and my article is not understand by others.  

From a social perspective, we live in an interdependent world which imposes its obligations on us. Each person belong to different social group and plays important roles. In order to be a popular person in the daily life, we should enjoy the same topic with others. Further more, a good interpersonal relationship can offer various of convenient which is an advantage in the further enterprise. As a result of to be more like others, there not only a successful career but also a good social relationship.

Family is another important part in the daily life, and the harmonious of the family is a half of success. Members in the same house share joys and sorrows of others all the time. So it is better to have the same hobby with the others in a family.

Well, the creation and selfhood is also important in one’s pursuing for success. Sometime, basing on the resemblance the different is a new competition in the modern society.
In conclusion, in order to succeed, we should be more like others than different or strange. Success prefer the ordinary.
发表于 2013-1-6 22:57:51 | 只看该作者
改  wsxz007 14号的综合

The reading passage
is(多余) discusses the issue of whether or not the(多余) dinosaurs arewere,注意时态) the(多余) endotherms. The professor's lecture deal with the same topic.Even so(什么意思?) she argueargues that the dinosaurs are not endotherms, which contradict(加S what the reading passage states. In the reading there are three specific points to support it's idea.
The first one, although the passage asserts that the fossil was found in the polar area, where is so cold that only endotherms can exist. At the same time the professor claims that the region where the fossils be found is much warmer than today and habitat can be changed during the cold months. Clearly, the professor disagree the first point in the massage.
Moreover, even though the statement in the reading
argue that leg position is the characteristic of the endotherms, because of the sustained physical activity, the professor contends that the position of the legs in order to supports more weight. (这句话没谓语啊)Obviously, the professor's argument challenges the states in the passage.
finally, both of them refer to the Haversian canals.The professor maintains that although there are Haversian canals in the dinosaurs,
at the same time there are also grow(growth) rings in body of them(their bone structure).During cold period, the grow rings thicken show that the vegetation(
听力中没提,应该是恐龙的生长) slowly or stopped. Whereas the author of the passage claims that the Haversian canals is the feature of the endotherms.
In conclusion, the professor clearly identifies the weaknesses of the reading passage and forcefully proves the central argument
in the passage of
(去掉) that dinosaurs are endotherms is inaccurate.

 楼主| 发表于 2013-1-7 10:46:00 | 只看该作者
 楼主| 发表于 2013-1-7 18:18:43 | 只看该作者
1月6号 独立
Modern society, teamwork is playing an increasingly important role in competition. An effective group can make more profits than others from the same starting point. As everyone knows that a brilliant and effective leader is significant in a team, and how about the members, also important or not? Personally, I think it is not only effective but also necessary to make the decision both from the leader and the members. In other words, the effective leader should try to adopt suggestions from members.
Personally, everyone in the team is an inseparable part of the entirety. In order to enhance the efficiency of the team, it is important to inspire everyone to take a part in the decision. By this way, the goal of the team is also the target of all the people, which can inspire the proficiency extremely.

Furthermore, outstanding wise will have mistake, and personal ability always limited. Take ideas and suggestions and use them if they work for you. It is a better way than do everything by yourself. Such as, most of the company will take middle-level brain storm before any significant decision. At the same time, we can see a lot of television programs will take suggestions from audiences and organize the creation team in order to perform the best popular program. All of there show a point that the decision from both the leader and the else of the group is more effective than the leader oneself.

Additionally, when everyone take part in the decision of the team, members will have more time to communicate to each other, which is a good chance to increase the team spirit. Any effective leader know that a good teamwork means better outstanding achievement. For instance, when I was the president of student union, I took the middle-level meeting with all the ministers from different department and made the decision of action plane for next month. After the meeting the project of the student union is more popular than before.

Although it is necessary that sometime, especially in the emergency, the leader also have to do the decision by his or her self quickly and decisively. On the other hand, it is be counteractive if leaders take the suggestion from stuffs all the time.

In conclusion, an effective leader not only know how to inspirit the staff to create a miracle but also take the good suggestion from team members the same as address the urgent work firmly and decisively.
发表于 2013-1-7 18:35:16 | 只看该作者
Life is challenging. In order to be successful we should prepare ourselves in many fronts. Although to be different from others could make sure make sure的用法我不是很确定 后面是不是应该加个that, 这样后面就是个句子,one person 加单数 standsone person stand out of the crowd quickly at the beginning, compare(d) to the beginning, a durable success is more important to our lives. In my opinion in order to succeed , person should be more like others than different from everyone else. My view is basis on (on the basis of 或者 is based on)campus, social life and family.

When we were in campus, the first thing to study is imitation. Following the teachers (,we 不然这句话读不通啦)do everything, such as writing, speaking, performing even though (even though 是虽然,even是甚至)making friends, in other words, the principle of succeed is like others. All ones know that, a successful student must be good at imitation. For instance, When I was a student in my 12 years old(at 12 years old, I always wanted to write something different, and (made the article different from the others,我觉得这个改意思明确一点?要不然前后主语不一致)didn’t like the article style given by the writing books. But not until my words is similar as the others in my class my score is not good, and my article is not understand by others.  not until 这里想表达什么意思?改成 As the failure of my creativity....

From a social perspective, we live in an interdependent world which imposes its obligations on us. (独立的世界赋予我们它的责任?应该不是这个意思吧……)Each person belongs to different social group(s)and plays important roles. In order to be a popular person in the daily life, we should enjoy the same topic with others. Further more, a good interpersonal relationship can offer various of convenient(这个是形容词哦,要用名词convenience)which is will be,后面是futurean advantage in the further enterprise. As a result of to be more like others, there (was) not only a successful career but also a good social relationship.(
(To be more like others, we can fulfill not only a successful career but also a good social relationship.)
Family is another important part in the daily life, and the harmonious of the family is a half of success. Members in the same house share joys and sorrows of (the) others all the time. So it is better to have the same hobby with the others in a family.


Well, the creation and selfhood is also important in one’s pursuing for success. Sometime, basingon the resemblance(,)the different is a new competition in the modern society.
In conclusion, in order to succeed, we should be more like others than different or strange(比较要成分一样). Success prefer the ordinary.


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