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[阅读小分队] 【每日阅读训练第四期——速度越障25系列】【25-01】文史哲_The Mayflower

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发表于 2013-9-24 08:13:00 | 只看该作者
The history about Christopher’s Mayflower: the voyages with Master Christopher in Europe for cargo trading prior to US. Why he chose more safer route than before -> the detailed date and people it took for its first trans-Atlantic travel to North Virginia. → Its ends: Master died and ship sold as scrap.


Ship S took all the pilgrims from Netherland to England to meet Mayflower. but the repeatedly leaking by S caused delays and been abandoned at last.
The obstacles met on the sea by its single journey to US.
The orginal target to US compared with its actual destination.


introduce the purpose of different parts in Mayflower.

gun deck: where 102 passages lived, its previous purpose for defending itself by 4 cannons ( brief the reason why in history)
how passages lived in gun deck, especially to build small private room on deck for 66 days.

the background for husband to decide whether take wives with them or not. Colony disappeared etc that they need establish a new colony by themselves.
The actual situation of women had been brought in Mayflower.
18 women all married except teenagers not reached marriage age.

the death pecertage of women death was higher than men and children. how they died did not compeletely record. Only 4 women lived.


The things happened before the pilgrims left England as “separatist”.
The compact the new colonists made when they arrived at US.

How they survived in Plymouth with the help of local residents and how “Thanksgiving day” came.
发表于 2013-9-23 15:22:18 | 只看该作者
Thanks Jay~~~

2. 2'10
3. 2'44
4. 1'30
5. 1'32
6. 1'57
发表于 2013-9-22 11:40:32 | 只看该作者
Obstacle:没计上时= =
Time2: 1’30
The ship Mayflower was use for trade purposes in Europe before its voyage to America, The ship was intended to be accompanied by Speedwell.
The ship returned to England and had a few trading runs before the owner of the ship died. The ship was appraised and in ruins.
Time3: 2’28
The Mayflower was supposed to accompany Speedwell, but it went to America alone because of the two leakages that Speedwell encountered.
The first half of the voyage was smooth with only sea-sickness problem, but the second was ruined by storms.
The Mayflower was almost right on target.
The rest: 43’
The Pilgrims quitted heading north to Hudson River; instead, they chose to explore Cape Cod and finally decided upon Plymouth.
This part introduced the structure and function of gun deck, where Pilgrims lived and weapons were placed.
The living space in gun deck is extremely limited.
Time5: 1’57
There was a difference among the crew of whether they leaved their wives behind, and in fact most didn’t.
Time6: 2’17
Nearly all of the women who came with their husband for the Mayflower voyage died; however, none of the women left behind died.
发表于 2013-9-21 16:59:20 | 只看该作者
TIME 2  2`24
TIME3   2`56
TIME4   2`34
TIME5   2`15
TIME6  3`04
TIME7   5`30
发表于 2013-9-21 10:17:45 | 只看该作者
OBSTACLE   6`38        788
Main idea-why the mayflower began ,how is the voyage ,the life after arrival of America.
Attitude-introduction of Mayflower voyage .
Construction-the reason why people began the voyage. The difficulties of the voyage.
The way how people suit to the life on the newland.
T2 2`31   351w
Before the voyage, how the ship gotten and its experience of other voyages.
The mastP conduct this boat to America with spellship and back to England.
When C died?
T3  2`40  457W
Introduce the progress of Mayflower and Speedwell汇合. And there are many difficulties during the voyage. Such as, the direction of the voyage, the motion of the 船员 and …
T4  2`04`  387
The using of cargo. 船头和船尾的用处。
And use the gun deck to live customs. It is a little crowded.
T5   2`32  345
Is it correct to get their wives on the ship.
Introduce how many women or girls on the boat.

T6 2`43  410
MANY women died during the voyage .Introduce the reason why women died. Moreover, there are still women died.
发表于 2013-9-21 08:07:28 | 只看该作者


Time1: 1m51s
     The mayflower voyage for goods in europea rutines origingally ,and firsttime take pilgrim  and to american.
Time2: 2m16s
     At first the speedwell together with mayflower settle to amercian, butthe speedwell leak again and again , finally give up it’s voyage.
     Mayflower utimately reach the american,and whole voyage last 66 days.
     Pilgrams intended to south, finnaly due to the hard conditions theychoose to stay at north.
Warmup : 1m04s
The structureof the mayflower and each of their functions .
Time 4:1m50s
   & The structure of the gun decks, and why it contrct this style,andall crews spent 66days and more staying in this small place.
& They hadto choose to take their wives or not.
& few womentake the voyage to new coloney.
& largeparts of women died in the first winter for the weak body and deseas of confineplace, and only 4 women left to care for the man and children.
Time8:  2m27s
A letter todescribe the voyage life including food ,play , breathing air, and the weather.
Time9: 1m34s
    Whenwe arrive at new world, instad of standing in new place I have to still stay inthe ship and wait the man build the town, and suffer a few food.

Obstacle: 4m42s  
Main topic:  The journey to mayflower.
Structure: &The saints first go to a place, where is easygoiing and make young people more indulge .   &Then they plan to move to a other place and get the permission to a another land.
          & They enterd the mayflower land and draft the mayflower compact ,although they  didn’t get the permission .
          &They teach local people hunting and fishing ,and in turn local people help them survived.
this was the last straw 最后一根稻草
Act as a beacon for 作为。。的指明灯
发表于 2013-9-21 06:46:53 | 只看该作者

发表于 2013-9-21 00:57:39 | 只看该作者
introduction of Mf's suffer on storm and the trans-Atlantic voyage it took. (Jones's experience with Mf)
the details of the tans-Atanlic voyage of MF.
couclude that the MF is almost on its original target.
the specific introduction of the cargo hold.
wether to take wifes with houseband or leave them behind and then came latter.(problem of women body)
women who came toghther were almost died while women who left behind were still living.
Main idea:
    the introduction of P's process to find a colony by voyage.
Attitude:  netural
    reason for this voyage--the voyage details--resluts,problems
发表于 2013-9-20 17:04:06 | 只看该作者
Speaker: Whether people like open working places or private places. Use polite words in the open working spaces.
1 2min44
Mayflower is a ship to transport cargo from England to other places.
First it went to Norway, and later to some other places.
After the master was dead, the ship was sold as scrap.

2 2min18s
Mayflower departed from England to America with another ship Speedwell.
But leaking happened to Speed well and Mayflower had to sail to America alone carrying lots of goods and customers.
Mayflower encountered some storms but finally arrived.

3 1min33
The function of major parts in Mayflower.

4 2min20
The original function of gun deck is a living place for master. and also a place for stored cargo.
Gun deck is also for Mayflower to protect itself from possible pariets.
But in the journey to America, passengers live in gun deck. it's very crowded.

5 1min46
The long journey across Atlantic is tough for women. But establishing colony need long time and men cannot live without wives.
Some masters left their wives behind while others take wives and childrem with them.

6 2min09
The mortality of women on Mayflower is higher than men and children.
Because they have to stay on ship for additional months,took care of the sick and were more likely to expose to disease.
The women left behind were alive. Later they come to build their home in America.

7 6min45
Some separatists move to Holland from England to find new church but disapointed.
They went to America by Mayflower to find new land.
When they got there, they met many problems.
They erected compacts and got help from local people and they survived.
发表于 2013-9-20 09:28:39 | 只看该作者
the author describe a story of the Mayflower.First, he tell us when and for what reason people are admitted to organize the mayflower. Then,he describe the constituent of the mayflower members.And a new company of speedwell cause the dalay thus making the mayflower suffer a miserable strom. Finally,they reached their primary destination but with some problem.In the primary months, they lived a hard life.Fortunately, they got the help of the local people,and the next year,they celebrate the harvest.
the author tells the history of the mayflower, which was first to ship goods between other countries and England. And it waw appointed to transmit P to the newland.After this voage,it was almost in ruin, and was sold in a very low price.
the S and M planed to set sail for america together, but the leaking of S was too serious to start its journey,M dicided to start itself.The problem they met with during the voage was seasick and the storm.Fortunately, they finally was almost right on target.
this paragraph describe the cargo hold of the mayflower, and the space for the shipmembers to sleep was very very small.
because of the weake body of women,some of the husbands decided to leave their wives behind, while most husbands diceided their wives should come with them.
Most of the women was died because of the poor condition on mayflower,while the women who had been left behind were still living.
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