标题: INSEAD or LBS 都有小奖,纠结中 [打印本页] 作者: wozuiqiang 时间: 2015-4-14 15:11 标题: INSEAD or LBS 都有小奖,纠结中 寻求各位牛牛意见,本来决定去法国了,但昨晚的LBS奖学金邮件搅乱了思绪。。。作为万恶的处女座,对这样的纠结,我有点受不了,只能听大家想法 - INSEAD with $ VS LBS with $?
求大牛指点迷津?。。。期待你们不同的perspectives。。。作者: JYangSBS 时间: 2015-4-14 16:08
lz家已经有一个insead了,你要是有LBS的话 就是强强联手啊。network会很大的。而且伦敦还是欧洲的核心,机会很多。。。个人感觉:LBS作者: amanilulu 时间: 2015-4-14 21:39
另外楼主说的 16j 微信群是那个啊?求入群!!!谢谢!作者: JonFrank 时间: 2015-4-14 23:24
Hello there,
Well I usually tell people what I will tell you: Go to the better school. and in this case it is LBS. Especially since you come from a finance background. London will probably be a lot more interesting for you than Paris. If you are still unsure, since this is a huge decision, you may want to VISIT both schools before you finalize your decision.
I hope this helps,
Jon作者: freezzing 时间: 2015-4-15 03:54
如果从家庭和谐的角度应该是选Insead,其他考虑都应该是LBS作者: Sekki 时间: 2015-4-15 12:02