作者: godfathersxy 时间: 2015-5-7 04:18
job wise, accounting is definitely an easy-to-pick-up profession, no matter where you are (us or canada).
if you want do well in finance or financial management, accounting is a must.
supply chain managerment may be your best bet. but i am not sure how easy it is to find a job after graduation. 作者: yhc1101 时间: 2015-5-9 12:02
浮浮浮浮浮作者: ktuan 时间: 2015-7-8 20:53
不想读会计的话,5和6是很好的选择,加上你有绿卡,选择一些就业情况比较好的州就更加有把握了~作者: Aprilhwj 时间: 2015-8-22 15:50
感谢分享! 作者: wangyi1233 时间: 2019-3-31 11:08