就说时态,主句students will不是虚拟语气,从句it would be taught不对。而且if从句里永远都不能有would出现。 你看看Manhattan里面if... then... 那一节,归纳了该结构的5种模式(说必须stick to这5种模式)和一些注意事项,讲得很清晰。
OG Verbal SC 74: While some academicians believe that business ethics should be integrated into every business course, others say that students will take ethics seriously "olnly if it would be taught as a separately required course." A. only if it would be taught as a separately required course B. only if it is taught as a separate, required course 正确答案B, 解释中说 Conditional constructions require specific vberb tenses, A中 the verb tense in the if clause is incorrect. 这句话应该怎么理解? 需要什么动词时态? -- by 会员 joshurman (2012/1/16 0:23:05)