
标题: 7.31 CANADA [打印本页]

作者: pploo    时间: 2003-8-1 14:49
标题: 7.31 CANADA

听力:短对话一直是我的强项的,结果今天成了我的滑铁卢。原因后讲,因为做得不好, 浅意识就想忘掉它,记得的就更少拉。
2。关于LOST WAXING方法制作SCULPTURE的。题目有排序题,说制作过程的。先用蜡做成雕塑,然后用CLAY包上,烧,蜡溶了,但CLAY却硬了,再用铜水注进去,冷却。缺点是模具不能重复使用。(有题)


阅读 1。 动态摄影的发展过程,前人有述。
       2。 地球上地域不同吸收太阳辐射热量不同。冰雪反射的热能多,所以两极吸收的少,其他地区吸收的就多。高低纬度也不同。
      3。 鹿的顽强的生存能力。除了北加拿大和阿拉斯加,其他地方都有鹿群。鹿不但吃草,还吃鱼,不但吃小鱼,还吃大的。举了白尾鹿为例。
      4。 FORD发家史。
      5。 冰的分类,分布和特性。三种冰:CAP ICE, PACK ICE,ICEBERG。CAP ICE是联在一起的大块冰,PACK ICE 漂浮在水上,有被水断开的,ICEBERG很大,不是平的。飘在水上,有些可以飘两年。
convincing --persuditive
radically - extremly
immense - large


最后说说听力,我是第一次考,考前的一大堆废指导搅得我一脑袋浆糊,结果正题开始了我还不知道。一不留神好几道过去拉。结果22/11-28/25, 190 - 250 上学也许够了,工程师是没戏了,那天再来一次吧。

作者: britney_gao    时间: 2003-8-1 18:42
not very bad. as least you have this score and have the chance to get acceptance.
作者: 困难是弹簧    时间: 2003-8-1 20:49

作者: light    时间: 2003-8-2 02:06
谢谢pploo MM!

作者: redpassion    时间: 2003-8-2 02:18
作者: pploo    时间: 2003-8-2 03:45
是的,其实我已经有一年多的工程师经历,担心的就是TOEFL250这个底线, 还是没有达到.也许上学可以免了这一关,不过就要花时间了,还是考托来得快.平时的DELTAKEY模拟一直都在260以上的,因为我的短段子很少错,结果.......本来没想报学校的,一想到那些短对话,干脆把滑铁卢添上拉,做个纪念吧.

作者: pploo    时间: 2003-8-2 04:05
忘拉说作文: 认识一个国家有很多方式,你是否赞同通过看电影了解一个国家?
作者: jamesdigital    时间: 2003-8-2 07:55

作者: linne    时间: 2003-8-2 10:43
Please! what is "deltakey"? and where can I download it?
It is very helpful for us to prepair the test of Toefl?
By the way, where can I find out the answers of the pp?
Thank you!
作者: pploo    时间: 2003-8-2 13:32
我就是在本论坛下的DELTAKEY, 你不妨也在下载专区去下,只是需要虚拟光驱,去看看下载问题的说明就可以拉.
我很喜欢DELTA KEY, 一直在用它做模拟,和实际考试比较接近,尤其是阅读部分,专家门人为听力有点慢,其实只是短对话慢,我觉得长段子和考试差不多. 因为没有做过PP,没法给你建议. 不过别担心,这里的斑竹都很过硬,他们一定会给你满意答复的.
作者: pploo    时间: 2003-8-2 13:39
以下是引用jamesdigital在2003-8-2 7:55:00的发言:

放松心态,切忌浮燥,定个计划,选好资料,稳扎稳打. 一定会有收获的.
作者: nos36    时间: 2003-8-2 17:18
add background

Sunflower, common name for annual and perennial herbs of a genus of the family of composite flowers. The genus, which contains about 67 species, is thought to be native to South America originally, although sunflowers are now distributed almost worldwide. Some of the tall-growing forms may attain a height of 3 m (12 ft). The large, solitary blossom, sometimes as large as a meter in diameter, is composed of yellow ray flowers and a central disk of either yellow, brown, or purple flowers, depending on the species. The daily orientation of the flower to the sun is a direct result of differential growth of the stem. A plant-growth regulator, or auxin, accumulates on the shaded side of a plant when conditions of unequal light prevail. Because of this accumulation, the darker side grows faster than the sunlit side. Thus, the stem bends toward the sun.

lost waxing方法制作sculpture
Cire Perdue (French, ¡§lost wax¡§), process of wax casting used in making metal sculpture. A model is coated with wax. The solidified wax is encased in a two-layer mold of plaster or clay. It is then melted or otherwise removed from the mold, and metal is poured into the space where the wax had been. After cooling, the mold is broken to free the metal object. This ancient method is used to produce sculpture, jewelry, and utilitarian products such as dentures.

作者: linne    时间: 2003-8-3 00:06
Thank you very much! I will keep fingers crossed all the time!

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