Deliberately imitating the technique of Louis Armstrong, jazz singer Billie Holiday's approach to singing was to use her voice like an instrument, in that she ranged freely over the beat, flattened out the melodic contours of tunes, and, in effect, recomposed songs to suit her range, style, and artistic sensibilities.
Deliberately imitating the technique of Louis Armstrong, jazz singer Billie Holiday's approach to singing was to use her voice like an instrument, in that she ranged freely over the beat, flattened out the melodic contours of tunes, and, in effect, recomposed songs to suit her range, style, and artistic sensibilities.
A Billie Holiday's approach to singing was to use her voice like an instrument, in that she ranged freely over the beat, flattened
B Billie Holiday's approach to singing was to use her voice in a similar way to how other musicians play instruments, in ranging freely over the beat, flattening
C Billie Holiday approached singing by using her voice like other musicians played instruments, ranging freely over the beat, flattening
D Billie Holiday used her voice in the same way that other musicians use their instruments, in that she ranged freely over the beat, flattening
E Billie Holiday approached singing by using her voice like other musicians instruments, ranging freely over the beat, flattening
这道题答案选D 这个不容分说 排除E的最简单方法是 没有 IN THAT 导致句子的因果关系缺失
但在解释E 的时候出现了一点问题 所以求问各位大神
我在MM上找到的关于ING 修饰整句的句子是
it can even modify an entire clause as above,as long as the entire clause converted into a noun phrase could function as the subject of the verb that is now in -ing form.
我自己对上面这句话的理解是 —ing 修饰整句 只要这整个词转换成名词短语 在功能上 依旧是动词(只是现在是ING 的形式而已)
题目中的第一个RANGING很好解释 明眼人一看就晓得(必然动词修饰语)
第二个flattening 如果 解释成名词修饰语 连续两个较长的修饰语在GMAT 中是被否定的 需要避免