PREP133: In the past several years, astronomers have detected more than 80 massive planets, most of them as large or larger than Jupiter, which circle other stars. (A) most of them as large or larger than Jupiter, which circle (B) most of them as large or larger than Jupiter and circling (C) most of them at least as large as Jupiter, circling (D) mostly at least as large as Jupiter, which circle (E) mostly as large or larger than Jupiter, circling (C) 看了大家的帖子,明白了“ ,most of them at least as large as Jupiter, ”是插入语,去掉后,Circling是直接连接名词planets的,可以直接修饰planets。 但运用此法做Og时,又有问题了。。。 OG79:The Parthenon was a church from 1204 until 1456, when Athens was taken by General Mohammed the Conqueror, the Turkish sultan, who established a mosque in the building and used the Acropolis as a fortress. (A) who established a mosque in the building and used the Acropolis as (B) who, establishing a mosque in the building, used the Acropolis like (C) who, when he had established a mosque in the building, used the Acropolis like (D) who had established a mosque in the building, using the Acropolis to be (E) establishing a mosque in the building and using the Acropolis as (A) ,“,the Turkish sultan,” 是插入语,因为要选的是对Conqueror进行修饰的定语,同理于上题,可以选E, 可是OG否定E因为 "Establishing and using illogically modify Athens",如果这样,那上题的Circling不是修饰astronomers了吗? 实在是不明白