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[阅读小分队] 【每日阅读训练第四期——速度越障25系列】【25-01】文史哲_The Mayflower

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发表于 2013-9-19 21:19:48 | 只看该作者

The brief introduction of Mayflower.
1 The background and what led to Mayflower
Some people looked for religion freedom but didn't find their hope.So they decided to travel to New England to a place without government interference.
2 The Mayflower
The voyage.People on aboard,traveled to New England.On storm season,unpleasant travel and some people died and suffered from the trip.
3 The Mayflower Compact
People found that they did not have the right to dwell in New England.So they wrote the Mayflower Compact to estabilish their own colony which was attached to England.
4 P Colony and the first harvest
People finally learned how to live in the new environment and estabilished the P colony.
The history of Mayflower.
Used as voyage to ship cargos from other countries.
Suffered from the big storm,safer routes were decided.
Used to travel to the new land.
Ended in ruins,with little value.
The process of the first voyage to America.
Mayflower should have traveled to America with Speedwell.But Speedwell leaked several times so at last,Mayflower left alone.
Mayflower arrvied at America,just a few degress away from its first destination.
The process of people to find a ideal place to construct their buildings and explore C Cod.
The structure and facilities and rooms of Mayflower.
The useage of different pars of Mayflower.
The situation of women in Mayflower.
Before,women seldon went to voyage.
In this travel,some men decided to leave their wives behind,others decided to take their wives with them.
At last,in Mayflower,there were 18 adult women(all married and some were pregnent)and some teenage girls.
The situation of survive of those women travel to New Land by Mayflower.
Many women died in the first winter.Explaination:they lived in the narrow Mayflower,diseases were easy to spread.Five survived during the first winter.
At last,four survived and raised their children and took care of others in the new land.
A discription of life in Mayflower during the travel by a child(?)
A discription of life after people arrvied at Amercia.Tough.Cold winter.Many people have already died..
发表于 2013-9-19 15:51:57 | 只看该作者
ime 1
The dialog talked about using the polite vocabulary for asking permission at office. Fist it compared what kind of working place they prefer. And then, the pors and corns about open plant office and close plant office. Finally, it emphasized on how to deal with co-workers in the open plant office. It is important always use polite request for asking permission or helping. For example: would you mind,,,,

Time 2 - 351w ; 4:11”
This part describe about the history of English ship, Mayflower and it owner. Af first it was a ship for shipping goods form England to the other european country. Few years later, Mayflower got a mission for travel to America in 17 century . It took 66 days for one way. The captan died after several years that  he went back to England, the ship was sold in less price.

Article 2
Time 3- 457w; 5:02”

This part taked about Mayflower became a shipping boat in the major harbor in England. Another boat wanted to sail to America with Mayflower, these two boat sailed to America together, however due to the leaking oil problem the other bout was not able to sail. Mayflower traveled alone to America with extra cargo and person form the other boat. During the half of the journey, the voyage was peaceful only some people suffered sea sick, the  rest part of the journey, it suffered several storms. After 66 days, Mayflower almost arrive the destination, New York where the people intended to go.      

The rest- 130w; 1:50”

While the Mayflower approached to New York, the south of the hudson river, it suffer the problem of sailing. Pilgrims decided to go Cape cod and explored there.  After few yeas they built the fist building there.

Article 3
Time 4- 387w; 4:06”
This part described about the construction of the Mayflower ship. Even it is a merchandise ship, it equipped with weapon in order to defense itself form the pirates.   It also may become a military ship, if queen or king asks to. The living place was extremely small for 102 people for 66 days. Some of the families used the wood stuffs to make their private place.   

Time 5-345w; 4:06”
This part talked about whether let women to go with their husband to construct the colony and whether the husbands can live without the wives for sever years or vice versa. The majority husband decided to let their their wives come later.

Time 6- 410w; 5:53”
Although no of the women died during the long voyage, they died one after another after in the  fist winter. Women usually more easy died than men and children because of narrow living space on the ship might cause the disease. Finally, there were only 4 women with 55 men left.

Time7-   788w 8:50”
-what kind of people decided to go to the new world.
For example, the people who had immigrated to Holland, they found that it was not easy to make a living there due to the salary was low.
-Living in the new world, the fist thanks giving.
More than half immigrants died after fist winter in Winter, because they not accustomed to new environments. It is hard to survival without helping to aboriginal. One of the English-speaking aboriginal aided these people in catching animals and fishing. Next year, the new immigrants celebrated for great harvest for 3 days in the winter.   
发表于 2013-9-19 14:59:34 | 只看该作者
2. 2''28'32
4. 0''38'72
Obstacle 5''13'56
8. 2''37
9. 1''52'79
发表于 2013-9-19 14:50:10 | 只看该作者
听力:how to communicate in offices politely? -Ing forms
         Q: open or private offices : e.g 1)open, communication 2) private noisy 3) open  cooperate well but different opinions on issues such as the air conditioning.
发表于 2013-9-19 13:34:36 | 只看该作者
我来打卡了 从今天起看 每天和小分队搞
发表于 2013-9-19 10:01:19 | 只看该作者

发表于 2013-9-18 22:56:13 | 只看该作者
Thank you Jay for stimulating story!!
2:351 2‘28
     Initially,Mayflower were bought for commercial trade with some uniform conturies though it also had been to other places excluded the routine trade.
3: 457 2'37
     S went along with the M at the begining of the voyage,nevertheless,it was abandoned due to problematic issues.The M sailed alone and encountred horrible weather conditions which directly lead to the miss of destination.
4: 387 2'15
   Detailed description of the each part inside the M.
5: 345  2'23
   Problem with women whom considered to be too weak to endure the life on abroad.
6: 410 2'25
   Women were more likely to die in the first when compared to men.Only 3 were left with additional children.
7: 788 4'50
  The process of starting a new life in an Indian village.
8: 507 2'25
   A boy depicted his life with his parent on a tiny strench.The  faith was seriously challenged.
9: 381 1'49
    Life after landing on New land.Both living issues and secure problems enabled the boy to worry about their future .
发表于 2013-9-18 20:59:43 | 只看该作者
Protestants hope to be free from the church of England, therefore, they want to find a new world.
A merchant agreed to support them and the king gives them document to get there. At first, they have two ships. However, one of them called speedwell leek immediately after start, so it has to be back. Then, crew on the Speedwell comes to Mayflower to go on the trip. Because of the dely, they meet theheight of storm season. Many passengers are seasick. At the end, 53 passengers and half the crew survived. When they get there, they find that they are in the wrong place. In order to hide the fact, they sign a Mayflower compact. After that, they face even more challenging. The fisrt winter, they suffer from disease. They cannot survive without the help from the local people. At the first harvest day, they have a three day to celebrate it. They names it as thanksgiving.Meanwhile, they never forget to promote their belief.
The mayflower was used for cargo from the England to many other countries. Untill one day, it was assigned to go to the new world. It was the frist record for the master of the ship and Mayflower to go on the new world. Although some crews on the ship have been there before. It accompany with another ship called Speed well at frist, but Speedwell was too leaky to voyage. Then it goes alone which takes it 63 days to cover the distance.
The mayflower waited for Speedwell came to England to sail together, however the Speedweel leaked on the half way. On Augest 5, they finally sail again, but speedwell leaked again.Then it has to be back. After reparation, they start out again. But Speedwell leaked the third time. They are forced to be back. Then, some passengers of the Speedwell are back to home while others crowed to Mayflower,then it start out again.
At the frist part of the trip, the only problem is seesick. However, later on they meet the strong storm. Finally, they misse the target destination about just a few degrees.
It is a problem whether to bring wives with them. Women are treated as weaker to build the colonies. However, some of them bring their wives even young babies with them
No women died on the broad, but the life on the broad is extremely hard. Many women died at the frist winter. Only four survived.
发表于 2013-9-18 17:42:52 | 只看该作者
the origin of mayflower and the primal voyages.
the voyage to America
the construction and function of gun deck
women on the mayflower
mortality rate among women

The pilgrims decided to leave England because of different religious belief and the corrupt of church.They went to Holland first but the life there was even harder due to the discrimination. They went back and decided to go across the Atlantic Ocean with the permission of King.
They got two boats, one of which was too leaky to take the voyage. The mayflower survived from the storm season. But they got to a wrong place. They signed the mayflower compact with the native people and with the help of local people, they made a living. To celebrate the harvest, the first Thanksgiving was created.

发表于 2013-9-18 11:36:32 | 只看该作者
before the mayership,some people who can not withstand the new

church decided to escape to new place.they found freedom but

no good circumstances to live they determined to

leave for america.

because of the leaf of spellwell,the mayership encountered

atalantic storm season on the ocean.lots of people died.

when they landed,they found that they got the wrong place

where was apart from their destination.the saints(they call

themselves saints) suffered the cold wehther and kinds of

disease there.many people died this time.however,with the

local people;s help,some of the saints got through the tough

time and finally got to establish their new life there.they are extremly happy that after all the hardships they gained the precious freedom and new life.
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