Fachhochschule International Business Consulting (MBA) Badstrabe 24 Offenburg, D-77652 Germany Click to send E-mail to: Phone: 011+49-781-205-218 Fax: 011+49-781-205-214
Degrees Offered: M.B.A. - International Business Consulting ________________________________________ Fachhochschule (DAAD) Deutscher emischer Anstausch Dienst International Business Consulting Klosterstraße 14 Gengenbach, D-77723 Germany Click to send E-mail to: Phone: 011+49-7803-969820 Fax: 011+49-7803-969849
Degrees Offered: MBA- Master of Business Administration ________________________________________ Fachhochschule (DAAD) Deutscher emischer Anstausch Dienst MBA in International Business Management Department of International Business, Jakob-Kienzle-Straße 17 Villingen-Schwenningen, D-78054 Germany Click to send E-mail to: Phone: 011+49-7720-307-315 Fax: 011+49-7720-307-307
Degrees Offered: MBA - Master of Business Administration ________________________________________ Georg August University (DAAD) Deutscher emischer Anstausch Dienst Postgraduate Studies International Business (PSIB) Bahnhofstr. 87 Nürnberg, D-90402 Germany Phone: 011+49-0-911-5880-2883 Fax: 011+49-0-911-5880-6883
Degrees Offered: M.B.A.- Master of Business Administration ________________________________________ German International School of Management and Administration - GISMA Fedor-Lynen-Str. 27 30625 Hanover, GERMANY Phone: 011+49-511-546 090 Fax: 011+49-511-546 0954 GISMA Business School offers AACSB-accredited MBA-degrees in Germany in cooperation with Purdue University Degrees Offered: Business Administration (MBA); Business Administration (ExecutiveMBA) ________________________________________ Handelshochschule Leipzig (DAAD) Deutscher emischer Anstausch Dienst MBA-Program in International Management Jahnallee 59 Leipzig, D-04109 Germany Phone: 011+49-341-9851-730 Fax: 011+49-341-9851-731
Degrees Offered: MBA - Master of Business Administration ________________________________________ International University Bremen Jacobs Ceter for Lifelong Learning and Institutional Development Executive Master in Lifelong Learning, Knowledge Management, and Institutional Change P.O. Box 750 561 Bremen, 28725 Germany Phone: 011+49 421 2004702 Fax: 011+49 421 2004703 This part-time study international and interdisciplinary Master's Program aims to educate participants about the consequences of an aging workforce and of rapid knowledge change, and how insight available in the social and behavioral sciences can help to maintain productivity and innovation. The program has been especially developed to provide further training to individuals working and/or qualified in domains such as Human Resource Development, Organizational Development, Consulting, Management, Training, Administration. With this added qualification, participating executives can return to their corporation or institution and help individuals in the organization as well as the organization itself to transform in response to the challenges of aging and fast knowledge turnover in modern societies. The program in Lifelong Learning, Knowledge Management, and Institutional Change seeks to bridge traditional divisions between academic disciplines and between academic and applied questions. It focuses on cognitive, social and personality development of the adult employee as well as on the characteristics of the employing organization and how both are interrelated. Finally; the program informs about the effects of this interrelation on lifelong learning efforts and the success of Knowledge and Human Resource Management at the organizational level. Degrees Offered: Executive Master in Lifelong Learning, Knowledge Management, and Institutional Change Research Areas:Business Administration; Human Resource Development; Knowledge Management; Lifecourse Sociology; Human Performance and Neuroscience; Lifespan Psychology; Health and Personality Psychology; Communication Science ________________________________________ International University in Germany Westminster Business School M.B.A. - Program Campus 3 Bruchsal, 76646 Germany Phone: 011+49 7251 700 0 Fax: 011+49 7251 700 151 The MBA provides students with skills required to find managerial positions with multinational, high-tech corporations whose principal products and services depend on information and communication technologies. It is an especially valuable degree for scientists, engineers and other specialists seeking to switch to a managerial career path. Degrees Offered: M.B.A. - Master of Business Administration Research Areas:International Management; Entrepreneurship; Information Management ________________________________________ International University in Germany Master of Business Administration D-76646 Bruchsal, GERMANY Phone: 011+49-7251-7000-0 Fax: 011+49-7251-7000-150 The International University in Germany is an English language institution that strives for academic excellence in Information Technology and Business Administration. While the course structure is grounded in the Anglo-American tradition, the university seeks to achieve an international reputation based on its close contacts to German companies and through its European orientation. Degrees Offered: MBA - Master of Business Administration ________________________________________ International University in Germany (DAAD) Deutscher emischer Anstausch Dienst Business Administration Campus 3 Bruchsal, D-76646 Germany Phone: 011+49-7251-700-110 Fax: 011+49-7251-700-150
Degrees Offered: MBA - Master of Business Administration ________________________________________ Pforzheim University of Applied Sciences Master of Business Administration Fachhochschule Pforzheim, emische Auslandsamt, Tiefenbronner Str. 65 Pforzheim, D-75175 Germany Phone: 011+49-7231-28-6145 Fax: 011+49-7231-28-6140 You have to fulfill certain admission requirements for each program.The two major problems are: • the equivalence of your National School Leaving Certificate/Degree with the German Entry Certificate/Degree; • the German language. Depending upon your German proficiency you may get admission directly or you may have to study at the Studienkolleg first. Degrees Offered: Master of Business Administration ________________________________________ Pforzheim University of Applied Sciences Westminster Business School International Management Pforzheim University, International Programms Pforzheim, Ba-Wue D-75175 Germany Phone: 011+49-7231-28-6145 Fax: 011+49-7231-28-6140 Qualitative admission system based on performance indicators, motivation and tests: obligatory GMAT > 600; TOEFL > 250. First degree equivalent to a university degree from Germany. Degrees Offered: International Management Certificate Research Areas:International Management ________________________________________ Stuttgart Institute of Management and Technology (SIMT) (DAAD) Deutscher emischer Anstausch Dienst Finance and Investment Filderhauptstraße 142 Stuttgart, D-70599 Germany Phone: 011+49-711-451001-24 Fax: 011+49-711-451001-46
Degrees Offered: MBA - Master of Business Administration in Finance ________________________________________ Stuttgart Institute of Management and Technology (SIMT) (DAAD) Deutscher emischer Anstausch Dienst International Management Filderhauptstraße 142 Stuttgart, D-70599 Germany Phone: 011+49-711-451001-24 Fax: 011+49-711-451001-46
Degrees Offered: MBA - International Management ________________________________________ Stuttgart Institute of Management and Technology (SIMT) (DAAD) Deutscher emischer Anstausch Dienst International Sourcing Filderhauptstraße 142 Stuttgart, D-70599 Germany Phone: 011+49-711-451001-24 Fax: 011+49-711-451001-46
Degrees Offered: MBA - International Sourcing ________________________________________ Universität Göttingen (DAAD) Deutscher emischer Anstausch Dienst International Agribusiness Universität Göttingen, Waldweg 26 Göttingen, 37073 Germany Phone: 011+49-551-39-3915 Fax: 011+49-551-39-3076
Degrees Offered: M.Sc.Agr.- with specialization in International Agribusiness ________________________________________ University of Saarland Europa-Institut Master of Business Administration - Europe PO Box 151150 D-66041 SaarbrÜcken, GERMANY Phone: 011+49-681-302 2553
Degrees Offered: M.B.A. ________________________________________ University of Wuerzburg Business Integration Neubaustrasse 66 97070 Wuerzburg, Germany Phone: 011+49 931 312450 Fax: 011+49 931 312955 The program is designed as a two-year part time MBA leading to a master's degree in Business Administration. With a multi-facetted instruction on information technology, participants will get up-to-date knowledge and hands-on experience of the latest methods and tools in the field of Business Information Systems. ________________________________________ University Schloss Reichartshausen European Business School Graduate full-time program in Business Administration and Information Systems Schloss Reichartshausen Oestrich-Winkel, 65375 Germany Phone: 011+49-6723 69 0 Fax: 011+49-6723-69-133 All business courses are held in German The European Business School Schloss Reichartshausen offers graduate studies in Business Administration up to PhD level with two foreign languages (lasting 8 or 10 semesters) or with concentration on Information Systems(lasting 8 semesters). The 8 semester course completes with the Betriebswirt (BA Honors equivalent) and the 10 semester course with the Diplom-Kaufmann (MBA equivalent). All students spend one olbigatory year abroad, where selected students may earn an MBA in cooperation with one of our partner universities. Very good knowledge of English is an entry requirement for all courses and, in addition, French or Spanish is required for the two language-option. For admission to our regular course program, it is obligatory for non-native speakers of German to complete the DSH Test (Deutsche Sprachpr黤ung f黵 den Hochschulzugang) or an equivalent. The DSH Test is a general requirement for enrolment at a German university. Degrees Offered: Business Administration (MBA); Ph.D.