
标题: 3 offers for PhD in accounting [打印本页]

作者: free_rabbit    时间: 2005-3-19 00:14
标题: 3 offers for PhD in accounting

Till yesterday, I got my third offer for PhD in accounting, and I think, that should be the best school I can get, for I am not a "cow", I am a boy..hehe..GMAT 720, GPA 3.9, MBA in USA.

Univer of Texas at Dallas, stipends, 18k/year, tuition waiver + 1800 healthcare insurance (I accept this one)

U of Texas at San Antonoio, stipends, 16k/year, tuition waiver + healthcare insurance

U of Hawaii at Manoa, stipends, 17.4k/year, tuition waiver + healthcare insurance

Anyway, I am still happy. Thank CD!!!

作者: gmatplayer    时间: 2005-3-19 00:21
作者: daydreamgril9    时间: 2005-3-19 00:45
Congratulations! Any experince to share, are you in TExas?
作者: free_rabbit    时间: 2005-3-19 01:08

I am now in a big village in Kentucky..haha..

作者: superstorm    时间: 2005-3-19 02:09
why not choose Hawaii?  If I were you, I would choose that.  aradise!
作者: free_rabbit    时间: 2005-3-19 02:58
because the faculty background and research ability in UTD is stronger. and Dallas is a nice city
作者: luckocean    时间: 2005-3-19 03:01
作者: apple01    时间: 2005-3-19 03:04
The accounting program in UTD is fine. It used to have one famous professor, not sure he is still there. UTD paid big bucks to keep him. Dallas is one of the ten biggest cities in US, but not really that nice, just a col and big city, no culture, not much going on, but living expenses are low. Make sure their tuition waiver is full waiver, since UT system usually requires you to pay in-state tuition, that would be 7-8K/year.
作者: free_rabbit    时间: 2005-3-19 03:25

Thank you very much. I know that it ever had a great professor, but he has gone to UC Riverside to be the dean, as I got the information. But it is still fine.

I have been in the village in KY for 2 years, I come to like big city. hehe..

As to the tuition, the letter citement is as following:

Your appointment as Graduate Teaching Assistant (GT) in the ersonName w:st="on">laceType w:st="on">SchoollaceType> of laceName w:st="on">ManagementlaceName>ersonName> will be compensated with a monthly stipend of $ 1,500 per month.  In addition, concurrently with your selection as a GTA, you have been selected to receive a UTD Graduate Studies Scholarship (GSS) that covers your full costs for UTD tuition and fees and also provides a $1,800 per year component that you can utilize for health care premiums.The total award for the Fall 05, Spring 06 and Summer 06 semesters is worth more than $34,000.

Does it means full waiver? please advise

作者: mablechen    时间: 2005-3-19 04:54


作者: apple01    时间: 2005-3-19 08:11
Yes, that is full-tuition waiver. You can have a great life with $1500/month in Dallas. Enjoy your study!
作者: niyou    时间: 2005-3-19 09:58
作者: stelladaiyan    时间: 2005-3-19 21:28



作者: free_rabbit    时间: 2005-3-20 00:48




如果你现在都还没有消息的话,并且如果你也有了电话面试了,那你可能在waiting list里面。Hawaii要求所有拿到offer的学生在3.18前必须要答复是否接受,信件摘录如下:

We are prepared to offer an 11 month graduate research assistantship
of 20 hours per week which will carry a full tuition waiver and other
benefits such as medical insurance and a stipend of at least $17,496
annually for the 2005-2006 academic period.  lease note that all
assistantships are offered on an annual basis and are renewable based
upon satisfactory performance in the program.  

We request that you respond to this offer and send us an email
acceptance prior to March 18, 2005 to remain eligible for the above
admission.  If we do not hear from you by March 18, 2005, we will
assume you have decided not to accept this admission, and your place
will be offered to another candidate.  

Congratulations on your offer and if you have any questions, please do
not hesitate to contact us at (808) 956-6723.

The PhD Program in International Management

所以,如果你在waiting list 里面的话,这个星期就会有答复了。你可以主动打电话去问他们,有时候e-mail不太好沟通的。

作者: n7_203    时间: 2005-3-20 01:57

Hi, 楼主,首先恭喜你.


我也申请了这个学校.前天问学校,说我在WAITING LIST 里,月底等你们回复了再给我结果.


作者: free_rabbit    时间: 2005-3-20 03:25

Hi, up,

I will accept the offer from UTD, though they need me to reply before Apr. 15, but I have replied them with "Accept".

I think UTD is pretty good school, though not very top. Its professors' backgrounds are very strong, as you know, if you applied it.

In fact my phone interview is not very long, about 30 minutes, the shortest of all phone interviews I had.

If you are in the waiting list, I am sure you are still have chances. I think, somebody may decline it, as I have declined two universities. So take it easy, I wish to work with you in near future

作者: n7_203    时间: 2005-3-20 03:35

Thanks for your reply.

I think my chance is slim, since I have not been interviewed until now.

Anyway, congratulation on  your success.

作者: free_rabbit    时间: 2005-3-20 03:54

hi, up, don't give up, girl, if you really want to pursue PhD.

I wonder whether you have got offer or not. If not, don't give up:-) If so, cong.. and wish to work with you in future career.

If you want to apply for next year, I suggest you to apply more schools in Texas. TX really has many good schools with good assistantship and decent placement. In fact the job Market of accounting Phd will last 10 year good situation.

Beside try UTD again, you can apply UTSA, which is a new and small program, the professors there are very nice and helpful to the students.

And then you can apply U of Northern Texas, I ever communicated with their professors for several times, and told them I would accept the offer from UTD. They can place the graduate to some research universities with Phd program. The salary is about 80-100k, not bad, though maybe a bit lower than UTD.

And I am sure UT Arlington will admit Phd in accounting in 2006 Fall. Its program is also small and neat.

Of course, no need for me to mention UT Austin and TAMU. I was ever in their waiting list, but was finally turned down one week ago. So I am pretty sure that as to my ability, UTD is the best preference.

In my memory, Rice U, SMU and U of Houston have no PhD program in accounting.

On the other hand, if you don't care much about the location, you can apply U of Hawaii at Manoa. It is also a reputated school and very nice to Chinese students. In fact, they prefer the students with academic and working background in China and Japan, because their program is focused on international accounting.

Though, I think, you are currently in USA, that is a great advantage for applying PhD in accounting. According to my observation, very few Chinese students can be admitted directly from China, without any background in USA, except the super top schools, such as MIT, Harvard, Yale and Wharton.

Good luck

作者: n7_203    时间: 2005-3-20 07:46

Thanks, free_rabbit, for your sharing and encouragement.

I have to say you deserve the offer. You prepared better than I did. My application for PhD was a mistake. My application for UTD is  “dramatic”. I got to know UTD because my email to another school was transferred there by chance.  Now the “drama” ends and I realize that the incorrect evaluation for myself is the main reason for my failure. I think I won’t application for PhD in the following year. Maybe I will pursue a master degree instead. Are you currently in an MSA program? If so, it will be great for me to get some idea from you.

Thanks again.
作者: free_rabbit    时间: 2005-3-20 07:51

hi, up,

I am in USA. you can add me to msn: z_weining(A)

I am pretty free these days, for the spring break is coming;

作者: larry98    时间: 2005-3-20 08:37

Congrats to free_rabbit!!

Welcome to Texas, hehe...

作者: free_rabbit    时间: 2005-3-20 08:49



作者: larry98    时间: 2005-3-20 08:55
hehe, any time...
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-3-20 8:55:35编辑过]

作者: nerisaaa2005    时间: 2005-3-20 09:50


作者: ba10625    时间: 2005-3-20 10:31


作者: dollphin    时间: 2005-3-20 18:30




作者: henryzhou    时间: 2005-3-20 23:08


作者: free_rabbit    时间: 2005-3-20 23:26



作者: barryccy    时间: 2005-3-21 23:14
I really think free_rabbit is very "cow"~~~
作者: gmatplayer    时间: 2005-3-21 23:34
以下是引用free_rabbit在2005-3-20 23:26:00的发言:



作者: icecdy    时间: 2005-3-22 04:49

is this background not "cow",gmat 720,GPA3.9,U.S mba and in U.S now?

作者: icecdy    时间: 2005-3-22 04:52
作者: free_rabbit    时间: 2005-3-22 06:53




1。研究方法。现在会计学比较流行的研究方法主要有两种: experimental,和archival empirical。相对来说,experimental比较倾向于behavior accounting和与psychology相关的领域,很多学校都有一个教授做这个方面的研究,但应该说,现在还并不是主流,比较有代表性的大学有Connell (它的三个教授曾经写过一片review,叫做Experimental Financial Accounting,应该算是该领域的经典。),U of Pittsburg(这个是behavior研究的重镇),U of South Carolina (几乎所有教授都作experimental,我曾经去过campus visit,教授非常好,program很小)。至于archival empirical的,几乎所有大学都是以这个为主吧,其中以数学,统计,计量经济学为主要研究工具,其中据说也分了门派,比如 U of Chicago 因为各个学科都受其经济学“绝对理性”的影响,会计也受此影响,还有CMU因为受“有限理性”和“算法思想”的影响,做的研究也是有所不同。不过这些都是说的比较小的program,对于大的program,十几二十人的这种,比如Austin,utd,就几乎什么领域都有所涉及了。不过,在申请该校前,最好还是和该校的学生或老师聊过了,再写PS。

Auditing, Behavior, Cost, Computer, Education, Financial, Governmental, History, International, Ethics, SEC, Business Law, Managerial, Non-profit, Internal Audit, Principles, Quantitative, CPA review, Systerms, Theory, Controllership, Advanced, Social, Taxation, Agency.

很多教授做其中几个领域。有一本书很好,叫Accounting Faculty Directory。你可以去找你们学校会计系的老师借来看看。

美国似乎有PhD in accounting program的学校大概100个左右,并且其中有些还是隔年招生的,比如UCLA, U of South Carolina, UT Arlington。并且大部分学校的招生人数是2-3人。所以据此估算,每年全美招收的phd in accounting 大概250-300人左右,应该说申请难度还是比较大的。不过毕业后的工作会比较好,这个市场据保守估计可以保持至少8年以上。现在如果毕业后能去研究性的大学收入大概是12万以上,一般三四流的非研究性大学也有8,9万以上。据说是商学院毕业生,在同等学校毕业收入最高的。所以竞争还是很激烈的。



作者: Julia2006    时间: 2005-3-22 14:38
以下是引用free_rabbit在2005-3-20 3:54:00的发言:

In my memory, Rice U, SMU and U of Houston have no PhD program in accounting.

I did remember U.of Houston provides PhD of Accounting program. and i applied for it this year. hehe

作者: free_rabbit    时间: 2005-3-22 14:54

oh, sorry.. you are right!

have you got it or other offer?

作者: luingor    时间: 2005-3-22 14:58
作者: icecdy    时间: 2005-3-22 15:56
作者: free_rabbit    时间: 2005-3-23 00:19

好像finance和marketing 也有我说得那重directory的。去找来研究一下

作者: apple01    时间: 2005-3-25 02:08
Hi Free_rabbit, are you still thinking of taking the CPA exam? Any study materials to share?
作者: ivysun99    时间: 2005-4-3 06:27

Hello! Congra!

My name is Huang,Qianyun. I am going to have a campus interview for PhD in Accounting next week. I was wondering if you could share some experience and any suggestion for how to best present myself? Thank you so much!



作者: free_rabbit    时间: 2005-4-3 09:07



其实,这里好多人估计都做过campus visit,他们估计会给你些更好的建议。

我的经历可能对三流学校的campus visit比较有效一些,因为都是三流学校录取的我。如果感兴趣,可以加我msn:-)


作者: humimi622    时间: 2005-4-12 03:46

I plan to apply for a Phd in accounting for 2006. I add your MSN account. Mine is humimi622(A) So you will expect more contact from me. Thank you in advance.

作者: free_rabbit    时间: 2005-4-12 04:51

You are welcome. I am glad, if I can help you. In fact, I am a very so so applicant.

As you see, many other more successful applicants can give you some insightful and inspiring opinions.

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