谢谢你 好像懂了呢~ 是不是说只是拿两个名词有关的性质相比,不是两个具体的名词。那下面这个prep07 p1 是不是 e项的sun放在句首也只是恰巧,不是和like结构一样的对吧?我的理解对吗?
120. (30859-!-item-!-188;#058&004335)
Like any star ofsimilar mass would do, once the Sun has exhausted the hydrogen in its core, itexpands into a red giant, eventually ejecting its outer envelope of gases to become a white dwarf.
(A) Like any star of similar masswould do, once the Sun has exhausted the hydrogen in its core, it expands intoa red giant, eventually ejecting
(B) Like any star of similar mass,once the hydrogen in the Sun's core is exhausted, then it expands into a redgiant and eventually ejects
(C) As in the case of any star ofsimilar mass, once the hydrogen in the Sun's core is exhausted, it will expandinto a red giant, and eventually ejecting
(D) As any star of similar masswould, once the hydrogen in the Sun's core is exhausted it will expand into ared giant and will eventually eject
(E) As would be the case with anystar of similar mass, once the Sun exhausts the hydrogen in its core, it willexpand into a red giant and eventually eject |