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lsat 13 (2.2) questions

发表于 2003-5-11 12:31:00 | 只看该作者

lsat 13 (2.2) questions

13. Police published a “wanted” poster for a criminal fugitive in a medical journal, because the fugitive was known to have a certain acute noninfectious skin problem that would eventually require a visit to a doctor. The poster asked for information about the whereabouts of the fugitive. A physician’s responding to the poster’s request for information would not violate medical ethics, since physicians are already subject to requirements to report gunshot wounds to police and certain infectious diseases to health authorities. These exceptions to confidentiality are clearly ethical.

Which one of the following principles, while remaining compatible with the requirements cited above, supports the view that a physician’s responding to the request would violate medical ethics?

(A) Since a physician acts both as a professional person and as a citizen, it is not ethical for a physician to conceal information about patients from duly constituted law enforcement agencies that have proper jurisdiction.

(B) Since a patient comes to a physician with the expectation that the patient’s visit and medical condition will remain confidential, it is not ethical for a physician to share this information with anyone except personnel within the physician’s office.

(C) Since the primary concern of medicine if individual and public health, it is not ethical for a physician, except in the case of gunshot wounds, to reduce patients’ willingness to come for treatment by a policy of disclosing their identities to law-enforcement agencies.

(D) Except as required by the medical treatment of the patient, physicians cannot ethically disclose to others information about a patient’s identity or medical condition without the patient’s consent.

(E) Except to other medical personnel working to preserve or restore the health of a patient or of other persons, physicians cannot ethically disclose information about the identity of patients or their medical condition.


16. Chlorofluorocarbons are the best possible solvents to have in car engines for cleaning the electronic sensors in modern automobile ignition systems. These solvents have contributed significantly to automakers’ ability to meet legally mandated emission standards. Now automakers will have to phase out the use of chlorofluorocarbons at the same time that emission standards are becoming more stringent.

If under the circumstances described above cars continue to meet emission standards, which one of the following is the most strongly supported inference?

(A) As emission standards become more stringent, automakers will increasingly cooperate with each other in the area of emission control.

(B) Car engines will be radically redesigned so as to do away with the need for cleaning the electronic ignition sensors.

(C) There will be a marked shift toward smaller, lighter cars that will have less powerful engines but will use their fuel more efficiently.

(D) The solvents developed to replace chlorofluorocarbons in car engines will be only marginally less effective than the chlorofluorocarbons themselves.

(E) Something other than the cleansers for electronic ignition sensors will make a relatively greater contribution to meeting emission standards than at present.


22. A long-term health study that followed a group of people who were age 35 in 1950 found that those whose weight increased by approximately half a kilogram or one pound per year after the age of 35 tended, on the whole, to live longer than those who maintained the weight they had at age 35. This finding seems at variance with other studies that have associated weight gain with a host of health problems that tend to lower life expectancy.

Which one of the following, if true, most helps to resolve the apparently conflicting findings?

(A) As people age, muscle and bone tissue tends to make up a smaller and smaller proportion of total body weight.

(B) Individuals who reduce their cholesterol levels by losing weight can thereby also reduce their risk of dying from heart attacks or strokes.

(C) Smokers, who tend to be leaner than nonsmokers, tend to have shorter life spans than nonsmokers.

(D) The normal deterioration of the human immune system with age can be slowed down by a reduction in the number of calories consumed.

(E) Diets that tend to lead to weight gain often contain not only excess fat but also unhealthful concentrations of sugar and sodium.


24. The problem that environmental economics aims to remedy is the following: people making economic decisions cannot readily compare environmental factors, such as clean air and the survival of endangered species, with other costs and benefits. As environmental economists recognize, solving this problem requires assigning monetary values result from people comparing costs and benefits in order to arrive at economic decisions. Thus, environmental economics is stymied by what motivates it.

If the considerations advanced in its support are true, the passage’s conclusion is supported

(A) strongly, on the assumption that monetary values for environment factors cannot be assigned unless people make economic decisions about these factors

(B) strongly, unless economic decision-making has not yet had any effect on the things categorized as environmental factors

(C) at best weakly, because the passage fails to establish that economic decision-makers do not by and large take adequate account of environmental factors

(D) at best weakly, because the argument assumes that pollution and other effects on environmental factors rarely result from economic decision-making

(E) not at all, since the argument is circular, taking that conclusion as one of its premises

发表于 2003-5-12 00:35:00 | 只看该作者
1. 我选C. 原文说枪伤和传染病要report. 所以respond to the poster并不是unethical. 问怎么 respond就unethical而其它两个还是ethical.
A错. 说明respond是ethical
B错. 说明gunshot也是unethical
C对. 将guanshot wound和此例区分开.respond会使fugitive unwilling to visit a doctor.所以unethical
D错. 同B
E错. 同B

2. E 典型的题目. 原文说C是最好的solvent cleanser.现在规定更严格了, 所以要phase out C.
选项A,B,C都是生产商可能采取的措施. 文章中并没有说会采取何种措施, 所以答案只能是E, 既生产商会采取something different from cleanser. A,B,C也分别是答案集合的一个factor.

3.C说明抽烟的人又瘦又短命, 符合文章中说的体重未增长还短命的人. (抽烟真的会短命吗?应该在CD做个调查看谁是烟民)

4. 我选A, 请先确认答案.
发表于 2003-5-12 21:59:00 | 只看该作者
2. 感觉inference题目有时是结论题型, 有时更象assumption.此题应该算是结论题型. 这里的结论是概括性的, 包含了可能采取的措施, A,B,C都是这些措施的一种, 既所说的factor(element). 可以把所有的solution想象成一个set, A,B,C分别是这个set的一个element.

如果解决某个问题的措施有超过一个, 比如说有A,B,C三个, 那么实际实行时可能用A,也可能用B,也可能是C. 结论是可能用A,B,C的其中一个, 而不会是:会用A.

4. 原文的逻辑指出了environmental economics的问题:要compare environmental factors with ...,就要assign monetary value; 而monetary value是通过compare得到的. 两者互为前提,则永远无法实现.

就好比两个人交换苹果, A不会把自己的PG给B,除非B先把她的PG给A, 人家B也不傻, 才不会先把PG给A, 也要先拿到A的PG, 这样一来PG永远不会交换.

发表于 2003-6-9 08:57:00 | 只看该作者
以下是引用mindfree在2003-5-12 0:35:00的发言:
3.C说明抽烟的人又瘦又短命, 符合文章中说的体重未增长还短命的人. (抽烟真的会短命吗?应该在CD做个调查看谁是烟民)

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