学校:英国某排名15左右BA accounting and finance 人蠢还贪玩最后险拿upper second
成绩:GMAT和雅思都是几年前申master时候考的 690和7.5 果断没申到dream school 直接回家了
工作:魔都某HF总裁助理半年 其实就是专业打酱油 后来去HK某BB IBD OPERATION到现在2年 去年刚被promote做了个小小的Manager
证书:啥也没有 cfa过了2级 不过也是不打算说了
target是imperial mba 各位大神觉得有戏吗 如果G要重考 大概是要几分才有戏啊
再次谢谢大家的帮助啦~!作者: JonFrank 时间: 2015-4-8 14:34
Hello there,
Good to hear from you! So, in reality I would need a bit more detail to REALLY evaluate you, but it seems like your work experience is pretty great! And I think schools would think so too. If you were applying at Imperial and similar schools, I’m not even sure you would need to retake your GMAT. Although if you DO think you could do better, it can never hurt!