48. If the county continues to collect residential trash atcurrent levels, landfills will soon be overflowing andparkland will need to be used in order to create morespace. Charging each household a fee for each poundof trash it puts out for collection will induce residents
to reduce the amount of trash they create; this chargewill therefore protect the remaining county parkland.
Which of the following is an assumption made indrawing the conclusion above?
(A) Residents will reduce the amount of trash theyput out for collection by reducing the number ofproducts they buy.
(B) The collection fee will not significantly affect thepurchasing power of most residents, even iftheir households do not reduce the amount oftrash they put out.
(C) The collection fee will not induce residents todump their trash in the parklands illegally.
(D) The beauty of county parkland is an importantissue for most ofthe county’s residents.
(E) Landfills outside the county’s borders could beused as dumping sites for the county’s trash.
这道题上,我是纠结于为什么A选项不对。"因为收费就会减少排放,所以保护了parkland"---我觉得既然A 减少了垃圾的排放量,亦支持了原文。 所以一直没有找到可以说服自己的原因。求助大家耐心讲解。。。。谢谢!! |