一个企业plans to purchase 另一个企业,which is a part of deal making it the greatest company in the field.
(2) as a part of deal to make it the greatest company in the field
(3) as a part of deal that makes it the greatest company in the field
(4) a part of deal making it the greatest company in the field
(5) a part of deal that makes it the greatest company in the field
我选的是一个企业plans to purchase 另一个企业, a part of deal that makes it the greatest company in this field.
请教同位语的用法 以及同为语和WHICH引导的从句根据什么取舍? 牛牛快来指点偶!
[此贴子已经被作者于2004-10-12 0:57:01编辑过] |