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发表于 2007-5-10 10:19:00 | 只看该作者


Tiger beetles are such fast runners that they can capture virtually any nonflying insect.  However, when running toward an insect, the beetles intermittently stop, and then, a moment later, resume their attack.  Perhaps they cannot maintain their pace and must pause for a moment's rest; but an alternative hypothesis is that while running tiger beetles are unable to process the resulting rapidly changing visual information, and so quickly go blind and stop.

Which of the following, if discovered in experiments using artificially moved prey insects, would support one of the two hypotheses and undermine the other?

(A) When a prey insect is moved directly toward a beetle that has been chasing it, the beetle immediately turns and runs away without its usual intermittent stopping.
(B) In pursuing a moving insect, the beetles usually respond immediately to changes in the insect's direction, and pause equally frequently whether the chase is up or down an incline.
(C) The beetles maintain a fixed time interval between pauses, although when an insect that had been stationary begins to flee, the beetle increases its speed after its next pause.
(D) If, when a beetle pauses, it has not gained on the insect it is pursuing, the beetle generally ends its pursuit.
(E) When an obstacle is suddenly introduced just in front of running beetles, the beetles sometimes stop immediately, but they never respond by running around the barrier.

我能选出C  不过C  支持哪个hypo 又削弱哪个hypo 分不清呢

25. (30261-!-item-!-188;#058&004144)

Twelve years ago and again five years ago, there were extended periods when the Darfir Republic's currency, the pundra, was weak:  its value was unusually low relative to the world's most stable currencies.  Both times a weak pundra made Darfir's manufactured products a bargain on world markets, and Darfir's exports were up substantially.  Now some politicians are saying that, in order to cause another similarly sized increase in exports, the government should allow the pundra to become weak again.

Which of the following, if true, provides the government with the strongest grounds to doubt that the politicians' recommendation, if followed, will achieve its aim?

(A) Several of the politicians now recommending that the pundra be allowed to become weak made that same recommendation before each of the last two periods of currency weakness.
(B) After several decades of operating well below peak capacity, Darfir's manufacturing sector is now operating at near-peak levels.
(C) The economy of a country experiencing a rise in exports will become healthier only if the country's currency is strong or the rise in exports is significant.
(D) Those countries whose manufactured products compete with Darfir's on the world market all currently have stable currencies.
(E) A sharp improvement in the efficiency of Darfir's manufacturing plants would make Darfir's products a bargain on world markets even without any weakening of the pundra relative to other currencies.

和 capacity有啥关系呢??


发表于 2007-5-10 17:02:00 | 只看该作者


1.C 强化第一,削弱第二。因为它每次都要停,说明确实需要休息一下积累能量.但假如有虫子突然加快,他也加快,假如第二个成立的话,他更加看不见了。‘


发表于 2007-5-10 17:09:00 | 只看该作者

Perhaps they cannot maintain their pace and must pause for a moment's rest; but an alternative hypothesis is that while running tiger beetles are unable to process the resulting rapidly changing visual information, and so quickly go blind and stop.

1。由于不能保持速度导致休息(停止)然后go on

2. 由于不能够处理移动的昆虫导致失明然后go on

(C) The beetles maintain a fixed time interval between pauses, although when an insect that had been stationary begins to flee, the beetle increases its speed after its next pause.

答案说:无论昆虫是移动还是静止,它总需要停止一段时间来go on 这说明是由于1。而引起的不是2。所以加强了1。削弱了2。

发表于 2007-5-10 17:19:00 | 只看该作者

Twelve years ago and again five years ago, there were extended periods when the Darfir Republic's currency, the pundra, was weak:  its value was unusually low relative to the world's most stable currencies.  Both times a weak pundra made Darfir's manufactured products a bargain on world markets, and Darfir's exports were up substantially.  Now some politicians are saying that, in order to cause another similarly sized increase in exports, the government should allow the pundra to become weak again.

Which of the following, if true, provides the government with the strongest grounds to doubt that the politicians' recommendation, if followed, will achieve its aim?

(A) Several of the politicians now recommending that the pundra be allowed to become weak made that same recommendation before each of the last two periods of currency weakness.
(B) After several decades of operating well below peak capacity, Darfir's manufacturing sector is now operating at near-peak levels.
(C) The economy of a country experiencing a rise in exports will become healthier only if the country's currency is strong or the rise in exports is significant.
(D) Those countries whose manufactured products compete with Darfir's on the world market all currently have stable currencies.
(E) A sharp improvement in the efficiency of Darfir's manufacturing plants would make Darfir's products a bargain on world markets even without any weakening of the pundra relative to other currencies.

我觉得是这样的,货币的贬值导致了其商品在世界Mkt上便宜从而更多人买,也就是价格低从而在前两次得到了export increase.那么要weaken 这次的政策(让其货币再次贬值)。B意思是其国家的产能已经到了顶峰也就是说 如果货币贬值---〉订单增加的结果就算出现那么其所能输出的产品也就只有这些了所以就weaken了

 楼主| 发表于 2007-5-11 19:15:00 | 只看该作者

thanks very much to alicfine and  david_sz,xixi


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