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发表于 2004-1-28 17:21:00 | 只看该作者


Questions 49-50
Joseph: My encyclopedia says that the mathematician Pierre de Fermat died in 1665 without leaving behind any written proof for a theorem that he claimed nonetheless to have proved. Probably this alleged theorem simply cannot be proved, since---as the article points out---no one else has been able to prove it. Therefore it is likely that Fermat was either lying or else mistaken when he made his claim.
Laura: Your encyclopedia is out of date. Recently someone has in fact proved Fermat’s theorem. And since the theorem is provable, your claim---that Fermat was lying or mistaken---clearly is wrong.

49. Joseph’s statement that “this alleged theorem simply cannot be proved” plays which one of the following roles in his argument?
(A) an assumption for which no support is offered
(B) a subsidiary conclusion on which his argument’s main conclusion is based
(C) a potential objection that his argument anticipates and attempts to answer before it is raised
(D) the principle claim that his argument is structured to refute
(E) background information that neither supports nor undermines his argument’s conclusion

Answer is B , why not be A???

50. Which one of the following most accurately describes a reasoning error in Laura’s argument?
(A) It purports to establish its conclusion by making a claim that, if true, would actually contradict that conclusion.
(B) It mistakenly assumes that the quality of a person’s character can legitimately be taken to guarantee the accuracy of the claims that person has made.
(C) It mistakes something that is necessary for its conclusion to follow for something that ensures that the conclusion follows.
(D) It uses the term “provable” without defining it.
(E) It fails to distinguish between a true claim that has mistakenly between believed to be false and a false claim that has mistakenly been believed to be true.

Answer is E , but why? so confused!
发表于 2004-1-28 23:54:00 | 只看该作者
without leaving behind any written proof for a theorem
所以this alleged theorem simply cannot be proved
所以 it is likely that Fermat was either lying or else mistaken when he made his claim.

而这就是E中所说的,laura没有区分true claim 和false claim
发表于 2004-1-29 00:02:00 | 只看该作者
"laura没有区分true claim 和false claim"
发表于 2004-1-29 18:29:00 | 只看该作者
第一个人说My encyclopedia says that the mathematician Pierre de Fermat died in 1665 without leaving behind any written proof
这个true claim就是第一个人说的,mathematician Pierre de Fermat died in 1665 without leaving behind any written proof for a theorem that he claimed nonetheless to have proved.
而false claim就是说百科全书是错的

发表于 2004-1-29 19:03:00 | 只看该作者
(E) It fails to distinguish between a true claim that has mistakenly been(!) believed to be false and a false claim that has mistakenly been believed to be true.

发表于 2004-4-17 19:55:00 | 只看该作者


发表于 2004-5-30 23:11:00 | 只看该作者

我选C, 因为L把必要条件当作了充分条件

J:  that Fermat was lying or mistaken------>one else has been able to prove it

L:  one else has been able to prove it-------->that Fermat was lying or mistaken


[此贴子已经被作者于2004-5-30 23:12:05编辑过]
发表于 2004-5-31 00:27:00 | 只看该作者
C吧, E是绕圈话
发表于 2008-8-28 21:19:00 | 只看该作者
以下是引用algal在2004-1-29 19:03:00的发言:
(E) It fails to distinguish between a true claim that has mistakenly been(!) believed to be false and a false claim that has mistakenly been believed to be true.



[此贴子已经被作者于2008-8-28 21:21:18编辑过]
发表于 2019-7-18 05:35:39 | 只看该作者
ostricherr 发表于 2004-1-28 17:21
Questions 49-50 Joseph: My encyclopedia says that the mathematician Pierre de Fermat died in 1665 wi ...

又是一大堆人在亂七八糟順著錯誤的答案給解釋, 尤其又是番茄炒蛋, 馬後砲人人會放, 事後諸葛一堆。

Joseph 的邏輯很簡單

( No written proof for the theorem claimed to be proved ) + ( no one else has been able to prove it ) -> Fermat was either lying or else mistaken when he made the claim

來, 這邏輯的flaw為何?

1. 一件事情發生證明之不存在的情事不能夠代表這件事情的鐵定不發生的證據, 也許只是發生的證據尚未找到。

2. 沒有留下書寫證據不代表沒有其他方式可以充當證據來保證F所提出的理論是可以被證明的

3. 如果充分條件為 沒有人可以證明, 必要條件為, 不能被證明, 而整個條件式邏輯推導出F要馬是說謊, 要馬是弄錯了, J就是假設了事情只能有二分法, 要馬是說謊, 要馬是弄錯。

Laura 的邏輯:

Premise 1 - 你的資料過時了

Premise 2 - 有人證明了F的理論

Premise 3 - 既然可證明

Conclusion - 你說F說謊或是搞錯, 必定是錯的

Laura 認為, 充分條件為“可以證明” 來推斷出J的結論F說謊或是弄錯是不當的推論

J 認為 - 因為沒人能證明, 所以理論不能夠被證明, 所以F說謊或是弄錯

( A - > B - > C ) = ( A -> C )

Laura 認為 - 因為可以證明, 所以F既沒有說謊, 也沒有弄錯

( ~A - > ~ C ) = ( C -> A )

這個是邏輯裡面的Mistake Negate


第一題 ( this alleged theorem simply can't be proved ) 的作用

A - 他不是假設, 這句話是一個推斷, 且的確是有支持提供的 - no one else has been able to prove it

B - 第一個premise - 因為沒有書寫證明. 第二個premise - 因為沒有人可以證明, 這兩個premises 推斷出sub-conclusion as a 3rd premises - ( this alleged theorem simply can't be proved ) 來支持最後的結論:這數學家要馬虎爛, 要馬搞錯。


白話解釋就是, 一個結論要對的必要假設被認為是一個絕對合格且保證充分的假設確保結論的發生

J:沒有人可以證明此理論 - > 理論不能被證明 - > 說其可以證明的F必定說謊或是弄錯

L:因為有人可以證明此理論 -> 理論是可以證明的 - > 所以F說謊以及弄錯必為假

J的必要假設為: 如果F說謊或是弄錯, 若且唯若, 理論可以被證明 - > 是有人可以證明這個理論

L的充分假設為: 因為有人可以證明此理論 - > 理論是可以被證明, 所以 J的結論為錯

J的必要假設來往前推演的結論, 被L拿來當作是充分假設來往下推演結論。


E- 事實的宣稱被認為是假的, 而假的宣稱被認為是真的 (請問這個有關係嗎? )

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