以下是引用yzlinlin在2003-10-26 3:43:00的发言: 对於这题的主被动我也有疑问,只是觉得E用主动好象念起来并不觉得拗口,相反比C的被动好象更顺口一些。
A: between....to...; in order to 没有to 简洁; 而且in order to be a success 有直接修饰cardiac arrest之嫌,这一目的状语宜提前。
B: between ...and ...不如one to four... 简洁;更主要的是,该句句意被扭曲,变得逻辑关系不清。
D: it 在句中指代 a cardiac arrest,句意成为a cardiac arrest is to be successful。
抛砖引玉,至於主被动,哪位NN给解释一下? 跟贴汇总一下: 201 Cardiopulmonary resuscitation should begin between one to four minutes after a cardiac arrest in order to be a success.[目的状语修饰全局,有直接修饰cardiac arrest的歧义] (A) Cardiopulmonary resuscitation should begin between one to four minutes after a cardiac arrest in order to be a success.[错误使用between …to搭配] (B) Between one and four minutes after a cardiac arrest, cardiopulmonary resuscitation should begin to be successful.[不符合使用习惯,between。。。and破坏逻辑意思] (C) Successful cardiopulmonary resuscitation should be begun from one to four minutes after a cardiac arrest occurs.[should +be+done 错]==〉没有看出C选项怎么破坏原文句子重心,那位能指点一下啊?
(D) If it is to be successful, a cardiac arrest should be treated with cardiopulmonary resuscitation one to four minutes afterward.[句首的条件从句罗嗦,](E) (E) To be successful, cardiopulmonary resuscitation should begin within one to four minutes after a cardiac arrest. |