In many scientific disciplines, scientists generally do not do highly creative work beyond the age of forty, a tendency that has normally been taken to show that aging carries with it a loss of creative capacity. However, by the age of forty most scientists have been working in their chosen field for at least fifteen years, so an alternative explanation is that spending too long in a single field reduces the opportunity for creative thought.
Investigating which of the following would be most useful in choosing between the competing explanations described above?
- AWhether among those scientists who do highly creative work beyond age forty a large proportion entered their field at a considerably later age than is common分析该选项
- BWhether scientists' choice of research projects tends to be influenced by their own belief that their most creative work will be done relatively early in their career分析该选项
- CWhether scientists who are older than forty tend to find more satisfaction in other activities, such as teaching and mentoring, than they do in pursuing their own research分析该选项
- DWhether funding agencies are more inclined to award research grants to scientists who are veterans in their field than to scientists who are relative newcomers分析该选项
- EWhether there is significant variation among scientific fields in the average age at which scientists working in those fields are at their most productive
理论一:(老+)————(创新-) 理论二:(研究时长+)————(创新-) A进入的晚,做出创新——(研究时长-)导致(创新+)加强研究时长论 (老+)导致(创新+)否定年龄论 进入的早,做出创新——(研究时长+)导致(创新+)否定研究时长论 (老+)导致(创新+)否定年龄论 则 这是我自己写的逻辑链,两者都否定了年龄论,为什么选A呢