白勇305页的一道题: Even their most ardent champions concede that no less than a technical or scientific breakthrough is necessary before solar cells can meet the goal of providing one percent of the nation's energy needs.
A.that no less than a technical or scientific breakthrough is necessary
C.that a technical or scientific breakthrough is necessary.
今天看到去年11月的一个帖子,还是没人回答,心酸呀~现在看到这贴,好像还是不知道如何解释,后面陆陆续续看了一些题,也没有与之相关的,有人能帮忙解释一下么??A,C选项就差一个no less than,难道暗含着在GMAT考试中no less than永远是多余的?有跟没有都没有意思差别?