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[阅读小分队] 【Native Speaker每日综合训练—34系列】【34-07】经管

发表于 2014-3-28 08:55:32 | 只看该作者
Timer4  2:29
other ways about defeating the fear. do not bury the fear ,because burying the fear will keep the fear alive. admit your fear and say it out .we should listen our friends fear and do not criticize them .
发表于 2014-3-28 09:03:28 | 只看该作者
Timer 5 2:24
introduce what two word Job's hated most through an interview of a person who is one of several people who had communicated with Job's directly. the two words are "branding" and "market". the branding ,in the Job's mind ,is a dirty word without any values in it .the market is that your are selling a worthless product by market.and what they do is tell people what made what they experience so wonderful .
发表于 2014-3-28 09:03:54 | 只看该作者

lure away:
undercut: lower prices
profits margin:  percentage of the money you paid for  
desperate things :things going bad quickly.

limited time : only in a certain time
another direction :
freebie : something you get for free

gift of purchase : the gift that give those who have buy something
frill : nice to have, but it's not necessary  
bell and whistle : extra things

up the creekle without the paddle : a difficult situation


Time 2: 1m30s

We live in a fear world, we are unwilling to speak out our fear, and to point out others mistake.

Time 3:1m29s  
The fist step of the solution is to address it.

Time 4: 1m42s
Being courageous not means “ not having fears” ,but means admitting it and accepting.
In our work place , we should feel free to point out our mistakes and accept the criticize.

Time 5: 2m
Branding and marketing are the words that Steve Jobs hated most.
Branding is about the advertising and how the customers know about the products.
Marketing 没看太懂

Time 6: 1m24s
The business of plants which are plan to replace the eggs are founded by many mega investors.

发表于 2014-3-28 09:09:11 | 只看该作者
Timer 6  2:10
how some richest man invest 30$ million dollars into that plant .that plant is owned by a man who first worked in Africa and felt bored about his work and then decided to have his own company.his company is built based on eggs but without using eggs.
Timer7  8:43
China will put a new law protecting the consumers ,resulting both local and foreign firms concerns. people say that conducting the law the transparency is very important .they the passage also raise some boss's opinion about this new law.
发表于 2014-3-28 09:53:07 | 只看该作者
Day 13 2014.03.28

Time 2 (290 Words)

Time 3 (262 Words)

Time 4 (337 Words)

Time 5 (331 Words)

Time 6 (249 Words)

Time 7 (861 Words)
In the beginning, the author talked a little bit about 3.15 origination in the US. Then come to China, 3.15 now is a big day for Chinese consumers, especially this year.
Since there is a new Consumer law launched this day. Then the report discussed several concerns and possible bad effects arising from this law.
发表于 2014-3-28 11:41:48 | 只看该作者
Time 2 1'30
We live in workplaces full of feeling of fear, no matter big firms or start-up companies. This kind of problem exists because we tend to hide our fears to ourselves, and we are relunctant to speak out. People delude themselves and pretend they are living in a wonderful world.

Time 3 1'25
The solution of fear begins with appreciation, this means admitting our fears and owning them. Once we have arwared our fears, we started thinking about how we can to do adress it.

Time 4 1'45
To deal with fear, we need to admit it and show it up authentically in integrity, and this means to be openminded to cirticism and openly speak out about our fears. This kind of self-awareness about konwing and accepting "who we are" and "how we are" helps to create a culture that is not fear based.

Time 5 1'47
what marketing to apple and steve jobs is not associated with selling itself, rather it is a informative and effective communication with their customers about what make the experience using the product so great. To better interpret this thoery, Steve Jobs set their marketing team right next to the product development and engineering teams, so the marketing teams understand deeply what was important about the product.

Time 6 1'10
A start up company's funder get tired of slow working job and toghether with his friend found an egg industry company using plants as substutite for eggs to make cookie dough. they successfully generated about $30 millios from some of the richest men of the world by a good way of pitch deck 融资。

Time 7 7’06
Main Idea:the problem behind the 315 act and the chinese government true intend meaning of establishing this law.
The author interpret his ideas by introding the background of what is the fundemental of the chinese 315 act and the motivation for the law, then the author listed some worries that loca firms excutives have carried out after the law, showing some concerns and problem behind it and what has made the problem more obvious than the same kind act in western countries. In the end, the author seems to indicate the real motivation of the 315 is not as sincere as it appeared to be by limiting the foreign countries ability to control the problem raised after the 315 act.
发表于 2014-3-28 11:45:17 | 只看该作者
P1~3 8'49 Fears leads to many of those people in position of authrotiy turn a blind eye to inappropriate behaviour.
The root of problem and the 1st step of go through the fear
overcome the fear and then speak out is good for creat a safe,open and honest workplace environment.
P4 2‘17 the two words whch SJ hate most but actually APPLE is good at marketing&communication.
P5 2’46 Hampton Creek who was work in a company but felt frustrated there then he found to use plant instead of egg in some way and finally start a business and convinced several  richest guys in the world invested his start-up.

P6 4'58  
发表于 2014-3-28 12:31:08 | 只看该作者
Day 4
the only game store-->three competitors now and thinking about cutting down prices although it is harmful to the profits margin-->if doesn't work two for one deal--> another way: sending out freebies or gifts with purchase, more frill, better service it looks-->if doesn't work, up a creek without a paddle

1'25s  290words
we are living under all kinds of fear, no matter working or daily life. company screwed out the value...part of reason is that we are reluctant to speak out.

1'09s  262words
we need to aware the fear at the first step, even though when we are silent. ( all kinds of emotion)

1'31s   337 words
the opposite of fear, it's good for both teams and individuals. After we aware it, we need to show up. dare to speak it out. learn to listen and support others who speak out their fear.

1'33s   331 words
Steve Jobs hates branding and marketing. Apple treats market more like educating the customers and let them learn about the products, sales people are highly related to the engineering people, rather than simply selling them.

1'06s   249 words
a man runs a business that using plants to replace eggs win 30M investment.

4'36s   861 words
the origin of 315
aims to protect customers' interest: return in 7 days etc.
law: simiar to EU but still some gap, people doubt how it will implement
the different between foreign firms and local firms: government are more strict to western firms, and some of those firms are not ready for the law

发表于 2014-3-28 12:33:24 | 只看该作者
We live in fear when we talk about professional lives.

Silence is one of the features of fear, but being open and accept that fear is the first step toward addressing it.

"having it ,but not being it", being courageous with fear will help us deal with fear, and self-awareness of who we are in the workplace can create a not-fear culture.

Branding and marketing have different definitions in Apple.

The plant-base alternative of eggs attract millions of fund.

Consumer protection is the well-discussed issue. Chinese's newly consumer protection law is announced in 3.15, and is said that it will hurt start-up and foreign firms.
发表于 2014-3-28 15:48:56 | 只看该作者
time2 1:36
workplaces are home to individuals happy to indulge in inappropriate behaviour
people always choose to turn a blind eye to inappropriate behaviour.
time3 1:17
admitting our fears and owning them
time4 2:09
having it not being
show up your fear
time5 2:30
branding and marketing are two most dreaded, hated words  in Jobs's eye
time6 1:20
how startup convinced investors to give it 30 million
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