也欢迎各种其他建议和问题哈~ 作者: warumgmat 时间: 2015-4-21 07:37
个人意见。其实没有什么天高地厚,名校项目80%的候选人都差不多,问题就看怎么present你的case。建议先找些靠谱的consultant问问。有些consultant可能会免费帮你review你自己DIY的申请材料,看看哪里有不足,他们是否能帮到你。我个人觉得MBA申请定位非常关键,即便最后决定不花钱找顾问,多找人聊聊可能会有所帮助。作者: cy0925 时间: 2015-4-21 17:01
嗯,多找人聊聊比较重要,分析失败的原因,看看有没有进步的空间再做好下一步的申请规划。作者: osmal420 时间: 2015-4-21 22:54
这么好的背景,估计是第一年没有present好吧。作者: howardpiao 时间: 2015-4-22 10:54
Anderson有体育管理方向的MBA,感觉更适合你的career goal作者: selma_wes 时间: 2015-4-22 11:10
要是出问题还是在文书上吧...作者: JonFrank 时间: 2015-4-23 00:05
Hello there,
Well actually from what I can see here, I really like your profile! You have a lot of really unique and great things, esp for a Chinese applicant. You have of course that fantastic GMAT! You work in Media. You have pan-asian international experience…. It’s great!
I think you can for sure stick to Top 10 schools. The BIG question is: What went wrong with your last applications? Because on paper, your profile looks good. So maybe you should have someone take a look at your applications and give you feedback, so you can figure out how to proceed this season?