Hi, I got this question, but failed to pick up the right answer. Could anyone please help?The question is the following:
Australian embryologists have found evidence that suggests that the elephant is descended from an aquatic animal, and its trunk originally evolved as a kind of snorkel. A. that suggests that the elephant is descended from an aquatic animal, and its trunk originally evolved B. that has suggested the elephant descended from an aquatic animal, its trunk originally evolving C. suggesting that the elephant had descended from an aquatic animal with its trunk originally evolving D. to suggest that the elephant has descended from an aquatic animal and its trunk originally evolved E. to suggest that the elephant is descended from an aquatic animal and that its trunk originally evolved
The answer is E. The reason I didn't pick up it is that I think the doer of "suggest" should be the embryologists and the clause should have a "should". If E is correct, then the doer must be evidence. Then the sentence sounds like: I have evidence to suggest.... HOWEVER, the doer of "suggest" is "evidence", but not "I". This really sounds odd. Please help!! Thanks a lot!
我的问题是,根据我的经验,好像这个句式里面,evidence不可以做doer。I found some evidence to do sth. 这样的句子里面,为什么evidence可以做主语呢?to do有这样的用法吗?我记得to do在这样的句子里面的用法是要么把evidence当做do的宾语,要么表示I 的intention. 你遇到过类似于这个句子中evidence作为doer的其他例子吗?
随便我的话,如果我错了,不还是错?考试仍然考不好啊。有何高明的想法希望不吝分享啊。为什么evidence可以在这样的句子里面作为doer呢?我觉得在sb. have evidence to do sth. 这样的句子里面明显sb才是doer啊,而evidence最多可以作为do的宾语。to do的这个用法我没有见过,所以才问问。你遇到过这样的例子吗?
其实亲可能是有点想多了,别太紧张了,记得有句话:the scientist find the reaction to be unusual,这里虽然是to be但是,可以看到修饰的确实是reaction,所以可以这么用。
但是这道题别钻牛角尖,记得是sb find sth to do就可以了,就像是I have a plan to do sth------to do的内容一定是plan的内容,所以思考的逻辑是一样的。 实在不行,亲就当做的to do修饰的是I have a plan这个整体,其实都无所谓,翻译一下”我有一个计划,计划是。。。。。"“科学家发现了一个证据,证据表明。。。。” 在语法层面来讲的话,to do其实是做定语,修饰前面的名词,用起来很多的呀:I have something to say on this question。。。。