
标题: 在美国读商科的孩子现在很迷茫,望前辈指点 [打印本页]

作者: carmensh    时间: 2015-5-7 06:01
标题: 在美国读商科的孩子现在很迷茫,望前辈指点
哎,也不知从何说起,就先介绍下我现在的情况吧。。。现在美国读商科master,第一年,还有半年毕业,这学期选了三门课,想着上学期四门课有两门拿了B,这学期课选少一点,可以把GPA提上去,但是 这学期偏偏期末都考的很差,出乎意料的拿了三门B,现在GPA只有可怜的3.3.其实我真的努力认真学习了,曾经高中也是高分学霸,可是真的不知道为什么,一到期末考试就会出现莫名其妙的差错,会做题却做错,美国这边,也没有3.7,3.3什么的,不是4.0就是3.0。我也知道,已经读研究生了,还没有掌握学习方法这个很丢人,可是现在真的很不知所措。下学期只有两门课,换句话说,就算这两门课都拿了A,最后GPA也不会超过3.5.我原本并没有讲GPA当作很难得一件事,但是现在想到,这样的 GPA真的不知道会对自己半年后找工作产生怎样的影响,就觉得快要哭了出来。看着身边很多平时不怎么学习的同学最后都比我GPA高了很多,其实心里很委屈,也很懊恼。知道自己在这个板块发这样的帖子大家会很不屑,可是自己也真的不知道该怎么办才好了。我现在的专业,在我现在学校的地理位置,找到工作的可能性为0,只有回国找工作,知道国内很看重GPA,所以很怕到时候找不到工作。恳请前辈指点。

作者: matthewysun    时间: 2015-5-19 15:38
It's a price you need to pay. Of course it'll be great if you can get an awesome GPA, but shit happens in life so do the best you can and MOVE ON.

My GPA sucks because I spent time doing too many non-academic things when I was in University in UK. I regretted it for a long time hope I could have got some better judgement by then. I was depressed and under a lot of pressure, especially when seeing all of my classmates landing in IB/Consulting while I just got in to a 2nd tier Chemical company, IN CHINA. And I had no choice but to work hard on my job, later this year, my company will sponsor my MBA in the US with a return offer. So life isn't too bad after all.

Whatever happened happened, LIVE IN THE MOMENT. You are still in school so there're still time for you to improve your GPA, besides, getting a job is much more work than a good GPA, you need to do research, networking, becoming proactive for a lot of things. So there are a lot of things you can do to make your career the way you wanted it, trust me, being depressed is the last thing you will need.

Sleep not too late and get up 6.00am EVERYDAY, keep that ritual whatever was going on in your life, never stop exercising, you need this physical stimulation to cure your confidence. Just keep it in mind at all times, LIVE IN THE MOMENT.

Sometimes we need to take the wrong paths to get to the right destination. Hope that helped.
作者: Fighting-Je    时间: 2015-5-25 14:37
matthewysun 发表于 2015-5-19 15:38
It's a price you need to pay. Of course it'll be great if you can get an awesome GPA, but shit happe ...

作者: MaisonBelle    时间: 2015-6-1 06:39
gpa 其实有的时候没有那么重要  我gpa 很低的 现在在 citi 做 risk mgmt 也拿到了offer 同届的 gpa 4.0 的 还是很多找不到工作的, 有的时候是个运气的事情, 而且 知道自己要什么, 才比较重要!!!我打算年底辞职回国了  这个工作不是我想做的!!!  摸索着前进!!
作者: 郁兰都    时间: 2015-6-6 16:38
matthewysun 发表于 2015-5-19 15:38
It's a price you need to pay. Of course it'll be great if you can get an awesome GPA, but shit happe ...

Great answer for worried students including those studying domestically
作者: zjy604    时间: 2015-6-6 18:08
作者: rachel_gushi    时间: 2015-6-12 22:49
matthewysun 发表于 2015-5-19 15:38
It's a price you need to pay. Of course it'll be great if you can get an awesome GPA, but shit happe ...

作者: Gniu    时间: 2015-7-23 16:26
MaisonBelle 发表于 2015-6-1 06:39
gpa 其实有的时候没有那么重要  我gpa 很低的 现在在 citi 做 risk mgmt 也拿到了offer 同届的 gpa 4.0 的  ...

作者: Doris1010    时间: 2015-8-11 21:46
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作者: Sherrywangjiemo    时间: 2015-8-13 16:11
rachel_gushi 发表于 2015-6-12 22:49


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