刚在前面见了个贴在说AS,本来就很晕了,又来了下面的这道题,就让我更晕了,请牛牛们给指点下,非常感谢~~ one of the primary distinctions between our intelligence with that of other primates may lay not so much in any specific skill but in our ability to extend knowledge gained in one contect to new and different ones. Abetween our intelligence with that of other primates may lay not so much in any specific skill but Cbetween our intelligence and that of other primates may lie not so much in any specific skill as 答案为C。把正确答案带进去后得到句子: one of the primary distinctions between our intelligence and that of other primates may lie not so much in any specific skill as in our ability to extend knowledge gained in one contect to new and different ones. 这个as的用法是否只是简单的not so much。。 as。。搭配,而不用考虑AS的其他用法 |