[题目来源说明] 1、本文件的第一部分“全部全真题947”包括新东方语法分册上所有改错题,5套考古题、OG(10th Edition)中的268题和15道最新真题和天山新题20题,共计987题。全部按字母统一排序,没有重复,也无遗漏。大家在语法区提问时应以此序号为准。
15? is1't there only gwd1-13 and gwd 24th? (total 14), tianshan 20?? isn't there only 10 sets for tianshan?
by the way, does anyone know if it is possible to find Da4 quan2 version without GWD and Tianshan? Because I would like to keep those questions for final test since gwd and tianshan are precious I know I've asked too much!! I am just wondering , and much appreciated! |