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[阅读小分队] 【Native Speaker每日综合训练—37系列】【37-06】经管 Muddy Waters

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发表于 2014-6-1 17:56:59 | 只看该作者
MW claimed that NQ is cheating us on its market share in China. This research is conducted by D and a law company, S&S. At the same time, NQ is defending itself from MW's attack.
The special investigation team, comprised of S, D and an independent team, spent 6 months to inquire NQ Mobile's financial report, its market share of China, and so on. As a result, the truth proves that MW is wrong with its accusation of NQ Mobile. MW doesn't make any statement about the issue, while NQ Mobile's stock price rises a lot immediately.  
MW, a Hongkong company, gets benefits from accuse F. Even though there is not a clear-cut definition of hedge fund, people believe that fund managers are able to recognise it. Although hedge is risky, clever managers have the ability to obtain money with it.
If MW is right about SF, its accusation will be available, thus benefiting itself. However, if others use the fishing strategy wrongly, this technique will have negative effect on the market. What's more, it is also very hard for companies to deal with the fund managers, such as their payment.
WM published a report to show that R was a really failed company, regrading to various aspects of the company, such as its revenue, business in China, and asset.
Block, the founder of MW, first took part in investigating a Chinese company, because his father wanted to do some investment. However, when he paied more attention to the Chinese company and got some first-hand resources about it, Block found out that the company is a big fraud. After publishing the effective and persuasive materials to market, Block saw the sharp decrease in the stock price of the company. However, when this company turned to some insitutions for an independent investigation, there was no evidence to show that Block was right. Even though people saw the two investigations, the company's stock price still couldn't rebound. Since then, MW has inquired and did a lot of research aimed at Chinese companies. Besides, MW shows that it may also investigate some non-Chinese companies. Last but not least, MW is also eager to find a desirable target to invest.
发表于 2014-6-1 20:51:00 | 只看该作者
[255 words] 2'32
[187 words] 1'14
[297 words] 2'25
[274 words] 1'48
[443 words] 3'13
发表于 2014-6-2 09:09:10 | 只看该作者
Time2 2:13
Muddy Waters accuses of NQ engaging in fraudulent activity, but investigation shows that no evident identify this accusation.

Time3 1:24
investigation show no evidence that NQ is engaged in fraudulent conduct that alleged by Muddy Water.

Time4 2:41
The first passage introduces two company: Muddy Water and Sino Forest, the second passage tell that Muddy Water accuses Sino Forest of doctoring their account, third passage make a short introduction about a hedge fund, the last passage discuss the benefits of short fund to fish Chinese company.

Time5 2:31
Tell about the strategy to make profit based on short fund,

Time6 3:44
This passage show the downside of Rino international, and list several evidences of Rino's fraudulent conduct.

it tell us how Muddy Waters to find fraud in China.
发表于 2014-6-2 17:33:30 | 只看该作者
----------------------感谢卤煮么么哒!!mua! (*╯3╰)~~进击的阅读小分队 !!------------------------
Financial system will be the heart of the economy as capital flow is so important right now.However,the enormous heart will also lead to problem.
Muddy water was involved in business fraud and accounting fraud,for example,it claimed that NQ Mobile is a massive fraud.(完全没搞清NQ怎么作假来着···自己跟自己买神马的···目标低于1块神马的(☍﹏⁰))
The investigation team,which was responsible for NQ Mobile's case,has confirmed that there was no evidence can prove the company was engaged in the fraudulent conduct.And Muddy Water has no response to the investigation till now.
Muddy Water is a research shop registered in HongKong,it got big success when it shorted Sino Forest stock.The profit model that the hedge fund hold would be inefficient for individual investor,in other words,it won't be worth the risk.
Expertise really matter in a hedge fund's successful strategy.In the stock market,those who own more inside information will be the winner.That even flourish the hackers career.
RINO's stock price was lower than it claimed in its report,what's more,the number released in US was incredible.Some of RINO's cash flow was drained by the management.
How it spots fraud in China
1.Digging into the company's financial documents and visiting manufacturing parts,and then alleging a bet that the company was engaged in a fraud.
2.The skeptism will soonly spread in the acquantances in the investment world,and then send influence on Orient paper's stock sank.
3.How the Chinese company response to the critism will be another criteria for Muddy Water's next step.
4.The divident will be the No.1 criteria to find its target.  
发表于 2014-6-3 07:21:51 | 只看该作者
Time2 1‘49’‘
WM alleged NQ for fraudulent activity, but other accounting investigation firms found no evidence that NQ engaged in fraud.

Time3 44''
After a long-time investment in a wide range, two giant accounting films proved that NQ had no fraud activities. WM is totally wrong this time.
NQ reported this outcome,but WM does not take any action

Time4 2'29''
WM is a hedge fund company,which background is obscure
Fishing activity is that hedge fund invests to the research of investigation company
Fishing strategy has no limitation and use leverage to get fruit in short time investment

Time5 2'03''
This activity involves skill and enterprise:
The effect: short the stock before passing infor and intensify the competition in exchanged of IPO

Time6 2’15‘’
WM investigated the accounting report of RINO and found some problems highlighted in the following report

Obstacle: 5'26''
Block is the founder of WM and keen on the accounting fraud in Chinese companies.
Many Chinese companies have been scrutinized by WM and experienced a downturn in stock,but they recently fight against WM and their stocks rebound. The extreme example is Sino-Forest
Block said that he underestimated the background of some Chinese companies
Block uses his enterprise to investigate the signs of fraud activities and regards dividend as the most important mark
发表于 2014-6-3 16:41:09 | 只看该作者
1 A 01:30
2 A 00:58
3 A 01:55
4 A 01:35
5 A 02:40
6 A 04:24
the history muddy water rise doubts on forgne listed chinese firms. the origenal of the firm. the out comes suffered loses by the hudge fund. then how the firm establish their intrest to report the listed firms. though they still keep looking for long term invest ments among chinese firms.
发表于 2014-6-5 12:46:06 | 只看该作者
[TIME 2] 1:54
[TIME 3] 1:00
[TIME 4] 2:33
[TIME 5] 2:14
[TIME 6] 2:31
发表于 2014-6-5 23:18:56 | 只看该作者
2’30 a NQ company maybe does some faulty thing and D and S is into the issue.
59' no evidence can prove the company does the things
2'25 introduce of the MW and the hedge fund
1'39 author's opinion on the hedge fund, the fishing behavior
2'53 the mw accused of R, a another company in the N, to be overvalued.and the evidences
5'18 MW look into many chinese company...they may cry:why the father liked the chinese company---and the market react quicily---somy investors believed the reports----and some commend---they may turns to other emerging market.
发表于 2014-6-12 23:50:50 | 只看该作者
掌管 1        00:02:04.58        00:02:04.58
掌管 1        00:01:33.67        00:01:33.67
掌管 1        00:02:29.33        00:02:29.33
掌管 1        00:01:48.17        00:01:48.17
掌管 1        00:02:44.81        00:02:44.81
掌管 1        00:08:51.88        00:08:51.88
Block is the founder of Muddy, known for spotting fraudulent accounting practice at chinese companies.
He first noticed chinese companies' fraud was two years ago. It was ONP that his father wanted to invest. However, he found something wrong with the company's finance and sent a report.
Since then, Block has digged several chinese comanies' fraud.
The most famous case was about the SF comany.
And Block introduced his measures of seeing frauds like paying attention to companies' respond of criticism.
In the last, Block hints that Muddy is also planning to make a bet on stocks and it wants to buy for long-term.
发表于 2016-9-23 08:58:04 | 只看该作者
Time 2  00:01:10
Time 3  00:01:01
Time 4  00:02:37
Time 5  00:02:11
Time 6  00:03:02
Paraphrase 7  00:06:23
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