看了讨论,都在问其他的选项为什么不对。 我的问题是为什么D是对的。 734. The domesticated camel, which some scholars date around the twelfth century B.C., was the key to the development of the spice trade in the ancient world. (A) The domesticated camel, which some scholars date (B) The domesticated camel, which some scholars having thought to occur (C) Domesticating the camel, dated by some scholars at (D) The domestication of the camel, thought by some scholars to have occurred (E) The camel’s domestication, dated by some scholars to have been
我觉得这个 thought by some scholars to have occurred 挺别扭,哪位能讲解一下这个by ... to have occured 是个什么语法结构? 先谢过!
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-3-28 19:26:52编辑过] |