你的问题很模糊啊。不过ETS是最好的老师。将解释简单标一下,看能不能解决你的问题呢。其实第一段就2句话。在解释中也涉及了。我把所有的解释都列出了,为我是每个解释都看完,才把与这第一段有最直接关系的解释加黑的。其实呢,解释是对原文最好的、整体性的、方法论的、提纲挈领的、有轻重缓急的阐释。我们好好看看,OG的问题都能解决,而且会真正提高我们的阅读所需的思维能力。 Until recently, scientists did not know of a close vertebrate analogue to the extreme form of altruism observed in eusocial insects like ants and bees, whereby individuals cooperate, sometimes even sacrificing their own opportunities to survive and reproduce, for the good of others. However, such a vertebrate society may exist among underground colonies of the highly social rodent Heterocephalus glaber, the naked mole rat. 160. The best answer is C. The first paragraph of the passage introduces the idea that the naked mole rat colony is similar to certain insect colonies. The rest of the passage provides comparisons of naked mole rat behavior with the behavior of eusocial insects (paragraphs 2 and 3) and contrast naked mole rat behavior with that of other vertebrates (paragraph 4). None of the other choices states a main idea included in the passage. Choices A and D are not correct according to lines 好像这里说得已经很清楚了。 32-33. Choices B and E are also incorrect: in lines 19-27, naked mole rat social systems are contrasted with rigid caste systems like those of eusocial insects. 161. The best answer is B. All that the passage reveals about Jarvis’ work is that it suggested that “differences in growth rates may influence the length of time that an individual performs a task, regardless of its age” (lines 29-31). Thus, in Jarvis’ view, age may not be a crucial variable in explaining what naked mole rats do. 162. The best answer is B. According to lines 19-24, in eusocial insect societies, role is defined by “behavior, body shape, and physiology.” For naked mole rats, in contrast, “reproductive status…, body size, and perhaps age” influence behavior; no mention is made of body shape. The passage does not indicate whether all tasks are performed cooperatively in eusocial societies, so A is incorrect. Choice C is incorrect: the passage contains no information about the relative size of breeders in insect societies. Choice D is incorrect because reproduction rat societies. Choice E is not correct: body size is not mentioned as affecting the distribution of tasks in eusocial insect societies. 163. The best answer is B. The word “presumably” in line 14 of the passage indicates that it is certain that the queen in a naked mole rat colony exerts chemical control over the colony. The passage states that the queen is the largest member of the colony (Choice A). There is no indication of doubt concerning either the number of males the queen mates with (C) or her status as the only breeding female (E). The queen’s attainment of her status through aggression is indicated by the statement that when a queen dies other females fight violently for breeding status (D). 164. The best answer is E. According to the lines 33-36 in the passage, most cooperatively breeding vertebrates are dominated by a pair of breeders, but the wile dog, Lycoon pictus, is an exception to this statement, and therefore breeding among these dogs is not dominated by a single pair. The passage provides no information to support the inferences in choices A, B, C, and D. 165. The best answer is A. The passage indicates that scientists once knew of no vertebrate group exhibiting extreme altruism like that of eusocial insects but the naked mole rat does exhibit such altruism. Choice B is incorrect: lines 32-36 indicate that other vertebrate groups breed cooperatively. Choice C is also incorrect: the passage does not indicates that naked mole rats are the only vertebrates having a single breeding female. The passage indicates that a naked mole rat may perform different tasks during its lifetime but does not discuss this for other vertebrates, so D cannot be correct. Choice E is not correct: although the passage indicates that fighting results in the selection of the queen, no information is given about the selection of breeding females in other vertebrate groups. 这里又重复了一下,说法不太一样而已。 166. The best answer is C. The third paragraph provide information contrasting naked mole rat societies with eusocial insect societies, whereas earlier in the passage, similarities between the two kinds of societies have been emphasized. Choice A is not correct: the author of the passage presents factual information rather than drawing a conclusion in the third paragraph. Because the fourth paragraph presents information about breeding among other vertebrate groups, it does not contradict information in the third paragraph, so B is not correct. Choice D is incorrect because the mention of Jarvis’ work serves to provide new information. Choice E is incorrect because no explanatory factors are discussed in the third paragraph. |