非常感谢,我不是机遇主义者,确实是我到了瓶颈,趋于定型,如果不谋求一个改变我这辈子的思维意识,个人素质,和能够达到的高度也就这样了,我现在考虑的更多的是我自己的一个反思和升华的过程而不是收入和职位高低的问题。可以说是找虐吧。。。作者: JonFrank 时间: 2015-5-12 09:13
Hello there!
So the first thing is for you to think what kind of program is best for you: A full-time two year program where you do nothing but study? A one-year program because you don’t want to take too much time off? Or a part-time or EMBA program so you can continue working while you do your MBA… All can make sense depending on your goals and how you see yourself developing.
But otherwise your GMAT is great and your work experience seems quite nice. You didn’t write how old you were, although I would guess about 31??? Anyhow, 31-32 is still fine for a full-time MBA, although it will make it all little bit harder.
If you write me a bit more detail about what your goals are, how old you are, and what you did in the last 10 years, it will be much easier for me to help you,