以下是引用wikeypig在2003-9-15 17:20:00的发言: 17. Scientists calculated that the asteroid, traveling at 46,000 miles an hour, is on an elliptical path that orbits the Sun once a year and regularly brings it back toward Earth.
(A) hour, is on an elliptical path that orbits the Sun once a year and regularly brings it (B) hour, is orbiting the Sun once a year on an elliptical path that regularly brings it (C) hour, once a year orbits the Sun, regularly bringing it on an elliptical path (D) hour and orbiting the Sun once a year on an elliptical path, regularly bringing it (E) hour, orbits the Sun on an elliptical path once a year and that regularly brings it
答案B,我选D因为觉得B中IT指代不清 21. Promotions, retirements, deaths, and other actions approved by the board of directors at its May meeting will be reported in the July 15 issue of the company paper.
(A) Promotions, retirements, deaths, and other actions approved by the board of directors at its May meeting will be reported in the July 15 issue of the company paper. (B) Promotions, retirements, and other actions which have been approved at the May meeting of the board of directors along with deaths, with be reported in the July 15 issue of the company paper. (C) To be reported in the July 15 issue of the company paper are the promotions, retirements, deaths, and other actions which were approved at the board of directors' May meeting. (D) Meeting in May, the promotions, retirements, and other actions approved by the board of directors, including obituaries, will be reported in the July 15 issue of the company paper. (E) The July 15 issue of the company paper will report on promotions, retirements, and other actions approved by the board of directors at its May meeting; the paper will also include obituaries .答案E,ITS 指代谁?其他选项为什么错?
17, 仔细读一下,d是一个sentence fraction,that宾语从句不是个句子。 21, its 指board. 其他错是因为死亡不是被批准的(否则成法院了),看懂意思很重要。 |