1. Independent Writing
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
To improve the quality of education, universities should spend more money on salaries for university professors.
Some people argue that the salaries foruniversity professors should be improved in order to enhance the quality ofeducation. As far as I'm concerned, I think that this is a good idea. With thesalaries of professors raised, they can pay more attention to their researchand students education. What's more, it can also help to universities toattract more people with solid academic foundation to pursue professor as theirlife careers.
For the one thing, there is no denying thatwith the development of society, the life expense is increasing more and morefaster. If professors' salaries are raised, they have no need to worry aboutthis problem, which can lead them to have more time and energy to do researchand educate young people. For instance, my uncle, who is a professor in theuniversity of my city, has a low salary. In order to afford the high expense ofhousing, he has to do some part-time jobs to earn extra money. Apparently, thisresults in fewer time and energy to his university work. However, on theopposite, if his salary can be improved, then he may have enough time to doresearch and teach student, which in turn will do good to the quality ofeducation.
For another thing, in many circumstances,people will consider the level of salary when it comes to choosing their career.With appealing salary, I believe that university can attract more extraordinarypeople to work as professor. To some extents, the quality and quantity ofprofessors are key elements to assess the level of a university's education.Just imagine that there are plenty of elite from various realms of subjects,like history, economics, mechanics and so on. Not only are they learned, butthey have innumerous good characteristics, like honesty, persistence,hard-working, which can set good examples for students to learn. So thatstudents can learn both academic information and excellent personalities fromthem, which will inevitably benefit the students a lot in their future life andcareer.
Last but not least, with enough money,professors can do lots of other meaningful things, like supporting poorstudents, donating books to library, and so on. Nowadays, there are still manystudents of remote areas cannot afford the high tuition and have to drop outfrom school. But so many students of them are really talent. If they can getthe support from professors, I believe that they will have a promising future. Alsowith more useful books to read, they can improve their understanding of thecutting-edge knowledge, which will do good to the quality of education as awhole.
In conclusion, with so many benefits discussedabove, I reinforce my viewpoint that it can make a big difference to improvethe quality of education if university professors’ salaries are raised.